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  • #31
    Originally posted by ELVIS View Post

    god bless.
    It can be done. But it is very, very, very difficult, and very, very, very rare. And as you know, very, very, very expensive.

    Last number I saw is that Father's are awarded custody less than 10% of the time. 20% on joint.
    Originally posted by BradM
    But, just like condoms and women's rights, I don't believe in them.
    Originally posted by Leah
    In other news: Brent's meat melts in your mouth.


    • #32
      Originally posted by trblshooter View Post
      Sounds like you've got a solid case for custody then if she's on meds for what's more than likely manic depression or un-diagnosed bipolar disorder. You need to prove it. Did you check out that forum yet?
      Easy to prove. My mother is the office manager for our Doc's clinic. There are numerous records stating that she is required to take X dosage daily. She's been on the meds since like 17yrs old (she's 30 now).


      • #33
        She ain't getting spousal support
        The richest man in Babylon


        • #34
          My guess is that she has been planning this from the beginning. I think that by her being a stay at home mom, she will be able to milk more support out of you since she hasn't had a job in a while.


          • #35
            Originally posted by Buzzo View Post
            maybe I had bad legal advice, but my attorney at the time said if the sale is deemed unrealistic then they can make you unwind the sale. Also, if the value of the sale is less than market value, they can deduct the funds from other assets.
            That's bullshit. I wonder what they say if the woman cleans the dude's accounts out. "Sorry about your bad luck" would be my guess.


            • #36
              Originally posted by line-em-up View Post
              My guess is that she has been planning this from the beginning. I think that by her being a stay at home mom, she will be able to milk more support out of you since she hasn't had a job in a while.
              She can't milk any additional child support. 20% of gross for one child + insurance benefits (for the child) is the max she can possibly get.

              As stated in the other thread, it is extremely difficult for a woman to get awarded spousal support/alimony in TX. I have an aunt, who was married to a CHOOO CHOOO$$$$$ attorney. She has MS, to the point where she can't physically work. She didn't get a dime in spousal support when they got a divorce.
              Originally posted by BradM
              But, just like condoms and women's rights, I don't believe in them.
              Originally posted by Leah
              In other news: Brent's meat melts in your mouth.


              • #37
                Here's a question...

                We went to 3 counseling sessions before she split the first time. The counselor basically called her out on her BS, and she refused to go back. Since then, I have changed banks and have no way to recall the name of the counselor. Anyone have any ideas on how to find the counselor we used? I've been staring at a google search, but cannot remember her name.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by bluecollar View Post
                  Here's a question...

                  We went to 3 counseling sessions before she split the first time. The counselor basically called her out on her BS, and she refused to go back. Since then, I have changed banks and have no way to recall the name of the counselor. Anyone have any ideas on how to find the counselor we used? I've been staring at a google search, but cannot remember her name.
                  A location may be able to get us started.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by bluecollar View Post
                    She hasn't worked in over 2 years, but hasn't really taken care of our son either. Her normal day consists of sitting and reading on her iPad all day while he plays with toys or watches TV. She reads around 3 books each week, because she reads from 9am(ish) until 10-11pm.
                    I'm just stating the obvious, but she doesn't want child support, she wants to supplement her spousal support, so that SHE can live more comfortably. Worthless cunt.

                    When my wife-to-be split from her ex, she didn't ask for a dime of support through the court. Her daughter is at her dad's every weekend, and helps with bills the best he can. I dunno about Texas, but here in CA you aren't fully "vested" until you've been married 5 years, perhaps that is a saving grace for you.

                    Sucks to hear man, consider it to be the cost of getting the succubus out of your life, and move on.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by racrguy View Post
                      A location may be able to get us started.
                      USA, go!


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by racrguy View Post
                        Don't forget to cut off all of her access to your money. I've heard more than once that women will clean a dude out. If she hasn't already, she may do it soon.

                        Edit: If you have any really good bro's, see if you can "sell" them any toys/extra stuff that you don't want her to get. Bills of sale backdated to before the filing date.
                        When I worked in banking I had half a dozen clients come in to do something only to find that the wife has taken it all.

                        One had 20k in checking and two cd's worth another 50k. Wife walked in the day before, closed it all out, paid $800 in early withdrawal fees cause the cd's were opened a few months prior, and never said a fucking word to him.

                        I still remember the look on his face.

                        Moral of the story: bitches be crazy.


                        • #42
                          Dallas, somewhere off of 635. Problem is, I'm not sure I'd remember the name if I heard it.

                          Guess I'll just start calling all of the counselors and asking if I am in their system. Fun stuff.

                          Looks like I'll have to get a regular ole j-o-b somewhere in town since she will no doubt take as much of our (my) assets as possible. I'm just glad that I've run into a few roadblocks while getting my business started. At least I don't have to sell a store that I just opened or anything. Really frustrating to think that I was so close to having my plans become reality.


                          • #43
                            best of luck brotha. hope she gets only a new.shoe at the end.


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by bluecollar View Post
                              Here's a question...

                              We went to 3 counseling sessions before she split the first time. The counselor basically called her out on her BS, and she refused to go back. Since then, I have changed banks and have no way to recall the name of the counselor. Anyone have any ideas on how to find the counselor we used? I've been staring at a google search, but cannot remember her name.

                              I honestly don't think it will matter. You can bring it up with your attorney, but my experience has been that the Judge doesn't give a shit who did what, who did who, or who didn't do. They typically don't care one bit, and whining or complaining will inevitably hurt your case. Reasons for the divorce aren't considered at all when it comes to custody, unless domestic violence/abuse or drugs were a factor. And honestly, that's the way it should be.
                              Originally posted by BradM
                              But, just like condoms and women's rights, I don't believe in them.
                              Originally posted by Leah
                              In other news: Brent's meat melts in your mouth.


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by bcoop View Post
                                I honestly don't think it will matter. You can bring it up with your attorney, but my experience has been that the Judge doesn't give a shit who did what, who did who, or who didn't do. They typically don't care one bit, and whining or complaining will inevitably hurt your case. Reasons for the divorce aren't considered at all when it comes to custody, unless domestic violence/abuse or drugs were a factor. And honestly, that's the way it should be.
                                good to know, thanks.

