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colitis and chrone's disease people in here...

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  • colitis and chrone's disease people in here...

    My wife is super sick at the hospital now with a bad case of colitis. But doc believes it's chrones... One scenario is removing her entire colon. And re attaching her intestines to her original outward plumbing. Have any of Yall experienced this? Other scenario is a fucking colostomy bag for life (if full fledged chrones)... She's currently having a blood transfusion as we speak... I'm struggling really hard with this so leave the shitty comments at the door please. Obviously if u don't want to air ur colitis laundry on here, please pm me.

    **and FUCK YOU AUTO CORRECT. Title should say "Colitis AND chrones..."** administration please fix...

    Last edited by Leah; 04-13-2014, 03:19 PM.

  • #2
    Fuck dude! My brother had colitis, almost killed him. Shoot me a text if you want to talk, I will be up for a bit longer.


    • #3
      My wife has chrons, no need for surgery they have really good medication for it. If you have any questions pm me.
      07 GT500
      05 SRT10
      88 turbocoupe T-bird
      93 Cobra
      86 coupe
      Ducati 848


      • #4
        Damn dude, no wonder I haven't heard from you. I don't have anything helpful, but I hope everything works out!! Let me know if you need anything.


        • #5
          The partial colectomy is one thing but a colostomy is a completely different route. The hard part will be whether or not they will do the surgery without the option of a colostomy. Most of the time they will write on the consent the possibility of colostomy if they have to due to what they see.

          I would get a 2nd or 3rd opinion before committing. LIke said above, there are good chrons medications though they are expensive.


          • #6
            Don't have anything helpful to add, but I hope she is okay man. That is a pretty rough situation to go through for both of you.


            • #7
              Damn man. Hope they get her fixed up.


              • #8
                My mom has both, she'll be 60 this year, no sectioning of her intestines. Jimmy (Treadhead) has it, talk to him.


                • #9
                  My wife has crohn's, but she has not had a fit like that. However, it can be very....disruptive to a marriage, but it's not their fault.

                  With that said, get her around other people with the problem. Them talking to us (husbands) is not productive since we cannot relate very well at first.

                  Regardless of the end resolution to her current problem - diet is going to be clutch going forward to her sanity/health and how she feels. i.e. start getting a garden and trying to eat little to no processed food. There is a whole list of dos/donts for people with crohns.

                  It's going to be an adjustment for you if things do get strange, but it is natural. The key is her willing to try and do what it takes to be as normal as possible, and you being understanding. I screwed this part up royally until I started my own research on the disease - so I'm speaking from experience. No one is perfect, but it will be a change in dynamics that COULD be tough for you to process and understand.

                  My wife is starting to do 100% better now that she has a handle on it (She also ended up with a thyroid problem which tends to go hand-in-hand with crohns). But it took over a year to get there.

                  As noted, there are good drugs that HELP with the disease. However, I can't really speak to your specific situation since it appears to be quite extreme at this point. I wish you the best and PM me if you want to discuss...etc..etc.
                  Originally posted by MR EDD
                  U defend him who use's racial slurs like hes drinking water.


                  • #10
                    My mom has Crohn's. She was diagnosed in 1992 with it and literally spent almost all of 1993-94 in the hospital. She even went to the Mayo clinic for several months. They sent her home to be comfortable, at 75lbs, as her's was so bad there was nothing more they could do. I lady from California heard about her and basically came to live with our family. No more drugs, no more steroids, just all natural foods and vitamin supplements. She saved her life and now 21 years later she is still completely symptom free and doing well. Her diet is maintained very strictly, and she does take a lot of natural supplements, but she doesn't suffer from Crohn's. She completely hates hospitals and doctors. To be perfectly honest, she know's more about the disease than any specialist in the field.


                    • #11
                      Real sorry to hear it Tanner. I have a friend who has Crohn' was pretty rough for him in the first couple years up & down, but he did eventually respond really well to the treatment and he lives a relatively normal life now....hopefully a light at the end of the tunnel for you.

                      Best wishes for a solid and speedy recovery.
                      70' Chevelle RagTop
                      (Forever Under Construction)

                      "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.”- Thomas A Edison


                      • #12
                        Probiotics are crucial to dietary health. Read everything you can before making any decisions: Read about probiotics and HSO. Homeostatic Soil Organisms. As stated diet is crucial as well.
                        Testimonial http://www.biblicalhealthinstitute.c...5/Default.aspx


                        My brothers in-law and I use this


                        • #13
                          Fuck man! Sorry to hear this dude, if you need anything holler at me. I'm just right down the street basically.


                          • #14
                            I have crohn's and I am missing 12 inches of small intestine thanks to it. If it's UC, taking out the colon cures it. If it's crohn's, it can attack anywhere and removing the colon is a bad idea unless it's completely destroyed, because it's not going to cure the disease.

                            I talked to a UC guy that had the colon removed and the small intestine attached to the exit port. He said that food goes straight through him, but he still has a normal life, hell he was working in a hospital.

                            Which hospital is she at? Presbyterian Dallas is the best place to go. I'm not a big fan of Dr Persley's bed side manner or attitude toward the uninsured, but she knows how to get you over a flare.


                            • #15
                              That's awful. Hope things make a turn for the better. Good luck.

