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Begging/panhandling with kids.

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  • #16
    Craziest one I saw was back around Christmas. Some dude at Walmart was standing next to a bucket ringing a bell. Lots of people were giving him money. I can't believe he didn't get run off.


    • #17
      if i can work to feed clothe and keep a roof over Jr and Sr.'s head so can everyone else.

      god bless.
      It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men -Frederick Douglass


      • #18
        Originally posted by Sgt Beavis View Post
        The craziest I saw was in front of Home Depot in Denton. I lady in Muslim garb with a kid begging in the shade of the Home Depot sign.

        I've had a couple of people ask me for gas in the past. I now ask them to let me see the gas guage. I'm willling to help. There are lots of bums out there that won't work but the sad reality is that the economy still sucks balls and number of people in poverty is growing in this country...
        Originally posted by Mysticcobrakilla View Post
        Interesting, I saw the same shit here at the mansfield Home Depot two weeks ago.
        panhandling to buy fertilizer and diesel. the terrorist have won!

        god bless.
        It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men -Frederick Douglass


        • #19
          If they hit me up at the gas pump, I tell them "I put everything on credit because I don't have any cash".


          • #20
            ever had someone ask for gas money and the car they were driving was nicer then yours? lol..


            • #21
              I'll offer to buy them food or show me their gas gauge and buy them a few gallons if they truly are empty, shit happens, sometimes people are just down on their luck.

              What really pisses me off is when they tell me they're car is around the block and when I offer them gas they say never mind or I offer them food and they walk away. Those are the dirtbags and sadly make up the majority of the panhandlers.

              I've known homeless ppl and junkies and I know for a fact that all the ones I've known on a personal level spend almost every penny of what they get on drugs or booze. It's absurd.


              • #22
                Had one come up to me at a gas station in New Mexico. He said he didn't have enough gas to get to Midland and that he and his family were going there to look for work. I filled his tank and gave him my business card and told him to be at my office Monday morning and I would see about getting him a job. Monday morning he arrived right at 8am. Got him on a Frac crew the following week. He still stops by and thanks me for helping him out. Sometimes they are in real need, guess I got lucky with this one. He is still working for us and is one of the best hands according to his manager.
                I think his point is that the fish got low balled, fucked in the catfish asshole and you paid half price. The worst part was the fish explaining to his fish friends why his asshole smelled like redneck


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Blame Canada View Post
                  Had one come up to me at a gas station in New Mexico. He said he didn't have enough gas to get to Midland and that he and his family were going there to look for work. I filled his tank and gave him my business card and told him to be at my office Monday morning and I would see about getting him a job. Monday morning he arrived right at 8am. Got him on a Frac crew the following week. He still stops by and thanks me for helping him out. Sometimes they are in real need, guess I got lucky with this one. He is still working for us and is one of the best hands according to his manager.
                  That's good stuff right there.


                  • #24
                    I don't understand the ones with dogs. If you're hungry, eat the fucking dog.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Blame Canada View Post
                      Had one come up to me at a gas station in New Mexico. He said he didn't have enough gas to get to Midland and that he and his family were going there to look for work. I filled his tank and gave him my business card and told him to be at my office Monday morning and I would see about getting him a job. Monday morning he arrived right at 8am. Got him on a Frac crew the following week. He still stops by and thanks me for helping him out. Sometimes they are in real need, guess I got lucky with this one. He is still working for us and is one of the best hands according to his manager.
                      Some people just have bad luck, make bad decisions and choices in life. I've had people like that and I have given them chances at my company and they have been the best employees. No cel phones to distract them, no money for cig breaks and usually no money for drugs and alcohol. Most of them move on to better things and they are always grateful, some fall back into the abyss and never make it back...

