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Blast rap music from your car, get shooted

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  • #16
    We should order one next time and see what the bar wench says.


    • #17
      Originally posted by VaderTT View Post
      We should order one next time and see what the bar wench says.
      Tomorrow night.


      • #18

        10 things you should NEVER do after a self defense shooting

        When it comes to armed self defense, it's usually not the shooting itself that trips you up legally. More often than not, it's what you do afterward that gets you in hot water.

        Here are 10 things you should avoid after using your gun in self defense. Never ...

        Call 911 in a panic.

        Leave the scene.

        Move or tamper with evidence.

        Have your gun in your hand when the police arrive.

        Make a statement to police before you talk to your lawyer.

        "My gun is laying over there, and that is the gun that I used to shoot my attacker in self defense because I feared for my life. I do not want to say anything else until I have had time to talk to my attorney. I want to cooperate with the investigation completely, but I'm very upset right now and I need to talk to my attorney first. I hope you understand."

        Fall for good cop bad cop.

        Try your case on the spot.

        Lecture police on the law or your rights.

        Fail to use the word "sir."

        Be surprised if you're treated like a criminal.


        • #19
          cliff notes, or should i just say he should rot in jail.

          god bless.
          It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men -Frederick Douglass


          • #20
            What a dumbfuck. Are there witnesses stating Davis went that far?

