Put an add on craigslist for free stereo equipment. First come first serve. Put in the add that the battery is dead, and doors stuck so just jimmy it if you can. I kid, I kid.
I'm confused at when during the day you hear his radio? Is it when you're arriving at work pulling into the parking lot? So for 30 seconds you can hear his radio while you're OUTSIDE your work? And it physically hurts you? Maybe you have larger issues you need to deal with...
I'm confused at when during the day you hear his radio? Is it when you're arriving at work pulling into the parking lot? So for 30 seconds you can hear his radio while you're OUTSIDE your work? And it physically hurts you? Maybe you have larger issues you need to deal with...
I am not the only one who has this same compliant in the shop. Bosses don't care because their offices are in another building. And yes, it is loud enough, (or maybe the correct frequency, I don't know dick about stereo equipment) that it physically hurts your eardrums when you are inside the building some days. This is typically when he is arriving and leaving for work, and at lunch as well.
It's private property, doubt the police are going to care one bit. Management or get into a fight over it are about the only ways.
Does it interfere with phone calls (i.e. customer service)?
Occasionally, but not too often unfortunately or I might have more leverage with management. So far they just don't seem to care.
The only good thing about this whole situation is the guy is kind of an idiot, and he keeps hooking his equipment up wrong and blowing fuses in his car or fucking up other stuff, so his car often won't start. He had the stereo equipment disconnected for a month or two because his car kept dying on him at random places in town; that at least always made me laugh.
I don't like Republicans, but I really FUCKING hate Democrats.
Sex with an Asian woman is great, but 30 minutes later you're horny again.
Occasionally, but not too often unfortunately or I might have more leverage with management. So far they just don't seem to care.
Sounds like you have a shitty and/or spineless management team if they aren't willing to step in here, not some place that I would want to work for very long. At the very least they could have a chat with him, and let him know that his disregard for fellow employees is frowned upon.