                      I also saw a muslim lady in full garb begging behind the Wendys on 121 and Custer, her sign said she has kids and needs money. Thing is, she has been there before. This time people were dropping off food and bags from Target. It seems like a scam to me...
                      Originally posted by Silverback
                      Look all you want, she can't find anyone else who treats her as bad as I do, and I keep her self esteem so low, she wouldn't think twice about going anywhere else.


                      • #26
                        I think this is the new thing, I know its bee around forever but here recently I have been begged multiple times in the same stop for gas. I am thinking that some peoples dignity has completely evaporated to the point that when they need gas they just go and ask around until they get some. To them they got some gas for free and are now able to waste their money on something else. Worse thing that they think will happen is that some stranger that they will never see again thinks they are a pos.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Sean88gt View Post
                          I don't understand the ones with dogs. If you're hungry, eat the fucking dog.
                          No shit. I understand people have debt they cant pay that can be beyond their control. I think there are more fucked up people in world now than ever. No drive just poor me.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Blame Canada View Post
                            Had one come up to me at a gas station in New Mexico. He said he didn't have enough gas to get to Midland and that he and his family were going there to look for work. I filled his tank and gave him my business card and told him to be at my office Monday morning and I would see about getting him a job. Monday morning he arrived right at 8am. Got him on a Frac crew the following week. He still stops by and thanks me for helping him out. Sometimes they are in real need, guess I got lucky with this one. He is still working for us and is one of the best hands according to his manager.
                            See that's awesome right there. You did get lucky, LOL!


                            • #29
                              BERNIE MOSFET and I were at a QT when some white trashery pulls up at an angle in front of our pump in a beat-ass Grand Prix. I'm instantly getting alarm bells in my head because they didn't even pull up to the pump in front us us, just at an angle blocking BERNIE's car. Trashette spills out with the obligatory long, stringy brown hair, jean shorts and baggy tan t-shirt. She starts walking towards me at a decent clip, rambling about gas money and asks if I can spare a few bucks. I instantly get my hand on my TCP, look over at the car (2 males in it and one starts opening the rear driver door) and I tell her "NO" firmly while stepping backwards, hand on holster in my back pocket. It COMPLETELY reminded me of the robberies that were caught on surveillance video happening off 635 that year: the modus operandi was a female got out of the car and engaged the victim in conversation while one of the males got out of the car and jumped the victim from behind. WAY too much De Ja Vu.

                              Anways, she stops dead in her tracks and is like, "awwww, shit, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you" and walks backwards to her car telling the guys in the car "I think I scared him, let's go". BERNIE is scanning the parking lot with his hand under his shirt as well, and they tear ass out of the parking lot.

                              Sure as shit, they wheel around the corner and go into the Taco Bell drive-thru. Guess they needed a different type of gas.

                              I hate bums. Especially shady ones that will block you in with their car and walk right up on you at a gas station.
                              Originally posted by PGreenCobra
                              I can't get over the fact that you get to go live the rest of your life, knowing that someone made a Halloween costume out of you. LMAO!!
                              Originally posted by Trip McNeely
                              Originally posted by dsrtuckteezy
                              dont downshift!!
                              Go do a whooly in front of a Peterbilt.


                              • #30
                                Blame Canada, that's a great story.

                                Originally posted by Rick Modena View Post
                                Some people just have bad luck, make bad decisions and choices in life. I've had people like that and I have given them chances at my company and they have been the best employees. No cel phones to distract them, no money for cig breaks and usually no money for drugs and alcohol. Most of them move on to better things and they are always grateful, some fall back into the abyss and never make it back...

                                I had 2 pretty good successes with people like that I hired. One worked for the company for about 6 years and got his own store. Both had drug/alcohol convictions, both pretty minor(DUI and a pot possession), but with the work out there being so hard to come by, I saw something in both of them that made me go ahead and let it slide, where they would usually just be tossed aside and never looked at again since I would get dozens of applications with no convictions on them.

                                Gave a couple of others some chances through the years that were having some trouble with their own stupidity and they didn't work out, but those were my two biggest hiring risks.

