Well things are heating up between my daughters mother & I, Long andshort of it is. She has told me she wants to live with me & and be with her baby brother. But she is only 8 years old and not sure if she really gets to have a say at this age on who she wants to live with. But their are also other intriquing factors to also gaining custody of my daughter. One is she moved my daughter and her son to Edgewood and moved in with a man she has been dating since October of last year. Other is her room is a curtain between to doors that open to the house. She use's his daughters room most of the time. Another factor is and I know I will catch some shit over this. But this guy has two HUGE Pit Bulls and I just worry. They seem like friendly dogs. But the damage they can do to a child at her age weighs in the back of my mind. Another factor is the house she is living in is in a dirty area. I mean old trailers & just white trash. 3 miles of the road to get to this guys house is the worst road you could imagine. I mean nothing but pot holes from HELL. You couldn't pay me to live off this road. She sits in Daycare everyday till 6 at night. I know most of my complaints warrant no concern. My biggest complaint is my daughters and what fuels me to fight this fight. Do I have any ground to fight on and has anyone won custody of their child at the age of 8 from the mother