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inner ear dizziness?

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  • inner ear dizziness?

    I've always had ear issues, growing up I probably popped both eardrums 5 different times. Had tubes in my ears as an infant, and god forbid I dive down deeper than 15ft of water...whoodoggy that's painful.

    But I've never had hearing problems. Lately I've been getting dizzy spells and ringing in the ear, thought maybe it could be bp so had that checked, perfect. Started thinking what else could cause it and this is my only conclusion, something ain't right in there.

    Anyone with a vestibular disorder or experience with one? Advice? I'm not giving up hookers and blow so don't ask.
    The richest man in Babylon

  • #2
    Have you tried the ear candles yet? I get dizzy spells sometimes and I use the candles and it clears up.


    • #3
      Lol... aids I've ruled that out, process of elimination.

      I've heard the ear candles are a joke, maybe I'll give it a try. I use peroxide once a month to clean them out.
      The richest man in Babylon


      • #4
        You would be surprised how often people with your symptoms find out it was due to heavy ear wax build up. You should see a ENT. Something similar happened to me. Doc suctioned out a nice chunk in right ear. Symptoms abated almost immediately.

        Sent from my SAMSUNG using Tapatalk 2


        • #5
          It could be ear wax, but you need to get to a Dr due to your past history.. I came down with vertigo- found out I had a benign tumor in my ear canal that had grown under, lifted and detached my eardrum...
          Natural law. Sons are put on this earth to trouble their fathers.

