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Home A/C not working?

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  • Home A/C not working?

    Well, I knew one day it would stop just wished not when it's hot! My home a/c outside fan isn't working, there's still air blowing in the house but it's not very cool.

    Any tips or A/C Repair recommendations?

    This sucks

  • #2
    Run capacitor is a good place to start. I know several people who keep a spare on hand.


    • #3
      Check the home improvement section.

      I'm sure someone can reccommend a good service.


      • #4
        Have you tried hitting it?
        Seriously though, the capacitor previously suggested is a good one.
        "Laws that forbid the carrying of arms...disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes...Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man." - Thomas Jefferson, 1776


        • #5
          Capacitor. Sometimes it's obvious. Open up and sometimes the capacitor will be bulged out.


          • #6
            I seriously don't want to attempt fixing my a/c no telling what additional damage I'd do.


            • #7

              Same shit happened to me two days ago. Went to check it and found a crispy gecko on the terminals. New cap and a legth of wire to replace the damaged one and I was good to go.


              • #8
                Originally posted by bjtheman1 View Post
                I seriously don't want to attempt fixing my a/c no telling what additional damage I'd do.
                Not hard at all.

                Turn the breakers for the ac off.
                Go to the outside unit.
                Take the outside cover off. (Prolly 4 screws) phillips screwdriver needed.
                Look at capacitor. Is it bulging? Have a dead gecko on it? Etc?
                If so, unplug it and take it out. The plate holding it in should be another two screws.
                Take the cap to an ac supply store and get a new one. ($20)
                Replace and turn the breakers back on.

                Easy peasy.


                • #9
                  *If* it's the cap, spend the few extra bucks to get an American made cap, the Chinese caps tend to fail far quicker.


                  • #10
                    No sense in paying $125 to replace a $20 part that is easily accessible


                    • #11
                      Could also be ants shorting out the contacts.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by mstng86 View Post
                        No sense in paying $125 to replace a $20 part that is easily accessible
                        You're talking about an AC service call premium price. To buy it yourself is no where near that much.


                        • #13
                          My friend is a ac tech and I go help him sometimes. 9/ times out of 10 it's the capacitor.
                          Street car.

