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Sometimes this site amazes me

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  • #16
    Originally posted by mstng86 View Post
    Every family has its little spats internally.
    Yes... yes we do.
    Originally posted by PGreenCobra
    I can't get over the fact that you get to go live the rest of your life, knowing that someone made a Halloween costume out of you. LMAO!!
    Originally posted by Trip McNeely
    Originally posted by dsrtuckteezy
    dont downshift!!
    Go do a whooly in front of a Peterbilt.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Chili View Post
      I missed the Orvette thing.. Happened before I joined, but just read through some of it.

      lol @ 11 years later and people still remember. That cracks me up.
      The good old days. lmfao @ Hollywood the badass:

      ive been dipping for along bout 5 yrs now...and something weird but funny came bout last little cousin who is 15 decided he wanted to try snuff...well i let him have a dip of my Cope...come long bout 20 mins later he said he felt real weak and woosy and felt like he needed to...

      What all has he done to be hated by so many? The only things I have heard is he possibly banged Christina and then threatened to kill himself (related events?). just curious.

      Good old Dolomite^.

      "The hydrocephaly is getting to you. Nobody would be able to type on the keyboard through the layers of dried semen, Copenhagen, tears, fallen self-respect, and dandruff. The only way you accomplish typing is using the giant hamhocks Christina calls asscheeks to pound the keys. Only you're running out of lard so she comes around a lot less now. Time to clean off the smegma and dump it in the feeding trough and yell suey."

      Random hilarity from the Orvette search:

      My son got burnt on his dad fajita plate at dinner. He has a nasty looking burn on his arm that is already blistered. I have Neosporin and put some of that on it, but my question is....Do I need to put a bandage on it and keep it covered? The top layer of skin that is blistered, is already...

      The motherlode:

      i told a buddy of mine to send my g/f a fake virus thats like a game just for fun. well instead of sending it he went into her email and stumbled upon this letter. Should i think my g/f of 10mos is cheating on me by what is put in this letter? keep in mind this guy lives near her and she knows...

      Craig, in the above thread James and I are discussing his old gf Tara who ended up showing at one of your house parties about two years ago. haha That thread is chock full of the old all stars.

