Arrest Title
Aggravated assault with motor vehicle Yes
Allow passenger to stand/sit improperly on a school bus Yes
Bus driver failed to activate warning signal/equipment Yes
Bus failed to stop at RR crossing Yes
Bus shifting gears while crossing RR tracks Yes
Carry motorcycle passenger under 5; except in side car Yes
Changed lane when unsafe Yes
Child passenger safety seat offense Yes
Coasting Yes
Coasting (truck, truck tractor or bus, specify) with clutch disengaged Yes
Consume alcohol while driving Yes
Criminal negligent homicide with motor vehicle--1st or 2nd degree Yes
Crossed RR with heavy equipment without notice Yes
Crossed RR with heavy equipment without stop (or safety) Yes
Crossing fire hose without permission Yes
Crossing physical barrier Yes
Cut across driveway to make turn Yes
Cut corner left turn Yes
Cut in after passing Yes
Did not use designated lane or direction Yes
Disregard solid green turn signal arrow Yes
Disregard warning signs or barricades Yes
Disregarded flashing red signal (at stop sign, etc.) Yes
Disregarded flashing yellow signal Yes
Disregarded lane control signal Yes
Disregarded no lane change sign Yes
Disregarded no passing zone Yes
Disregarded police officer Yes
Disregarded RR crossing gate or flagman Yes
Disregarded signal at RR crossing Yes
Disregarded traffic control device Yes
Disregarded turn marks at intersection Yes
Disregarded warning sign at construction Yes
Drive into block where fire engine stopped Yes
Driving around barricades Yes
Driving under influence No
Driving under influence (DUI)--minor Yes
Driving under influence of drugs No
Driving while impaired No
Driving while intoxicated > 0.16 No
Driving while intoxicated with child younger than 15 yoa No
Driving while intoxicated--felony No
Driving while intoxicated--juvenile No
Driving while intoxicated--misdemeanor No
Driving while intoxicated--on beach No
Driving while intoxicated--probated No
Driving while intoxicated--under 21 No
Driving while license disqualified--CMV No
Driving while license suspended under provisions of DL laws No
Driving while license suspended--SR No
Drove center lane (not passing, not turning left) Yes
Drove on (or across) streetcar tracks where prohibited Yes
Drove on sidewalk Yes
Drove on wrong side--RR crossing Yes
Drove on wrong side of approaching bridge Yes
Drove on wrong side of divided highway Yes
Drove on wrong side of road Yes
Drove on wrong side road approaching intersection Yes
Drove on wrong side road approaching RR grade crossing Yes
Drove on wrong side road awaiting access to ferry Yes
Drove onto (or from) controlled access highway where prohibited Yes
Drove through safety zone Yes
Drove to left of rotary traffic island Yes
Drove without lights--when required Yes
Drove wrong way in designated lane Yes
Drove wrong way on one-way roadway Yes
Endorsement violation CDL No
Fail stop proper place-flash red signal Yes
Fail to control speed Yes
Fail to dim headlights--following Yes
Fail to dim headlights--meeting Yes
Fail to drive in single lane Yes
Fail to give hand signals when required Yes
Fail to give info/render aid No
Fail to give one-half of roadway Yes
Fail to keep to right on mountain road Yes
Fail to pass left safely Yes
Fail to pass met vehicle to right Yes
Fail to pass to right safely Yes
Fail to signal for stop Yes
Fail to signal required distance before turning Yes
Fail to signal turn Yes
Fail to signal with turn indicator Yes
Fail to sound horn--mountain road Yes
Fail to stop--designated point--at stop sign Yes
Fail to stop--designated point--at yield sign Yes
Fail to stop and render aid--felony No
Fail to stop and render aid--misdemeanor No
Fail to stop at marked RR crossing Yes
Fail to stop at proper place (at traffic light) Yes
Fail to stop at proper place (flashing red signal) Yes
Fail to stop at proper place (not at intersection) Yes
Fail to stop for approaching train Yes
Fail to stop for school bus (or remain stopped, specify) Yes
Fail to stop for streetcar--or stop at wrong location Yes
Fail to stop--emerging from alley, driveway or bldg. Yes
Fail to use due care for pedestrian Yes
Fail to use proper headlight beam Yes
Fail to yield at stop intersection Yes
Fail to yield at yield intersection Yes
Fail to yield for blind or incapacitated person Yes
Fail to yield right of way Yes
Fail to yield right of way from private road Yes
Fail to yield row at open intersection (specify type) Yes
