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Interstate Driving 101...

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  • #46
    Originally posted by TonyMCev View Post
    if you are doing your "good clip" in the left lane and a car is closing fast behind you, yet there is plenty of room in the right lane to get over and then get back into the left lane behind said faster vehicle, do you do that?

    or would getting out of the way be "drastically inconveniencing" you?
    Depends on what is meant by a "good clip." Usually, depending on how fast the car is coming it is better to stay put and let the faster car work its way around.
    The only argument I have towards some of your rants is the referencing the size of vehicle. I have seen plenty of dipshits try to bully their way through traffic because they feel they are the size of their dually. Fuck that. That never holds true especially after I saw some nancy at a gas station getting gas in his lifted Dodge while inside the cab w/ the engine running when it was 20* outside.


    • #47
      Originally posted by Denis Leary
      I like to drive really slow, in the ultra fast lane, while the people behind me are going insane.. I'm an ASSHOLE!!!!!
      Originally posted by SSMAN
      ...Welcome to the land of "Fuck it". No body cares, and if they do, no body cares.


      • #48
        Originally posted by SS Junk View Post
        Depends on what is meant by a "good clip." Usually, depending on how fast the car is coming it is better to stay put and let the faster car work its way around.
        The only argument I have towards some of your rants is the referencing the size of vehicle. I have seen plenty of dipshits try to bully their way through traffic because they feel they are the size of their dually. Fuck that. That never holds true especially after I saw some nancy at a gas station getting gas in his lifted Dodge while inside the cab w/ the engine running when it was 20* outside.
        i just used vehicle size as an example, as i currently drive a ford f-250 super duty, and all of my frustration of late has been while driving it...


        • #49
          Originally posted by TonyMCev View Post

          if you are driving at 10 over in the left lane, no one behind or in front of you, do you get back into the right lane after you have passed the slower moving vehicles?

          i am pretty sure that no one said anything about the people who are NOT the slower traffic being in the left lane. the main point is that the left lane is there for the drivers who want to go faster than the slower drivers...

          if you are doing your "good clip" in the left lane and a car is closing fast behind you, yet there is plenty of room in the right lane to get over and then get back into the left lane behind said faster vehicle, do you do that?

          or would getting out of the way be "drastically inconveniencing" you?
          I don't hang out in the left lane when it isn't necessary. I wasn't making an argument against your statements, rather I was ranting about the people that are like the Saturn driver. People who think that because they are going faster that any/every car in front of them should immediately get out of the way no matter what. I'm not wedging in behind a school bus just because some asshat believes traffic should part like the Red sea for him.


          • #50
            Originally posted by TENGRAM View Post
            I don't hang out in the left lane when it isn't necessary. I wasn't making an argument against your statements, rather I was ranting about the people that are like the Saturn driver. People who think that because they are going faster that any/every car in front of them should immediately get out of the way no matter what. I'm not wedging in behind a school bus just because some asshat believes traffic should part like the Red sea for him.
            gotcha. yeah, i agree with that. and even as a driver who is typically hauling ass, i get the occasional guy like that behind me too. i will try to get out of his way as soon as it is feasible and safe and let him by. there have been quite a few times where i have seen that car further up the road on the shoulder with a cop behind him. i just laugh...


            • #51
              Just go with the flow the jackasses will learn on their own it just takes time.


              • #52
                Originally posted by jakesford View Post
                both I20 and I30 have this rule, and it is a good one...
                yea, and so does the entire county of Ellis County from what i recall


                • #53
                  i'm one of those assholes that drive slow in the left lane. what now?


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by Mustangman_2000 View Post
                    i'm one of those assholes that drive slow in the left lane. what now?
                    we knew that.


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by Mustangman_2000 View Post
                      i'm one of those assholes that drive slow in the left lane. what now?
                      get in front of me and you will not need to use your headlights. my brights will light your path for you...


