Okay, can one of you fine gentlemen that works for the railroad gives me some of your flashing around town money? I'll let you sit in the cockpit if you do.
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Equipment Specifications
Year 1962
Manufacturer DOUGLAS
Price $3,800,000
Location Easton, Maryland
Condition Used
Serial Number 149606
Registration Number 402
Total Time 0 Hours
General Information
Detailed Description
Omni International Jet Trading is pleased to present 1962 Douglas A-4C Skyhawk.
"Peoples Choice" Best Warbird Jet Award!
The only known A-4C flying in the world today!
A4-C SKYHAWK. In the aviation world the noblest pursuit is the ownership of a one-of-a-kind flying aircraft legend. Priced at $3,800,000 this aircraft is a distinguished Vietnam era combat veteran and the only known A-4C flying in the world today. If you're a collector, this aircraft will be the centerpiece of your collection. If you're a pilot, after your first flight, flying as you once knew it will never be the same.
The restoration objective of this legendary 1960's vintage aircraft is to capture a significant moment in US naval aviation history. The buildup and restoration of this aircraft provides a sense of place and time. Distinguished by its rich naval operating history, period materials, technology, and soundness of structural integrity, the Douglas A-4C Skyhawk and the men who flew them, serviced them and the materials and craftsmanship of that period are fast disappearing.
Flying the aircraft in public exhibitions, maintaining the historic flight records, the materials and craftsmanship that contributed to our rich aviation heritage is central to capturing this important moment in time.
* Assembly and buildup around the forward fuselage remains of Viet Nam era A-4C BuNo 149606.
* Complete records for all parts and assemblies included with purchase orders and vender identification.
* Vast NAVAIR overhaul and assembly technical library.
* Totally demilitarized. All unnecessary military equipment removed pursuant to FAA regulations and to reduce the empty weight of the aircraft. 20mm guns are replicas.
* NDT and visual inspections per Douglas Aircraft/Navy Maintenance procedures and current day best practices. Many airframe structural components replaced.
* Wing, Fuselage and tail attachment bolts and bushings replaced with new hardware.
* All hydraulic components overhauled/bench tested. Aluminum fittings and lines replaced with stainless steel.
* All screws and fasteners cad plated or stainless steel.
* Electrical System – Aircraft 100% rewired per NAVAIR electrical schematics. Fuse panels replaced with new circuit breakers. All weapons system electrical components removed.
* Fuel System – all components overhauled/tested or replaced. Integral wing tanks pressurized and leak tested. New fuel lines were installed.
* Complete Landing Gear overhaul including NDT of wheels and axels. New wheel bearings installed, new tires. New brake pucks.
* Complete cockpit refurbishment and detailing.
* Majority of instruments are vintage equipment with New Garmin GPS, Collins ILS, and Nav/Comm equipment installed.
* All warning lights, switch nomenclature, and required placards remarked with original silkscreen backlit panels.
* Paint: Complete strip, etch, prime and paint to original U.S. Navy color specifications.
* Significant inventory of spares, including (3) J65 engines with log books, new tires and hardware.
Fuselage Tank - 237 Gallons
Wing - 570 Gallons
2 (150 gal) External Tanks - 300 Gallons
Total Fuel - 1,107 Gallons / 7,583 lbs.
JP4, JP5, Jet "A"
Length: 42 ft., 2-3/15 inches
Wing Span: 27 ft., 6 inches
Height: 14 ft., 11-7/8 inches
Wing Area: 259.86 sq ft
Wing Loading: 62.4 lbs./sq ft
Aspect Area: 2.91
MAC: 129.625 inches
GG Range: 25.58% to 28.48% MAC
Wing Section Root: NACA 0008-1.1-25.-0875 (.5x230)
Wing Section Tip: NACA 0005-.825-50-.0787 (.5x230)
Flaps: Split Hydraulic Actuated
Flaps Takeoff: 25 Degrees
Flaps Landing: 50 Degrees
Empty Weight: 9,614.47 lbs.
