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Inmate Justice!!

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  • Inmate Justice!!

    Can't believe I'm posting a new article, but the picture made me chuckle a bit...

    Criminals are often raped and beaten in prison, a fate that many cannot condemn considering this is the level of punishment some of these criminals may deserve. The following case, however, begs a truly perplexing moral question as to how far this…

    Criminals are often raped and beaten in prison, a fate that many cannot condemn considering this is the level of punishment some of these criminals may deserve.

    The following case, however, begs a truly perplexing moral question as to how far this punishment can go before it reaches a level of savagery that only fellow savages would condone.

    Opposing Views reports that Brazilian martial arts instructor Daryell Dickson Meneses Xavier turned himself in to police earlier this year, admitting that he had raped, beaten and killed his infant stepson.

    The 16-month-old stepson was killed by blunt trauma to the head. He spent two days in the hospital before his death.

    Prisoners were outraged at what Xavier had done and decided to apply their own brand of justice.

    Xavier was brutally raped by approximately 20 prisoners, multiple times.

    “He had injuries all over the body, the most serious ones in the anal region. Dissatisfied, and still furious about the crime committed by the teacher, the prisoners tore apart the stitches that he received and raped him again. The blood stains on the rear of the short of the young man are proof of how much he suffered.”

    Some believe the child rapist didn’t deserve such punishment, as this was far from a taste of his own medicine.

    But most said that Xavier was merely a justified victim of karma.

    We can’t imagine what the Brazilian prisoners would have done had Xavier not turned himself in or had committed a far worse atrocity.

    The only possible logic behind what happened to Xavier lies within the very nature of Brazilian prisons. Some of them have literally become the closest thing to hell on earth, and perhaps their most terrifying aspect is the likelihood of stumbling upon that random group of inmates who have made the devil’s work their own.

  • #2
    Originally posted by Buzzo
    Some dudes jump out of airplanes, I fuck hookers without condoms.



    • #3
      I say send him in for a 3rd 4th and fifth round .
      Big Rooster Racing


      • #4
        So after he shits himself do they clean him up before proceeding or just bird dog through it? I hope they at least use hand sanitizer.
        The richest man in Babylon


        • #5
          I thought is ass got so loose that the shit just fell out

          Originally posted by trblshooter View Post
          So after he shits himself do they clean him up before proceeding or just bird dog through it? I hope they at least use hand sanitizer.
          Always wash your hands
          Originally posted by Sean88gt
          You can take white off the list. White on anything is the best, including vehicles, women, and the Presidency.
          Originally posted by Baron Von Crowder
          You can not imagine how difficult it is to hold a half gallon of moo juice and polish the one-eyed gopher when your doin' seventy-five in an eighteen-wheeler.


          • #6
            I'm sure he'll be dead soon enough. That's justice right there...
            Originally posted by Silverback
            Look all you want, she can't find anyone else who treats her as bad as I do, and I keep her self esteem so low, she wouldn't think twice about going anywhere else.


            • #7
              Should have powered out of it, instead, his asshole was kimura'd.


              • #8
                Looks like they rectified that situation....
                70' Chevelle RagTop
                (Forever Under Construction)

                "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.”- Thomas A Edison


                • #9
                  Originally posted by rreemo View Post
                  looks like they rectified that situation....
                  Originally posted by Silverback
                  Look all you want, she can't find anyone else who treats her as bad as I do, and I keep her self esteem so low, she wouldn't think twice about going anywhere else.


                  • #10
                    I think the prisoners did the justice system a favor.


                    • #11
                      rectum? damn near killed him!


                      • #12
                        I know how my bunghole hurts after dropping a large log....can not imagine how that scum feels...but seemed well deserved


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Cooter View Post
                          rectum? damn near killed him!
                          ZOMBIE REAGAN FOR PRESIDENT 2016!!! heh


                          • #14
                            They nicknamed him "Rasteira"

                            Pothole in Portuguese
                            70' Chevelle RagTop
                            (Forever Under Construction)

                            "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.”- Thomas A Edison


                            • #15
                              Semi related.

                              25 people per hour are raped in the US.

                              1) Because of its prison system, the US is the only country in the world where more men are raped than women.

                              According to the 2011 report from Department of Justice, nearly one in 10 prisoners report having been raped or sexually assaulted by other inmates, staff or both. According to a revised report from the US Department of Justice, there were 216,000 victims of rape in US prisons in 2008. That is roughly 600 a day or 25 every hour.
                              Those numbers are of victims, not instances, which would be much higher since many victims were reportedly assaulted multiple times throughout the year. Excluding prison rapes, there about 200,000 rapes per year in America, and roughly 91 percent of those victims are women. If these numbers are accurate, this means that America is the only country in the world where more men are raped than women.
                              Even if the number of unreported rapes outside of prison were substantially larger than most experts believe, the fact that many victims in prison tend to be raped repeatedly would indicate that rape against men is at least comparable to rape against women.
                              Kendell Spruce was one such inmate, sentenced to six years for forging a check for which he hoped to purchase crack cocaine. In a National Prison Rape Elimination Commission testimony, Spruce said:
                              “I was raped by at least 27 different inmates over a nine month period. I don’t have to tell you that it was the worst nine months of my life… [I] was sent into protective custody. But I wasn’t safe there either. They put all kinds of people in protective custody, including sexual predators. I was put in a cell with a rapist who had full-blown AIDS. Within two days, he forced me to give him oral sex and anally raped me.”
                              Spruce was diagnosed with “full blown AIDS” in 2002 and died three years later.

                              there is more to discuss... but yesh...