Fail to yield row leaving (private drive, alley, building) Yes
Fail to yield row on green arrow signal Yes
Fail to yield row on green signal Yes
Fail to yield row on left at obstruction Yes
Fail to yield row to emergency vehicle Yes
Fail to yield row to pedestrian at signal intersection Yes
Fail to yield row to pedestrian in crosswalk Yes
Fail to yield row to pedestrian in crosswalk--no signal Yes
Fail to yield row to pedestrian on sidewalk Yes
Fail to yield row to pedestrian turning right or left at intersection Yes
Fail to yield row--changing lanes Yes
Fail to yield row--turning left (at intersection, alley, private road or driveway) Yes
Fail to yield row--turning right on red signal Yes
Fail to yield to vehicle in intersection Yes
Fail to yield to vehicle leaving highway Yes
Failed to give way when overtaken Yes
Failed to signal lane change Yes
Fleeing from police officer Yes
Following ambulance Yes
Following fire apparatus Yes
Following too closely Yes
Following too closely--caravan Yes
Following too closely--truck Yes
Head lamps glaring not adjusted Yes
Heavy equipment disregarded signal of train Yes
Illegal backing Yes
Illegal pass on right Yes
Illegally passed streetcar Yes
Impeding traffic Yes
Improper passing Yes
Improper turn Yes
Improper turn or stop hand signal Yes
Improper use of auxiliary driving lamps Yes
Improper use of auxiliary passing lamps Yes
Improper use of lighting--hwy. equip. Yes
Improper use of spot lamps Yes
Improper use of turn indicator Yes
Increased speed while being overtaken Yes
Interfere with streetcar Yes
Intoxication assault No
Intoxication assault motor vehicle No
Intoxication manslaughter No
Intoxication manslaughter motor vehicle No
Involuntary manslaughter with motor vehicle Yes
Lack of caution on green arrow signal Yes
Leaving scene of accident Yes
Made U-turn on curve or hill Yes
Negligent collision Yes
No commercial driver license (CDL) No
No double trailer endorsement (CDL) No
No driver license No
No hazmat endorsement (CDL) No
No motorcycle endorsement No
No passenger vehicle endorsement (CDL) No
No tank vehicle endorsement (CDL) No
No school bus endorsement (CDL) No
Obstructed view through windshield Yes
Obstructing traffic Yes
Open Container DRIVER Yes
Operate school bus over passenger design capacity Yes
Operate school bus with door open Yes
Operate vehicle more than one passenger-minor Yes
Operate vehicle where prohibited Yes
Operate vehicle with child in open bed Yes
Passed streetcar on left without reducing speed or without caution Yes
Passed vehicle stopped for pedestrian Yes
Passed--insufficient clearance Yes
Passengers/load obstruct driver's view or control Yes
Passing authorized emergency vehicle Yes
Permitted/operated unsafe vehicle Yes
Person(s) riding in trailer or semi-trailer Yes
Prohibited motor vehicle on controlled-access highway Yes
Racing--drag racing--acceleration contest, etc. Yes
Ran red light Yes
Ran stop sign Yes
Reckless driving Yes
Restriction violation--CDL Yes
Slower vehicle failed to keep to right Yes
Speed under minimum Yes
Speeding No
Speeding > 10% above posted speed limit Yes
Speeding--15 miles or over (CDL) Yes
Speeding--school zone Yes
Too many riders on motorcycle Yes
Turned across dividing section Yes
Turned left from wrong lane Yes
Turned right from wrong lane Yes
Turned right too wide Yes
Turned so as to impede or interfere with streetcar Yes
Turned when unsafe Yes
Unauthorized use of siren, bell or whistle Yes
Unsafe speed (too fast for conditions) Yes
Unsafe start Yes
Unsafe start from parked, stopped or standing position Yes
Use of school bus signal for wrong purpose Yes
Use wireless device while driving bus Yes
Use wireless device while driving--minor Yes
Use wireless device in school zone Yes
Veh. hauling explosives (or flammable materials) failed to stop at RR crossing Yes
Veh. hauling explosives failed to reduce speed at RR crossing Yes
Vehicle without required equipment or in unsafe condition Yes
Violate DL restriction Yes
Violate DL restriction on occupational license Yes
Violate operating hours-minor Yes
Violated out of service order Yes
Violated out-of-service order hazmat and/or passenger Yes
Wrong side road--not passing Yes
Wrong side, 4 or more lane, two-way roadway Yes
When you click on the attached graphic it shows up.$ext.TacPage?sl=R&app=9&p_dir=&p_rloc=&p_tl oc=&p_ploc=&pg=1&ti=37&ch=15&rl=89
