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Teen Sues Parents for Tuition

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  • Teen Sues Parents for Tuition

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    Rachel Canning, 18, says her parents kicked her out of their house; she wants them to give her financial support. A New Jersey judge denied her requests in an initial hearing Tuesday.

    A judge held an unusual hearing in New Jersey on Tuesday: a lawsuit brought by an 18-year-old who says her parents kicked her out of their house. Rachel Canning is seeking to force her parents to give her financial support and money for college, in addition to pay for tuition at her private school. Superior Court Family Division Judge Peter Bogaard, who heard the case in Morristown, N.J., on Tuesday afternoon, denied Canning's requests in what's seen as the first round of hearings in the case. "All requests by plaintiff for emergent relief at this point are denied," tweeted , which was apparently the first news outlet to report the news of the lawsuit. The judge set a date of April 22 for a hearing to consider other issues in the case, such as Canning's legal status, the . In discussing the case after nearly two hours of testimony, the judge cited an email from Canning to her parents in which she said, "I'm my biggest enemy ... And do realize that a change has to be made," Izzo says. Bogaard also "noted that Rachel Canning's behavior over the past year has been in question," reports : "one or two school suspensions, drinking, losing her captaincy on the cheerleading squad and being kicked out of the campus ministry." The news station says the judge also told the Cannings that they should have tried to get help for their daughter instead of cutting her off. Bogaard said the question of public policy must be considered, , as the case might set a precedent in which children can flout their parents' rules and then demand money from them. Court documents filed by Rachel Canning alleged that her parents abandoned her. But her lawsuit stopped short of seeking full emancipation from them – if that connection is removed, her parents would cease to have an obligation toward their daughter. "We're being sued by our child," Sean Canning Christine Sloan Monday. "I'm dumbfounded. So is my wife, so are my other daughters." Rachel Canning, a senior at Morris Catholic High School, is on the honor roll and the cheerleading squad; she plays lacrosse and has a $20,000 scholarship from the University of Vermont, according to multiple reports. Since leaving her parents' home, Canning has been living with a friend whose father helped her sue, as reports: "Since the alleged "abandonment" by her parents, Rachel has been living in Rockaway Township with the family of her best friend and fellow student Jaime Inglesino, whose father is attorney and former Morris County Freeholder John Inglesino. Inglesino is funding the lawsuit and hired attorney Helfand, who included in the lawsuit a request that the parents pay their daughter's legal fees that so far total $12,597." In late December, Canning's parents' attorney wrote a letter stating that the parents would continue to pay for Rachel's health insurance and saying she is entitled to money from a college fund they created, reports the . "I know Rachel is a) a good kid, b) an incredibly rebellious teen, and she's getting some terrible information," Sean Canning told CBS 2. He told the TV station that his daughter left home in November. The Canning household isn't a strict one, he said, noting that curfew is often after 11 p.m. Several local media outlets have reported that the Cannings did not approve of their daughter's boyfriend, whom the Daily Record has identified as a fellow senior at Morris Catholic. Tuesday afternoon, Sean and Elizabeth Canning and their daughter came to court to discuss her lawsuit against them. They sat "at opposite ends" of the same table, Fox News' Rick Leventhal . "All look miserable." For today's hearing, the parents were "required to produce information about their incomes, including their 2011 and 2012 tax returns and their last three pay stubs," reports the Star-Ledger. The newspaper adds that Sean Canning currently works as a business administrator for the Township of Mount Olive; Elizabeth Canning is a legal secretary. An intense discussion of the case is underway at the , where the top-rated comment came from a woman warning Rachel Canning that she was putting her future at risk. When people learn about her past, reader Emily Ruman warned, "they will most likely put on you on their 'she was crazy then, she is probably still crazy' list of people that they don't hire, date, befriend or otherwise associate with." Another comment reiterated a time-honored rule: "If you don't like the rules here, move out."
    I would beat a child.

  • #2
    in a hat with a bat
    on a road in the choad
    Id ring that shit heads little neck


    • #3
      The fact that this is taking up tax dollars really pisses me off. The judge should throw this out and charge the lawyers for the daughter a fine for being fucking idiots and waiting government time and money. If we actually charged people for making bullshit lawsuits they might stop


      • #4
        Originally posted by blownaltered View Post
        The fact that this is taking up tax dollars really pisses me off. The judge should throw this out and charge the lawyers for the daughter a fine for being fucking idiots and waiting government time and money. If we actually charged people for making bullshit lawsuits they might stop
        It's eating up a public resource, but I wouldn't say it's using tax dollars. Regardless of what the ambulance chasers say on tv, trust and believe it's not free to go to court.


        • #5
          I read earlier that they reversed the initial ruling that the parents were ordered to pay her $650/month support, so it's moot now. But she's still a sniveling brat.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Tx Redneck View Post
            I read earlier that they reversed the initial ruling that the parents were ordered to pay her $650/month support, so it's moot now. But she's still a sniveling brat.
            How the fuck are parents ordered to pay an 18 year old $650 a month in support. How about follow your parents rules while you are still under their roof or get your ass out and get a job. This country is turning to fucking shit. I would set my money on fire before giving it to that little fuck. Maybe if parents did more of this we wouldn't have bullshit like this these days.


            • #7
              NJ, what a shit hole. Everybody these days expects a handout, what a dirtbag


              • #8
                Better hope she doesn't Google herself and come here. Sue all you as well.


                • #9
                  They showed her on the news well from what I saw she is a slut and at18yrs old is she is good to go.


                  • #10


                    • #11
                      Her friend's dad is a lawyer, and likely the driving force behind the actual lawsuit. She goes to private school, so her folk have some pocket change, and the lawyer is looking to capitalize.

                      She is still a sniveling little twat for following their lead though.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Big A View Post
                        Her friend's dad is a lawyer, and likely the driving force behind the actual lawsuit. She goes to private school, so her folk have some pocket change, and the lawyer is looking to capitalize.

                        She is still a sniveling little twat for following their lead though.
                        I agree. I would be livid if a non-family member was jumping in like this. From the article:
                        Inglesino is funding the lawsuit and hired attorney Helfand, who included in the lawsuit a request that the parents pay their daughter's legal fees that so far total $12,597."
                        That "friend's" dad is probably tapping that.


                        • #13
                          No soup for her:


                          • #14
                            She's a product of her parents.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Magnus View Post
                              She's a product of her parents.
                              Somewhat, but parents can only do so much. Her siblings seem to be still living at home and happy.

