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Waitstaff rant - the tip thieves

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  • #31
    Originally posted by black2002ls View Post
    Its not about the dollar. Its about the principal and moral issue of the matter. 20% is a decent tip amount on any check. She felt like she deserved more and altered the amount.
    Not saying it didn't happen on purpose but I have been in the industry a long time and have yet to see someone risk credit card fraud for just a dollar.. The scams do exist but for a dollar? Micros have it set up best imho. When finalizing a credit card it asks for the total then has a screen that pops up and says is this the tip amount... any decent server will look down and see if the numbers match before entering yes.. obviously if they don't match then you have the lil moral situation as far as what was intended and what was written.


    • #32
      Originally posted by mustangguy289 View Post
      I'm sure you were just stirring the pot. However, if you have ever worked in the service industry, you know that its a very sore subject when it comes to tips or the lack there-of
      Originally posted by Leah
      Best balls I've had in my mouth in a while.


      • #33
        Originally posted by Raskal View Post
        Not saying it didn't happen on purpose but I have been in the industry a long time and have yet to see someone risk credit card fraud for just a dollar.. The scams do exist but for a dollar? Micros have it set up best imho. When finalizing a credit card it asks for the total then has a screen that pops up and says is this the tip amount... any decent server will look down and see if the numbers match before entering yes.. obviously if they don't match then you have the lil moral situation as far as what was intended and what was written.
        I understand that side of things. However, I closed credit cards 4 days a week for a year and a half with no errors or complaints. I'm sure if it was intention, the thought of credit fraud never crossed the servers mind. All they had in mind was their own pocket book, not the consequences.
        Originally posted by Leah
        Best balls I've had in my mouth in a while.


        • #34
          Originally posted by black2002ls View Post
          I understand that side of things. However, I closed credit cards 4 days a week for a year and a half with no errors or complaints. I'm sure if it was intention, the thought of credit fraud never crossed the servers mind. All they had in mind was their own pocket book, not the consequences.
          I was more trying to talk about micros pos system more than anything, the system I'm working with now i get to fix multiple "miskeys" a shift because a slip of the finger and it's gone... The micros stopped and asked them to confirm to make sure they didn't screw up.


          • #35
            Originally posted by Raskal View Post
            I was more trying to talk about micros pos system more than anything, the system I'm working with now i get to fix multiple "miskeys" a shift because a slip of the finger and it's gone... The micros stopped and asked them to confirm to make sure they didn't screw up.
            I gotcha. Sorry for the mix up. I wish our system was as sophisticated. We have an old school POS system, and the only way the credit card system is tied into it is when you close tabs as credit cards, all of the actual monetary transactions are done on the credit card terminal, not through the POS
            Originally posted by Leah
            Best balls I've had in my mouth in a while.


            • #36
              Originally posted by 347Mike View Post
              If that's the case then I already said she should be taken care of. But to assume I don't think it is right. The manager called back in three minutes saying she made a mistake on two cards. Sounds more like he made up some random excuse. I can't walk from the front of my building at work to my office in 3 minutes let alone find records.
              He was already on the computer looking when I talked to him the first time. He called back and said he found it (and it could've been 5 minutes) and I could tell he was reading numbers off the screen. He told me the amount of mine plus another that had similar numbers in it.

              Either way, this happens a lot and I would like to see more people stand up against it, or change the way we checkout at a restaurant.

              And I agree, maybe I'm jumping to conclusions, but I doubt it.


              • #37
                if they added money over what you gave, then reverse the charges on your card due to fraud.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by jboehm
                  You can't make less than minimum wage.
                  True, your employer has to make up the difference between what you actually make and minimum wage. It was merely an example, bust your ass, deal with loud annoying drunks, people shouting, and still offer service with a smile and as fast as you can possibly work.
                  Originally posted by Leah
                  Best balls I've had in my mouth in a while.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by black2002ls View Post
                    True, your employer has to make up the difference between what you actually make and minimum wage. It was merely an example, bust your ass, deal with loud annoying drunks, people shouting, and still offer service with a smile and as fast as you can possibly work.
                    true and you certainly can leave with less than minimum wage for a shift... even a week, but tip makeup only comes into play for the entire payroll period. So if you have a "good" day it makes up for it.. But then again it also depends on how much you preach about them claiming their tips truthfully.


                    • #40
                      Literally the exact same thing happened to me on a business trip to Austin a few years ago. I left a 20% tip and they added another $1. At first I wasn't going to say anything but it was the principle of the matter that irked me. I ended up calling in to inquire, since I save all my receipts until they hit my bank statement. By the time I called in, the manager already knew what day and time I was there. They had already fired the guy luckily.


                      • #41
                        quite being such a cheapskate. these people make shit per hour. their tips is their bread and butter.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Raskal View Post
                          Not saying it didn't happen on purpose but I have been in the industry a long time and have yet to see someone risk credit card fraud for just a dollar.. The scams do exist but for a dollar? Micros have it set up best imho. When finalizing a credit card it asks for the total then has a screen that pops up and says is this the tip amount... any decent server will look down and see if the numbers match before entering yes.. obviously if they don't match then you have the lil moral situation as far as what was intended and what was written.
                          Think like a thief for a second - if you were going to rip people off and try to get away with it, would you rip off a few for $10 each or a lot for $1 each?

                          Snagging an extra dollar from a lot of people would minimize the chances that someone would speak up. I mean, like taylor said, why get butt-hurt over a little dollar? Snag ten dollars from me and, like pattymelt, I'm coming after you.


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by Mustangman_2000 View Post
                            quite being such a cheapskate. these people make shit per hour. their tips is their bread and butter.
                            LMAO - I hope you're kidding. It's not my sole responsibility to make sure my waiter clears $30 per hour. I tipped $4 on a $20 tab and I was one of several tables she was working. Most of the tables had more than two people and I doubt they split meals like my wife and I do, meaning the waitress should pretty easily make $20 to $30 per hour in tips. Be damned if I'm gonna feel sorry for her and accept the fact that she stole $1 from me.


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Mustangman_2000 View Post
                              quite being such a cheapskate. these people make shit per hour. their tips is their bread and butter.
                              So at what dollar amount is it not ok?


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by Mustangman_2000 View Post
                                quite being such a cheapskate. these people make shit per hour. their tips is their bread and butter.

                                How does her changing the amount of her tip make him a cheapskate? Maybe it's time to put the tequila down.