Empty Weight CG: 246.687 in/ 34.38%MAC
Gross Takeoff Weight:18,5000 lbs.
Stabilizer Trim
Nose Up: 11 Degrees
Nose Down: 1 Degrees
Average Cruising Speed: 432 KIAS
Max Speed at Sea Level: 600 KIAS
Takeoff Speed: 132 KIAS 16,000 lbs. (Note 2)
Takeoff Speed: 138 KIAS 18,000 lbs. (Note 2)
Takeoff Run: 2,600 ft. (16,000 lbs.) (Note 1)
Takeoff Run: 3,200 ft. (18,000 lbs.) (Note 1)
Landing Ground Roll Distance: 4,600 ft. (12,000 lbs.) (Note 2)
Landing Ground Roll Distance: 5,400 ft. (14,000 lbs.) (Note 2)
Stall Speed (Flaps Full): 99 KIAS (12,000 lbs.)
Stall Speed (Flaps Up): 107 KIAS (12,000 lbs.)
Stall Speed (Flaps Full): 99 KIAS (14,000 lbs.)
Stall Speed (Flaps Up): 107 KIAS (14,000 lbs.)
Landing Speed (Flaps Full): 116 KIAS (12,000 lbs.)
Landing Speed (Flaps Up): 134 KIAS (12,000 lbs.)
Landing Speed (Flaps Full): 126 KIAS (14,000 lbs.)
Landing Speed (Flaps Up): 144 KIAS (14,000 lbs.)
Roll Rate: 720 Degrees per Second
Rate of Climb: 5,500 Feet per Minute
Range at 20,000 ft.: 782 Nautical Miles (w/Ext Fuel) (Note 1)
Range at 20,000 ft.: 510 Nautical Miles (w/o Ext Fuel) (Note 1)
Note 1: With 1,000 lbs. fuel reserve
Note 2: Standard Day, No Wind, Sea Level
Engine Specs:
Curtis Wright J65-16A
Turbojet with a multistage axial-glow compressor
Driven by a two-stage turbine w/o afterburner
Thrust Rating - 7,700 lbs.
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Equipment Specifications
Year 1962
Manufacturer DOUGLAS
Price $3,800,000
Location Easton, Maryland
Condition Used
Serial Number 149606
Registration Number 402
Total Time 0 Hours
General Information
Detailed Description
Omni International Jet Trading is pleased to present 1962 Douglas A-4C Skyhawk.
"Peoples Choice" Best Warbird Jet Award!
The only known A-4C flying in the world today!
A4-C SKYHAWK. In the aviation world the noblest pursuit is the ownership of a one-of-a-kind flying aircraft legend. Priced at $3,800,000 this aircraft is a distinguished Vietnam era combat veteran and the only known A-4C flying in the world today. If you're a collector, this aircraft will be the centerpiece of your collection. If you're a pilot, after your first flight, flying as you once knew it will never be the same.
The restoration objective of this legendary 1960's vintage aircraft is to capture a significant moment in US naval aviation history. The buildup and restoration of this aircraft provides a sense of place and time. Distinguished by its rich naval operating history, period materials, technology, and soundness of structural integrity, the Douglas A-4C Skyhawk and the men who flew them, serviced them and the materials and craftsmanship of that period are fast disappearing.
Flying the aircraft in public exhibitions, maintaining the historic flight records, the materials and craftsmanship that contributed to our rich aviation heritage is central to capturing this important moment in time.
* Assembly and buildup around the forward fuselage remains of Viet Nam era A-4C BuNo 149606.
* Complete records for all parts and assemblies included with purchase orders and vender identification.
* Vast NAVAIR overhaul and assembly technical library.
* Totally demilitarized. All unnecessary military equipment removed pursuant to FAA regulations and to reduce the empty weight of the aircraft. 20mm guns are replicas.
* NDT and visual inspections per Douglas Aircraft/Navy Maintenance procedures and current day best practices. Many airframe structural components replaced.
* Wing, Fuselage and tail attachment bolts and bushings replaced with new hardware.
