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Who's had their a$$ kicked

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  • Who's had their a$$ kicked

    My ex-brother-in-law...He's 23, no job lives with his girlfriends mom, has a baby, dropped out of high school and still gets money from his mom. He's got a mouth and a my shit don't stink attitude. I blamed his mom for a long time for the way he is but he's gotta man the fuck up now that's he's a dad so it's all him now.

    Anyway, I was thinking he's probably never had his ass beat by anyone and is a good candidate for a lesson in humility. Somebody will give it to him someday I'm convinced.

    I got my lesson in high school. 10th grade my brother was home from college. I had outgrown him at that point so I was being cool in front of my friends and being a snotty little brother to him. My head went through the drywall and I took a trip down the stairs. Lesson learned.

    On here though we're all millionaire superhero ninja MMA Navy Seal's so I'm sure nobody else has been thrown a beating lol.
    The richest man in Babylon

  • #2
    <- Never had my ass kicked.


    • #3
      While I have never had my ass kicked I have pussed out on a fight once because I knew I was going to be destroyed. I am not a small man and when this dude grabbed me by my shirt and lifted me up like I was an Olsen twin I knew I was dead. I bitched out and didn't follow him outside and I ducked out the back.
      I am not proud of it but I still have all my teeth.
      Good judgment comes from bad decisions and a lot of that comes from bad judgment.


      • #4
        I was a little brother so plenty of times. It all stopped when I was finally bigger than him and he tried to show up in front of his girlfriend by "picking on me". He learned real quick that things do change.


        • #5
          Sounds like that kid should have joined the military. 23 and living with his girlfriends mother. What a piece of shit.


          • #6
            Once. Down in the stockyards when I was in high school. Mouthed off to some dude that was staring me down and he jumped outa the truck to fight. Then his buddy got outa the truck to handle his fight for him. Guy had be twice as broad as me. Knocked me the hell out and broke my nose. Other than that I've held my own. Won some, lost some, but that was the only time I flat got my ass kicked.
            07 f250-family truckster
            08 Denali -baby hauler
            52 f1-rust bucket
            05 Jeep tj. Buggy
            livin the double-wide dream


            • #7
              I am the youngest of three boys. Yes I have. Sometimes a few times a week.


              • #8
                Last fight I was in, i lost. We were down town drinking and I had made no less than 8 trips to the bartender for my usual, a vodka redbull and shot of goldschlager. We were all done for the night heading back to the car. I was with this girl I has been dating. A real catty bitch, you know the kind who never shut the fuck up about anything. Anyway, the parking lot was a little congested and the people behind us were honking and she gets out and starts running her mouth to them. I get out drunk as hell ( shouldn't have been driving) and attempt to defuse the situation. The car was two dudes and their chicks all of who were more than hammered themselves. Only one guy was acting as big of a bitch as my girl was. He referred to her as "that bitch" a handful of times and I warned him politely not to call her that again. I wasn't that offended by it since I didn't really like this chick and I would easily whip the shit out of both of these scrubs. I just didn't want to here her yappy mouth running how I wouldn't stick up for her. Well he dropped the bitch word again and i cock back and bury my fist in his face.( my drunk fist) Since I'm loaded and obviously the baddest motherfucker alive, I proceed to turn around like I'm Rico suave and casually stroll back to my car. Well I don't remember the rest but apparently I didn't knock the dude out and after he recovered, his buddy and him interrupted my leisurely walk by handing me an ass whipping. I know I drove home after stopping at whataburger for taquito's of course and woke up with the side of my face throbbing from someone's Nike kissing it lol


                • #9
                  I had my ass kicked once by a kid in high school. He was missing his left hand and just had a nub. I thought I was going to kick his ass till he got one punch in one my right eye with that nub. I quit right there on the spot. That thing hurt so bad.


                  • #10
                    never won but one fight, and that was not even a fight.

                    now most of my fights were with dudes with badges, but none the less i always got my ass kicked. basically boils down too i was usually too sober to bother, or drunk enough to tell whomever my opinion.

                    i remember getting out of sterret and some giant linebacker asked me if i was the white boy that tried to shake four cops. i told him i was drunk and then we pounded it. he told me i was crazy because he had taken on three, but never four. if i ever end up in prison i hope he is there. he was cute. kidding.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by turboford View Post
                      I had my ass kicked once by a kid in high school. He was missing his left hand and just had a nub. I thought I was going to kick his ass till he got one punch in one my right eye with that nub. I quit right there on the spot. That thing hurt so bad.

                      I've gotten my ass kicked a few times and handed out a few myself. It's probably about a 50/50 thing. All grade school bullshit, though not necessarily at school. My neighborhood had a ton of kids in it and at one point every single one of us pretty much fought every single one of the others. I don't remember losing any of those, but a few at school I did, and I also put up with more bullshit than I should have until around 10th grade. Something about getting my license really changed me pretty deeply, and I stopped being worried about all the petty HS BS that was going on around me and putting up with peoples shit.

                      I've had plenty of close calls since then, even at work with people getting bent out of shape, but nothing has ever happened.


                      • #12
                        I have had 3 severe beat downs in my life.

                        In one the dude kept sticking me in the ribs but never hit my face. He beat me until I could no longer lift my arms then asked if I had had enough. I told him fuck no but I can't do anything else about it.

                        In another fight the guy was really twice my size and made the mistake of picking me up and getting my mouth too close to his face when he thought that he had knocked me out. I bit his nose off and won by default. The memories of his screams still bring a smile to my face 20 years later.

                        The 3rd was me getting jumped by 3 guys but I came up with a knife and cut all of them badly; got a few cracked ribs and a punctured lung from that one.
                        Magnus, I am your father. You need to ask your mother about a man named Calvin Klein.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by svo855 View Post
                          I have had 3 severe beat downs in my life.

                          In one the dude kept sticking me in the ribs but never hit my face. He beat me until I could no longer lift my arms then asked if I had had enough. I told him fuck no but I can't do anything else about it.

                          In another fight the guy was really twice my size and made the mistake of picking me up and getting my mouth too close to his face when he thought that he had knocked me out. I bit his nose off and won by default. The memories of his screams still bring a smile to my face 20 years later.

                          The 3rd was me getting jumped by 3 guys but I came up with a knife and cut all of them badly; got a few cracked ribs and a punctured lung from that one.
                          I've noticed that a good majority of your posts sound like bullshit.


                          • #14
                            Yes, I've had my ass kicked twice. I estimate I've been in approximately 20 fights ... used to a lot when I was younger.
                            Originally posted by davbrucas
                            I want to like Slow99 since people I know say he's a good guy, but just about everything he posts is condescending and passive aggressive.

                            Most people I talk to have nothing but good things to say about you, but you sure come across as a condescending prick. Do you have an inferiority complex you've attempted to overcome through overachievement? Or were you fondled as a child?

                            You and slow99 should date. You both have passive aggressiveness down pat.


                            • #15
                              Several times, but it was in jr high/high school. I've had a few very close calls since due to my mouth and I won't stfu sometimes, but I haven't had any fisticuffs since I was in the army.

