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The People vs. Meter Maids. (not really an FTP thread for those who are menstruating)

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  • #46
    Originally posted by kbscobravert View Post
    Frost, if an officer cusses you out, feel free to take steps to have him charged with disorderly conduct. My brother did and that officer got fired.

    Just to jump in real quick, I got a ticket in the great money grabbing city of Hurst for changing my hot water heater without a permit. Heater was on the curb for the bulk trash pickup day and the city code enforcement prick wrote down my address, went back to his office and checked for a permit. Came back and wrote me a ticket.

    Now I live in Haslet, unincorporated city of Fort Worth. I was so gun shy about doing certain work on the house I called a dozen numbers before someone in code enforcement told me, "you are unincorporated Ft Worth, do what you want to your property, we can't get involved" Bam, like that we have a/c in the garage, new water heater, huge patio added, and tons of other work all without the blessing of the city. Moral of the story, we fight to stay unincorporated and gladly pay our HOA instead to take care of our streets etc. Fire still responds and the Sheriff's deputy patrols our streets on horseback.
    Good to know! If I have to replace mine I will make sure not to leave it out for bulk pickup. I'll take it to the dump myself.


    • #47
      Originally posted by Chili View Post
      Good to know! If I have to replace mine I will make sure not to leave it out for bulk pickup. I'll take it to the dump myself.
      Hell, if I had known, I would have taken it to the dump too. Fuck the city of Hurst. If anyone needs to be harassed it is their employees. That cost me WAY MORE money than it would have cost me to hire a plumber and get the permit pulled. Hell, I got pulled over and even though they smelled alcohol on me, I went to jail over that heater shit and the warrant it turned into. But hey, no DUI. So yes, I went to jail from changing my heater without a permit. Not even the cop could say it with a straight face.
      Fuck you. We're going to Costco.


      • #48
        Originally posted by Forever_frost View Post
        Liar, we're told that doesn't happen. I look at cops cussing me the same as small children. They think they're right, they'll hurt you if you try to say anything contrary so it's usually best to file a report and to just try to end the confrontation as soon as possible as he can turn off his mic and car cam, he's armed and while he can beat the fuck out of me, if I defend myself, I'm going to prison for a very long time.
        My brother had a Alrington cop who bought a car that USED to be my brother's. The cop wanted my brother to get him a title. The cop went in uniform and squad car to his work (Dodge dealer off I-20) on numerous occasions and harassed him. (even was stupid enough to bring his GF in the squad car with brother knew the officer's wife, she was a customer of his, it took a search of the officer's last name in the dealer's database to put it all together though). After the officer cussed him and threatened to arrest him my brother said he had had enough and called 911 on the officer. He eventually ended up speaking to the Captain who was very professional and very concerned about the behavior. He provided a written statement to the department and officer was terminated some time after....according to the officer's wife who called my brother. She was really interested in the sista that was riding shotgun.
        Fuck you. We're going to Costco.


        • #49
          Originally posted by kbscobravert View Post
          My brother had a Alrington cop who bought a car that USED to be my brother's. The cop wanted my brother to get him a title. The cop went in uniform and squad car to his work (Dodge dealer off I-20) on numerous occasions and harassed him. (even was stupid enough to bring his GF in the squad car with brother knew the officer's wife, she was a customer of his, it took a search of the officer's last name in the dealer's database to put it all together though). After the officer cussed him and threatened to arrest him my brother said he had had enough and called 911 on the officer. He eventually ended up speaking to the Captain who was very professional and very concerned about the behavior. He provided a written statement to the department and officer was terminated some time after....according to the officer's wife who called my brother. She was really interested in the sista that was riding shotgun.

          Do you remember the cops name? Just curious if I know him, since back in the mid 90's I was frequently interacting with them after various stop light contests went wrong. I can't believe you got arrested for installing a fucking water heater in your house. lmao, wow. It's shit like that that causes normally sane people to go pilot a prop plane into the IRS building in Austin.


          • #50
            Originally posted by talisman View Post
            Do you remember the cops name? Just curious if I know him, since back in the mid 90's I was frequently interacting with them after various stop light contests went wrong. I can't believe you got arrested for installing a fucking water heater in your house. lmao, wow. It's shit like that that causes normally sane people to go pilot a prop plane into the IRS building in Austin.
            I just sent my brother a message and asked him.

