Originally posted by Forever_frost
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There are or should I say, were plenty of regular jobs over in Iraq and Afg. I would bet that 75% of the contractors in either theater are unarmed, non-combatants. In 8 years I only manned a weapon system or had to pick up a firearm on less than two handfuls of times. Once was after getting hit with an IED. Hell being armed does not do shit for IDF or VB/IEDs etc.
The physical standards have been pretty lax however the Army restricts certain psychotropic drugs in theater. So those would have been a deal breaker. Physically you would have been fine but even if you loved that kind of thing, how long do you think you would have lasted even as an unarmed civi when the IDF starts to fall? Hell, even my nerves are shot and a little thunder wrecks shop on my body nowadays. That last part wears off over time for me though.
I flipped through y'all's pics from this weekend on Chris's FB page and a few others. I hope that the experience was able to give you a little more closer so you can move on and push forward for a happier life. If you ever find yourself in Fort Worth (and I am not in asscrackastan) I would buy you a beer or two. We can laugh at the silly shit that Philipino East LA American pulled.