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Excuses for late shipping, good ones.

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  • #16
    When I worked at a plumbing parts house, a coworker wrecked his delivery van because he had a toilet lid stacked on top of the parts in the back of said van. He applied the brakes, and the lid slid forward and hit him perfectly in the back of his head. He panicked and hit the gas, and drove that poor old van into a big hedge and tipped it over. He totaled the van and broke about ten grand worth of porcelain. It was extra hilarious.
    Last edited by YALE; 03-07-2014, 04:18 PM.


    • #17
      Originally posted by YALE View Post
      When I worked at a plumbing parts house, a coworker wrecked his delivery van because he had a toilet lid stacked on top of the parts in the back of said van. He applied the breaks, and the lid slid forward and hit him perfectly in the back of his head. He panicked and hit the gas, and drove that poor old van into a big hedge and tipped it over. He totaled the van and broke about ten grand worth of porcelain. It was extra hilarious.
      How is this possible?


      • #18
        Originally posted by YALE View Post
        When I worked at a plumbing parts house, a coworker wrecked his delivery van because he had a toilet lid stacked on top of the parts in the back of said van. He applied the breaks, and the lid slid forward and hit him perfectly in the back of his head. He panicked and hit the gas, and drove that poor old van into a big hedge and tipped it over. He totaled the van and broke about ten grand worth of porcelain. It was extra hilarious.
        Curtiss Blow approves this message.


        • #19
          Originally posted by 71chevellejohn View Post
          How is this possible?
          Originally posted by Roscoe View Post
          Curtiss Blow approves this message.
          I appreciate the heads up gents.
          ZOMBIE REAGAN FOR PRESIDENT 2016!!! heh


          • #20
            Originally posted by YALE View Post
            I appreciate the heads up gents.
            Himmler just demoted you.
            Originally posted by Buzzo
            Some dudes jump out of airplanes, I fuck hookers without condoms.



            • #21
              Originally posted by bcoop View Post
              I've had the heart attack excuse before. I also had one where the truck was stolen.
              I've actually had two drivers die of heart attacks while hauling shipments we brokered to them.
              I'll try to get in here tomorrow and add some stories to the mix.


              • #22
                Truck was hijacked. Truck was set on fire. Shipment delayed because RPG. Container fell off cargo ship. Materials stolen from container in the port in Pakistan. Of course all those are true to name a few.
                Fuck you. We're going to Costco.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Mike View Post
                  I've actually had two drivers die of heart attacks while hauling shipments we brokered to them.
                  I'll try to get in here tomorrow and add some stories to the mix.

                  I've had one also. He was parked outside the shop at Vandergriff Chevy. Put the truck in drive and I guess it happened. Foot jammed on the gas, truck flew into the shop at full throttle into the back of a brand new Vette, then pushed it into another car. Died on the spot. Luckily no one was in his way. Fucked up day.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by talisman View Post
                    I've had one also. He was parked outside the shop at Vandergriff Chevy. Put the truck in drive and I guess it happened. Foot jammed on the gas, truck flew into the shop at full throttle into the back of a brand new Vette, then pushed it into another car. Died on the spot. Luckily no one was in his way. Fucked up day.
                    The truck died or the guy died on the spot?


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by mstng86 View Post
                      The truck died or the guy died on the spot?

                      The guy. A tech had to run over and cut the engine to the delivery truck, it was still spinning the tires trying to push the Vette.

                      PostScript: the Vette had literally just been leased and I guess was going through make ready. The jackass "owner" started threatening to sue us. It's a good thing I didn't take those calls.


                      • #26
                        Holy shit.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by BP View Post
                          So I just heard someone say one of their trucks was hijacked by illegals in the valley so we need to send another part.

                          I've heard about trucks having accidents, being stuck on the ice, heck I've even been told that a driver forgot to close the doors and an engine fell out of the back. The hijacking was a new one though.

                          What are the other good excuses freight companies use?
                          I've heard driver's appendix burst on road


                          • #28
                            I had a series of T5 transmissions getting stolen in route to customers using Fedex. Trans would ship out of SA, hit Dallas and disappear. At $1000-$1200 a pop, Fedex stopped covering them after 10 of them went missing in about 3 months. The 11th one Fedex refused to pay so I had to file suit on them for it. They cut a check the day before it went to court.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by talisman View Post
                              I've had one also. He was parked outside the shop at Vandergriff Chevy. Put the truck in drive and I guess it happened. Foot jammed on the gas, truck flew into the shop at full throttle into the back of a brand new Vette, then pushed it into another car. Died on the spot. Luckily no one was in his way. Fucked up day.
                              Reminds me of one time when I was having lunch at Stella Blues on Maui. Some gay dude dying of aids was in his rental Jeep parked in front of the restaurant and passed out at the wheel from a heart attack when in drive and floored it. Jumped the curb, moved the big ass cement plant holder and drove into the place missing me by 6' because I was on my way out the door.
                              Good judgment comes from bad decisions and a lot of that comes from bad judgment.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by thesource View Post
                                I had a series of T5 transmissions getting stolen in route to customers using Fedex. Trans would ship out of SA, hit Dallas and disappear. At $1000-$1200 a pop, Fedex stopped covering them after 10 of them went missing in about 3 months. The 11th one Fedex refused to pay so I had to file suit on them for it. They cut a check the day before it went to court.
                                Had the same thing happen with back to back overnight shipments of cast iron BBC cylinder heads from World Products using Fedex. 4 boxes total stolen two consecutive nights. The customer almost didn't believe me. Fedex did a same day shipment for the third set on the third day.
                                Fuck you. We're going to Costco.

