As said before, you better know who you're drinking with and the chances of someone smelling it on your breath. While most won't have an issue with it (and for those that can stop at just 1 or 2), you have to keep in mind that a company "yes man" that sees you, a coworker that wants your job, or a upper manager that doesn't think it's Ok, may land you in hot water. I've done it before, but I knew who I was with and the odds of someone seeing me were pretty slim. And if they saw me, well, they couldn't say anything if they wanted to.
Our office fridges are usually stocked and I have a shelf with a bottle of scotch on it in my office... soooo.... yeah. A drink at lunch is perfectly fine in my line of work.
I think it depends on the job you do. The fact that you said, "on lunch," makes me think you're punching the clock, so no, drinks are not appropriate. They are for a lot of people, though.
I'll have a beer with lunch without second thought, actually had one today with my burger. Breath mints help. I don't ever have more than one unless I'm calling a half day and not going back to the office.