            I was pulled over for 55 in a 45 down highway 10 at 2 in the morning. I was on my way home from a date that ended well and wasn't thinking about the road. Hell, never noticed the cop was behind me even after she lit me up. Pulled over, blah, blah, she came back with "I am sorry to do this but, you have a warrant" I said no way, I haven't been ticketed in years. She said "it is for a code enforcement ticket". Turned out that my neighbor was having the code enforcement guy fuck with me over a lot of things. It cost me thousands before I figured it out.
            Fuck you. We're going to Costco.


            • #51
              That's a shitty situation man. I've been mostly lucky with my neighbors. Some have been very strange, but then again, I have plenty of odd ticks myself. I find it best to try and keep to myself as much as possible.


              • #52
                Originally posted by kbscobravert View Post
                Hell, if I had known, I would have taken it to the dump too. Fuck the city of Hurst. If anyone needs to be harassed it is their employees. That cost me WAY MORE money than it would have cost me to hire a plumber and get the permit pulled. Hell, I got pulled over and even though they smelled alcohol on me, I went to jail over that heater shit and the warrant it turned into. But hey, no DUI. So yes, I went to jail from changing my heater without a permit. Not even the cop could say it with a straight face.
                Wow, talk about being in jail for bullshit. I don't see why its that big of a deal, if a mofo installs his shit incorrectly and it blows up, oh well, Darwinism at work. What's the difference if someone doesn't TQ his crankshaft down correctly and it blows up on the road spewing shrapnel and oil potentially causing a fire or making people wreck with the oil slick?

                I had a similar deal with my water heater, bitches wanted to charge me almost $1000.00ish , I went to Lowes, bought one and had my buddy who is a commercial plumber install it for me, I helped where I could and it was working fine and no leaks and it only cost me $380.00
                Originally posted by Silverback
                Look all you want, she can't find anyone else who treats her as bad as I do, and I keep her self esteem so low, she wouldn't think twice about going anywhere else.


                • #53
                  Originally posted by talisman View Post
                  That's a shitty situation man. I've been mostly lucky with my neighbors. Some have been very strange, but then again, I have plenty of odd ticks myself. I find it best to try and keep to myself as much as possible.
                  Well, that old man died. My brother who lived in the house after I left kept up with other neighbors on the street. Apparently that dude, in his 80's by now, died with a bedroom FULL of porn. Took a box truck to clean it all out. It is now all on consignment somewhere in California. The estate was left with $30,000 in credit cards from his porn fetish. I get the last laugh now.
                  Fuck you. We're going to Costco.


                  • #54
                    My bad, was a Grand Prairie cop. Last name Allen, if my brother remembers correctly.
                    Fuck you. We're going to Costco.


                    • #55
                      One should not end up in jail for stupid crap.
                      Originally posted by MR EDD
                      U defend him who use's racial slurs like hes drinking water.


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by ceyko View Post
                        One should not end up in jail for stupid crap.
                        Don't pay a meter maid ticket and you could end up in jail. But, yes, your point remains the same.

                        Things I have been arrested (more like, brought to the station to pay the fine and the warrant amount after being booked) for that were stupid:
                        Changed hot water heater without a permit
                        Had a beagle that my brother left out over night while I was out of town. City wrote ticket. I wiped ass with ticket. Cop pulled me over and cuffed/stuffed me. Granted there were like 3 tickets.
                        Registration on car in driveway was expired NC and this was Hurst, Texas.
                        Fuck you. We're going to Costco.


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by kbscobravert View Post
                          Don't pay a meter maid ticket and you could end up in jail. But, yes, your point remains the same.

                          Things I have been arrested (more like, brought to the station to pay the fine and the warrant amount after being booked) for that were stupid:
                          Changed hot water heater without a permit
                          Had a beagle that my brother left out over night while I was out of town. City wrote ticket. I wiped ass with ticket. Cop pulled me over and cuffed/stuffed me. Granted there were like 3 tickets.
                          Registration on car in driveway was expired NC and this was Hurst, Texas.
                          Fucking criminal.


