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Woman gets PTSD.... from twitter

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  • Woman gets PTSD.... from twitter

    I don't even know what to say...

    Melody Hensley, from Washington DC was diagnosed with PTSD, following online abuse, which she says is the result of her being an outspoken feminist and atheist.

    A Washington woman has come under fire over claims her PTSD caused by online harassment and Twitter trolls is equal to that of military veterans.

    Melody Hensley was diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder 16 months ago following online abuse, which she says is the result of her being an outspoken feminist and atheist.

    She caused upset to many military veterans and their families and friends when she claimed her PTSD from Twitter trolls was as bad as mental anguish suffered by those who do active duty.

    Harassed: Melody Hensley claims online bullies and Twitter trolls has caused her PTSD and that it is just as bad as that suffered by veterans of combat

    Ms Hensley, head of an organisation promoting secular ideas, has suffered from PTSD for more than a year, according to her Twitter account.

    In an interview with, Ms Hensley says she became a target for 'atheist misogynists and men's rights activists' a few years back, following her open status as an atheist and feminist activist.

    She claims to be harassed by a cybermob of ‘more than 400 people’ which led to her diagnosis.

    On her Twitter feed Ms Hensley outlines her history of PTSD in several posts, saying she was bedridden for the first six months following her diagnosis, and that she has been so distressed about the online hatred she fears leaving her house unaccompanied.

    Military/ex-military combat folks: there are groups that have higher statistics of PTSD than you. You need to educate yourself.

    — Melody Hensley (@MelodyHensley) April 13, 2014
    I support vets but not when they become harassers. When they come onto Twitter & make fun of me having PTSD deny me having PTSD or threats.

    — Melody Hensley (@MelodyHensley) April 15, 2014
    Or give me the strength to come back swinging. #harassment #PTSD

    — Melody Hensley (@MelodyHensley) April 11, 2014
    This wk has been tough. There has been a campaign against me. I'm blocking dozens of accounts of ppl telling me I don't have PTSD & threats.

    — Melody Hensley (@MelodyHensley) April 13, 2014
    Things heated up on Sunday when Ms Hensley used Twitter to state that PTSD was suffered by war veterans and those harassed on the internet all the same.

    Ms Hensley, executive director of the Center for Inquiry in Washington and organizer of the Women in Secularism national conference, wrote: ‘Military/ex-military combat folks: there are groups that have higher statistics of PTSD than you. You need to educate yourself.’

    Her comment, tweeted to her 3,195 followers, saw many angry replies, including one who wrote: '@MelodyHensley go get blown up and see your friends die, then you'll understand true PTSD.'

    Tweeter ‏@wizardoftodd said:' @MelodyHensley Yes, there are groups that have a higher rate of PTSD tgan combat vets. Twitter users are not among them. (sic)'


    As a result of her PTSD, Ms Hensley says she is working from her home, but she remains active on Twitter.

    On Wednesday she posted several disclaimers to her earlier tweet:

    '1) I didn't self-diagnose or decide to have PTSD. I was diagnosed by a very good psychiatrist. I'm not looking for armchair psychiatrists.

    '2) I respect military and would call commanders and other authorities only to defend myself against threats.

    '3) I don't discount military vets' PTSD. I care about everyone with PTSD. I want people to realize that it is not a military-only condition.'

    MailOnline contacted Ms Hensley for comment, but she replied that she is 'not well enough to answer questions'.

  • #2
    I once had a grilled pimento cheese sandwhich - it was so foul and disgusting that I retch with just the thought of it. By definition, i have PTSD too.

    (it was a very traumatic experiance - i didnt have anything else to eat)


    • #3
      The struggle is real.


      • #4
        Just trying to get any kind of publicity for her organization.

        Lots of e-warriors on here should seek help.


        • #5
          Society in decline.


          • #6
            A.d.d all over again.


            • #7
              Well hell. I need to go give her a hug. I'm going to Tweet my support for her
              I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


              • #8
                Originally posted by LS1Goat View Post
                Society in decline.
                Wait a minute. Right around your booze fueled meltdown, didn't you claim PTSD from being a paramedic? I do believe you did...
                Originally posted by BradM
                But, just like condoms and women's rights, I don't believe in them.
                Originally posted by Leah
                In other news: Brent's meat melts in your mouth.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Magnus View Post
                  The struggle is real.


                  • #10
                    PTSD and bullying will change the face of free speech.


                    • #11
                      What a fucking waste of air that woman is.
                      "When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic." -Benjamin Franklin
                      "A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury." -Alexander Fraser Tytler


                      • #12


                        • #13
                          Wow such a stupid broad. I've never heard of someone getting it from a fucking website. can anyone say attention whore?


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Strychnine View Post
                            The horror is when you decide to nuke it and the bread turns into some type of glue paste - and you doubt you ever had bread in the first place.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by AMJ View Post
                              Wow such a stupid broad. I've never heard of someone getting it from a fucking website. can anyone say attention whore?
                              She probably doesn't mix sprite with her single malt bro.

