Did you know she was money-stupid when you married her? If so, then you need to live with it.
To be totally honest yes. But the first year of our marriage has been like a Marine Boot Camp. You have to brake them down before you can build them up. I told this to my mother inlaw the other day and that didn't go over to well lol.
You know how women are thats not good enough. She keeps hinting that we should be saving together. Every married man alive knows what that means. The man puts in 99.5% of the money into the savings account and the wife makes all the withdraws. Both my wife and I grew up in families where our fathers didn't deal with any of the finances. They just made the money. I've watched my mom and mother inlaw blow every penny of their husband's money and I won't stand for that shit. I refuse to live paycheck to paycheck or be poor.
That may be what you're used to, but not all women are like that, just like not all men are good at saving. I've gotten alot better in recent years, but I used to be the type to spend eveything but bill money on frivolous BS. Because of that I know that I need to be with someone at least a little money-minded, or we could get up in trouble. I think that's part of the yin and yang of a relationship though, as long as you are frugal enough to make up for her spending habits, then it could very well work out. You just need to realize how she is, and try not to let it irk you, or there will be trouble in the future. She'll get irritated at you being miserly, and you'll resent her for spending all of your money.
Hopefully y'all can make it to Vegas, it'll be good to meet you. We definitely know who will be doing all of the gambling.
Sounds more like roommates than a married couple...
That's what I was thinking. Lack of trust. Divided in the bills, bank accounts and god knows what else. If you have to ask a message board how much you should love/help your wife, so god help you. I wouldn't think twice about providing for her.
The real question is. Do you wanna have to make it a habit to give her $100 a month or just get it over with at the beginning? Did you guys look at the edge? I heard those are very nice as well.
To be totally honest yes. But the first year of our marriage has been like a Marine Boot Camp. You have to brake them down before you can build them up. I told this to my mother inlaw the other day and that didn't go over to well lol.
you start the trend from the get-go and don't give up!
If I didn't have it set up like that, I (we) wouldn't have any money LOL
This is exactly why I said that she needs to reallocate her budget to accommodate her desires. By giving in on this, you're setting a bad precedent.
We live a very comfortable lifestyle that provides for three kids, without the use of revolving credit, all on a modest household income. How? Because my grandparents taught me to budget. I've paid cash for my last three cars, we take great vacations, the kids had an outfuckingstanding Christmas, and we don't bitch about finances.
We both contribute to a joint account to pay the bills, and we have separate accounts. His funds his projects, and mine funds my desires.
Lol just bought Muff the start of his Model A speedster project for his birthday...you'll have to sweet talk me a little if you want me to unass the cash for new injectors. I'm a tightwad :wink1:
Lol just bought Muff the start of his Model A speedster project for his birthday...you'll have to sweet talk me a little if you want me to unass the cash for new injectors. I'm a tightwad :wink1:
Cool.........We could work a little sumtin' sumptin' out.
Lol just bought Muff the start of his Model A speedster project for his birthday...you'll have to sweet talk me a little if you want me to unass the cash for new injectors. I'm a tightwad :wink1:
Mine's bigger than his, all I ask is for a ride in the speedster when it's done.