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by Forever_frost View Post
                            Thing I like about you Matt, completely oblivious. You just pointed out my point. The laws that apply to me, don't apply to you. I can be cited for being obnoxious, you doing the same shit in uniform? Won't be. I can be cited for speeding, you in uniform and in a squad, won't be.

                            So tell me, this is required in Collin County?

                            The City of Wylie says its police department got the bargain of the century: about $650,000 in new equipment all for free.

                            The City of Wylie says its police department got the bargain of the century: about $650,000 in new equipment all for free.

                            But their new vehicle is turning heads.

                            For short, it’s called an MRAP, known in the military as a Mine Resistant Ambush Protected vehicle, meant for carrying soldiers and protecting them in combat zones from missile attacks, bombs and improvised explosive devices.

                            “This vehicle can take us virtually anywhere,” said Sgt. Donna Valdepena, Wylie Police spokeswoman.

                            Initial public reaction has been mixed, but Valdepena points out the new vehicle fills a void the department can’t budget itself.

                            “We can’t afford to buy a SWAT vehicle for our officers,” she said. “It’s not that we’re turning into a military organization. We’re doing the best we can with free equipment.”

                            Valdepena said during previous SWAT-involved crises in the city, Wylie would have to call in neighboring agencies like Plano in order to help their officers safely approach using the right equipment.

                            According to city spokesman Craig Kelly, smaller armored SWAT vehicles can cost between $300,000 and $500,000.

                            Wylie was approved for a Department of Defense project through its military surplus program.

                            The city only bears responsibility for on-going maintenance, but tell us the military included spare tires in the grant, which will cut down on future costs significantly.

                            Valdepena said because the MRAP will not be used daily or even weekly, just for emergencies and community events, its wear and tear and potential cost to taxpayers will be minimal.

                            “It is a little bit larger, but it is going to do the job,” she said.

                            Wylie is also getting a Humvee vehicle this week through the same program.
                            Well, if I were in uniform and went on a profanity laced tirade feel free to write me a ticket. I'll take that over termination any day.

                            Second, I have no idea what Wylie's needs are. I doubt that thing gets much use, but you still haven't shown where EVERY department in the country has a SWAT team or armored vehicle.

                            Last time I checked, Ferris PD didn't have a tank.


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by kbscobravert View Post
                              Frost, if an officer cusses you out, feel free to take steps to have him charged with disorderly conduct. My brother did and that officer got fired.

                              Just to jump in real quick, I got a ticket in the great money grabbing city of Hurst for changing my hot water heater without a permit. Heater was on the curb for the bulk trash pickup day and the city code enforcement prick wrote down my address, went back to his office and checked for a permit. Came back and wrote me a ticket.

                              Now I live in Haslet, unincorporated city of Fort Worth. I was so gun shy about doing certain work on the house I called a dozen numbers before someone in code enforcement told me, "you are unincorporated Ft Worth, do what you want to your property, we can't get involved" Bam, like that we have a/c in the garage, new water heater, huge patio added, and tons of other work all without the blessing of the city. Moral of the story, we fight to stay unincorporated and gladly pay our HOA instead to take care of our streets etc. Fire still responds and the Sheriff's deputy patrols our streets on horseback.
                              I'm a gonna steal your stuff and get away with it. My Jeep can outrun a horse!


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by Forever_frost View Post
                                Liar, we're told that doesn't happen. I look at cops cussing me the same as small children. They think they're right, they'll hurt you if you try to say anything contrary so it's usually best to file a report and to just try to end the confrontation as soon as possible as he can turn off his mic and car cam, he's armed and while he can beat the fuck out of me, if I defend myself, I'm going to prison for a very long time.
                                Is there medication for paranoia?

                                Originally posted by kbscobravert View Post
                                Hell, if I had known, I would have taken it to the dump too. Fuck the city of Hurst. If anyone needs to be harassed it is their employees. That cost me WAY MORE money than it would have cost me to hire a plumber and get the permit pulled. Hell, I got pulled over and even though they smelled alcohol on me, I went to jail over that heater shit and the warrant it turned into. But hey, no DUI. So yes, I went to jail from changing my heater without a permit. Not even the cop could say it with a straight face.
                                You shouldn't have let that cat out of the bag. You'll never live that down, just like being naked on your kitchen island while doing the helicopter and swatting mosquitoes with that electric fly swatter!