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by Tx Redneck View Post
                        While I'll generally swap lanes to let someone by if they're approaching me and going considerably faster, if they flash their lights at me, I squat in the lane. I drive in my mirrors and am uber aware of my surroundings, I don't need some dolt flashing their lights at me, they can find a way to go around.
                        what if he is rushing someone to the hospital and was trying to get you to move out of his way to so he could save said person?

                        Most are A-holes but you never know the reason some people do what they do.. just a thought? :wink1:


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by 347Mike View Post
                          There are a lot of things that annoy me on the road.

                          Slow people in the left lane: MOVE OVER
                          People who do not know how to yield onto a highway: Speed up or slow down but stop effing pacing me then look at me retarded when I don't let you in.
                          People who have to cut 3 people off to make their exit or their turn: Everyone says they agree with this but a lot are guilty of it. I will drive another 3 miles to make my exit or turn without affecting everyone and causing them to jump on their brakes. That pisses me off probably the most..
                          lol at the second one. I deal with this on a daily basis.
                          In waco, there are very very short entrance ramps.
                          People try to merge at 40 mph.
                          To merge, you match the speed of the traffic, and merge seamlessly....
                          to a point. I say match, as in, get with in the general range of speed with the highway traffic, but dont do the exact same speed as ME when youre trying to merge, and just look over at me. Drop the gas pedal, and go behind, or move on out, and get infront of me.

                          It's not my job to let you in, MERGE MOTHER FUCKER.
                          I'm not going to keep you in that lane, like an asshole, but I'm sure as fuck not going to hit my brakes to let you in.

                          When someone attempts to merge at 35 MPH, it screws everyone behind them, on the entrance ramp. If I see this happening, I'll get a big bubble, so I can gain some speed. I hate that.
                          DE OPPRESSO LIBER


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by n00b420 View Post
                            what if he is rushing someone to the hospital and was trying to get you to move out of his way to so he could save said person?

                            Most are A-holes but you never know the reason some people do what they do.. just a thought? :wink1:
                            Forget that. So if your in line at walmart and someone cuts infront of you, you think to your self "they must be in a hurry to get to the hospital". No it's because they think their time is more important than yours.


                            • #59
                              My pet peeve is dipshits who are trying to weave in and out of cars on the highway when there is too much traffic and there's nowhere to go anyways. I'm happy to get out of somebody's way if there isn't a bunch of traffic right in front of me and slow cars in the right lane. But if there is nowhere to go then I'm holding my lane position.
                              I once watched a guy in a Mazda 626 on 75 weaving around traffic at 100+ and he swerved into the fast lane and cut off someone in a Dodge Ram with about 2 feet between them. Dude in the truck went apeshit, got up beside him on the shoulder and starting swerving into the side of his car, actually ramming him several times.
                              I used to get insanely pissed off driving but now when people are being dipshits I just remember that someday they will cut off the wrong person in a Dodge Ram and get what's coming.
                              Atlantic Blue '00 - '03 Cobra motor and TKO600, solid axle, full MM suspension
                              Silver '01 Vette - D1 blown LS


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by Trick Pony View Post
                                My pet peeve is dipshits who are trying to weave in and out of cars on the highway when there is too much traffic and there's nowhere to go anyways. I'm happy to get out of somebody's way if there isn't a bunch of traffic right in front of me and slow cars in the right lane. But if there is nowhere to go then I'm holding my lane position.
                                I once watched a guy in a Mazda 626 on 75 weaving around traffic at 100+ and he swerved into the fast lane and cut off someone in a Dodge Ram with about 2 feet between them. Dude in the truck went apeshit, got up beside him on the shoulder and starting swerving into the side of his car, actually ramming him several times.
                                I used to get insanely pissed off driving but now when people are being dipshits I just remember that someday they will cut off the wrong person in a Dodge Ram and get what's coming.
                                i should have mentioned this type of driver in the op. yes, i agree 100%. and i would love to see the dodge ram go apeshit on said asshole...