* All hydraulic components overhauled/bench tested. Aluminum fittings and lines replaced with stainless steel.
* All screws and fasteners cad plated or stainless steel.
* Electrical System – Aircraft 100% rewired per NAVAIR electrical schematics. Fuse panels replaced with new circuit breakers. All weapons system electrical components removed.
* Fuel System – all components overhauled/tested or replaced. Integral wing tanks pressurized and leak tested. New fuel lines were installed.
* Complete Landing Gear overhaul including NDT of wheels and axels. New wheel bearings installed, new tires. New brake pucks.
* Complete cockpit refurbishment and detailing.
* Majority of instruments are vintage equipment with New Garmin GPS, Collins ILS, and Nav/Comm equipment installed.
* All warning lights, switch nomenclature, and required placards remarked with original silkscreen backlit panels.
* Paint: Complete strip, etch, prime and paint to original U.S. Navy color specifications.
* Significant inventory of spares, including (3) J65 engines with log books, new tires and hardware.
Fuselage Tank - 237 Gallons
Wing - 570 Gallons
2 (150 gal) External Tanks - 300 Gallons
Total Fuel - 1,107 Gallons / 7,583 lbs.
JP4, JP5, Jet "A"
Length: 42 ft., 2-3/15 inches
Wing Span: 27 ft., 6 inches
Height: 14 ft., 11-7/8 inches
Wing Area: 259.86 sq ft
Wing Loading: 62.4 lbs./sq ft
Aspect Area: 2.91
MAC: 129.625 inches
GG Range: 25.58% to 28.48% MAC
Wing Section Root: NACA 0008-1.1-25.-0875 (.5x230)
Wing Section Tip: NACA 0005-.825-50-.0787 (.5x230)
Flaps: Split Hydraulic Actuated
Flaps Takeoff: 25 Degrees
Flaps Landing: 50 Degrees
Empty Weight: 9,614.47 lbs.
Empty Weight CG: 246.687 in/ 34.38%MAC
Gross Takeoff Weight:18,5000 lbs.
Stabilizer Trim
Nose Up: 11 Degrees
Nose Down: 1 Degrees
Average Cruising Speed: 432 KIAS
Max Speed at Sea Level: 600 KIAS
Takeoff Speed: 132 KIAS 16,000 lbs. (Note 2)
Takeoff Speed: 138 KIAS 18,000 lbs. (Note 2)
Takeoff Run: 2,600 ft. (16,000 lbs.) (Note 1)
Takeoff Run: 3,200 ft. (18,000 lbs.) (Note 1)
Landing Ground Roll Distance: 4,600 ft. (12,000 lbs.) (Note 2)
Landing Ground Roll Distance: 5,400 ft. (14,000 lbs.) (Note 2)
Stall Speed (Flaps Full): 99 KIAS (12,000 lbs.)
Stall Speed (Flaps Up): 107 KIAS (12,000 lbs.)
Stall Speed (Flaps Full): 99 KIAS (14,000 lbs.)
Stall Speed (Flaps Up): 107 KIAS (14,000 lbs.)
Landing Speed (Flaps Full): 116 KIAS (12,000 lbs.)
Landing Speed (Flaps Up): 134 KIAS (12,000 lbs.)
Landing Speed (Flaps Full): 126 KIAS (14,000 lbs.)
Landing Speed (Flaps Up): 144 KIAS (14,000 lbs.)
Roll Rate: 720 Degrees per Second
Rate of Climb: 5,500 Feet per Minute
Range at 20,000 ft.: 782 Nautical Miles (w/Ext Fuel) (Note 1)
Range at 20,000 ft.: 510 Nautical Miles (w/o Ext Fuel) (Note 1)
Note 1: With 1,000 lbs. fuel reserve
Note 2: Standard Day, No Wind, Sea Level
Engine Specs:
Curtis Wright J65-16A
Turbojet with a multistage axial-glow compressor
Driven by a two-stage turbine w/o afterburner
Thrust Rating - 7,700 lbs.