Aggravated assault with motor vehicle Yes
Allow passenger to stand/sit improperly on a school bus Yes
Bus driver failed to activate warning signal/equipment Yes
Bus failed to stop at RR crossing Yes
Bus shifting gears while crossing RR tracks Yes
Carry motorcycle passenger under 5; except in side car Yes
Changed lane when unsafe Yes
Child passenger safety seat offense Yes
Coasting Yes
Coasting (truck, truck tractor or bus, specify) with clutch disengaged Yes
Consume alcohol while driving Yes
Criminal negligent homicide with motor vehicle--1st or 2nd degree Yes
Crossed RR with heavy equipment without notice Yes
Crossed RR with heavy equipment without stop (or safety) Yes
Crossing fire hose without permission Yes
Crossing physical barrier Yes
Cut across driveway to make turn Yes
Cut corner left turn Yes
Cut in after passing Yes
Did not use designated lane or direction Yes
Disregard solid green turn signal arrow Yes
Disregard warning signs or barricades Yes
Disregarded flashing red signal (at stop sign, etc.) Yes
Disregarded flashing yellow signal Yes
Disregarded lane control signal Yes
Disregarded no lane change sign Yes
Disregarded no passing zone Yes
Disregarded police officer Yes
Disregarded RR crossing gate or flagman Yes
Disregarded signal at RR crossing Yes
Disregarded traffic control device Yes
Disregarded turn marks at intersection Yes
Disregarded warning sign at construction Yes
Drive into block where fire engine stopped Yes
Driving around barricades Yes
Driving under influence No
Driving under influence (DUI)--minor Yes
Driving under influence of drugs No
Driving while impaired No
Driving while intoxicated > 0.16 No
Driving while intoxicated with child younger than 15 yoa No
Driving while intoxicated--felony No
Driving while intoxicated--juvenile No
Driving while intoxicated--misdemeanor No
Driving while intoxicated--on beach No
Driving while intoxicated--probated No
Driving while intoxicated--under 21 No
Driving while license disqualified--CMV No
Driving while license suspended under provisions of DL laws No
Driving while license suspended--SR No
Drove center lane (not passing, not turning left) Yes
Drove on (or across) streetcar tracks where prohibited Yes
Drove on sidewalk Yes
Drove on wrong side--RR crossing Yes
Drove on wrong side of approaching bridge Yes
Drove on wrong side of divided highway Yes
Drove on wrong side of road Yes
Drove on wrong side road approaching intersection Yes
Drove on wrong side road approaching RR grade crossing Yes
Drove on wrong side road awaiting access to ferry Yes
Drove onto (or from) controlled access highway where prohibited Yes
Drove through safety zone Yes
Drove to left of rotary traffic island Yes
Drove without lights--when required Yes
Drove wrong way in designated lane Yes
Drove wrong way on one-way roadway Yes
Endorsement violation CDL No
Fail stop proper place-flash red signal Yes
Fail to control speed Yes
Fail to dim headlights--following Yes
Fail to dim headlights--meeting Yes
Fail to drive in single lane Yes
Fail to give hand signals when required Yes
Fail to give info/render aid No
Fail to give one-half of roadway Yes
Fail to keep to right on mountain road Yes
Fail to pass left safely Yes
Fail to pass met vehicle to right Yes
Fail to pass to right safely Yes
Fail to signal for stop Yes
Fail to signal required distance before turning Yes
Fail to signal turn Yes
Fail to signal with turn indicator Yes
Fail to sound horn--mountain road Yes
Fail to stop--designated point--at stop sign Yes
Fail to stop--designated point--at yield sign Yes
Fail to stop and render aid--felony No
Fail to stop and render aid--misdemeanor No
Fail to stop at marked RR crossing Yes
Fail to stop at proper place (at traffic light) Yes
Fail to stop at proper place (flashing red signal) Yes
Fail to stop at proper place (not at intersection) Yes
Fail to stop for approaching train Yes
Fail to stop for school bus (or remain stopped, specify) Yes
Fail to stop for streetcar--or stop at wrong location Yes
Fail to stop--emerging from alley, driveway or bldg. Yes
Fail to use due care for pedestrian Yes
Fail to use proper headlight beam Yes
Fail to yield at stop intersection Yes
Fail to yield at yield intersection Yes
Fail to yield for blind or incapacitated person Yes
Fail to yield right of way Yes
Fail to yield right of way from private road Yes
Fail to yield row at open intersection (specify type) Yes
Fail to yield row leaving (private drive, alley, building) Yes
Fail to yield row on green arrow signal Yes
Fail to yield row on green signal Yes
Fail to yield row on left at obstruction Yes
Fail to yield row to emergency vehicle Yes
Fail to yield row to pedestrian at signal intersection Yes
Fail to yield row to pedestrian in crosswalk Yes
Fail to yield row to pedestrian in crosswalk--no signal Yes
Fail to yield row to pedestrian on sidewalk Yes
Fail to yield row to pedestrian turning right or left at intersection Yes
Fail to yield row--changing lanes Yes
Fail to yield row--turning left (at intersection, alley, private road or driveway) Yes
Fail to yield row--turning right on red signal Yes
Fail to yield to vehicle in intersection Yes
Fail to yield to vehicle leaving highway Yes
Failed to give way when overtaken Yes
Failed to signal lane change Yes
Fleeing from police officer Yes
Following ambulance Yes
Following fire apparatus Yes
Following too closely Yes
Following too closely--caravan Yes
Following too closely--truck Yes
Head lamps glaring not adjusted Yes
Heavy equipment disregarded signal of train Yes
Illegal backing Yes
Illegal pass on right Yes
Illegally passed streetcar Yes
Impeding traffic Yes
Improper passing Yes
Improper turn Yes
Improper turn or stop hand signal Yes
Improper use of auxiliary driving lamps Yes
Improper use of auxiliary passing lamps Yes
Improper use of lighting--hwy. equip. Yes
Improper use of spot lamps Yes
Improper use of turn indicator Yes
Increased speed while being overtaken Yes
Interfere with streetcar Yes
Intoxication assault No
Intoxication assault motor vehicle No
Intoxication manslaughter No
Intoxication manslaughter motor vehicle No
Involuntary manslaughter with motor vehicle Yes
Lack of caution on green arrow signal Yes
Leaving scene of accident Yes
Made U-turn on curve or hill Yes
Negligent collision Yes
No commercial driver license (CDL) No
No double trailer endorsement (CDL) No
No driver license No
No hazmat endorsement (CDL) No
No motorcycle endorsement No
No passenger vehicle endorsement (CDL) No
No tank vehicle endorsement (CDL) No
No school bus endorsement (CDL) No
Obstructed view through windshield Yes
Obstructing traffic Yes
Open Container DRIVER Yes
Operate school bus over passenger design capacity Yes
Operate school bus with door open Yes
Operate vehicle more than one passenger-minor Yes
Operate vehicle where prohibited Yes
Operate vehicle with child in open bed Yes
Passed streetcar on left without reducing speed or without caution Yes
Passed vehicle stopped for pedestrian Yes
Passed--insufficient clearance Yes
Passengers/load obstruct driver's view or control Yes
Passing authorized emergency vehicle Yes
Permitted/operated unsafe vehicle Yes
Person(s) riding in trailer or semi-trailer Yes
Prohibited motor vehicle on controlled-access highway Yes
Racing--drag racing--acceleration contest, etc. Yes
Ran red light Yes
Ran stop sign Yes
Reckless driving Yes
Restriction violation--CDL Yes
Slower vehicle failed to keep to right Yes
Speed under minimum Yes
Speeding No
Speeding > 10% above posted speed limit Yes
Speeding--15 miles or over (CDL) Yes
Speeding--school zone Yes
Too many riders on motorcycle Yes
Turned across dividing section Yes
Turned left from wrong lane Yes
Turned right from wrong lane Yes
Turned right too wide Yes
Turned so as to impede or interfere with streetcar Yes
Turned when unsafe Yes
Unauthorized use of siren, bell or whistle Yes
Unsafe speed (too fast for conditions) Yes
Unsafe start Yes
Unsafe start from parked, stopped or standing position Yes
Use of school bus signal for wrong purpose Yes
Use wireless device while driving bus Yes
Use wireless device while driving--minor Yes
Use wireless device in school zone Yes
Veh. hauling explosives (or flammable materials) failed to stop at RR crossing Yes
Veh. hauling explosives failed to reduce speed at RR crossing Yes
Vehicle without required equipment or in unsafe condition Yes
Violate DL restriction Yes
Violate DL restriction on occupational license Yes
Violate operating hours-minor Yes
Violated out of service order Yes
Violated out-of-service order hazmat and/or passenger Yes
Wrong side road--not passing Yes
Wrong side, 4 or more lane, two-way roadway Yes
When you click on the attached graphic it shows up.$ext.TacPage?sl=R&app=9&p_dir=&p_rloc=&p_tl oc=&p_ploc=&pg=1&ti=37&ch=15&rl=89