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Do you want to die today?” Cop Threatens to Murder Man as 20 Officers Attack Family

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  • #16
    Cops have been doing that for years. Where is the tampering with evidence charge?


    • #17
      That woulda been a good time to go rob a bank in that town, nobody to respond!


      • #18
        That was a little over the top, to say the least. The main cops involved should face charges in my opinion but then again you really can't tell what is going on. All you see is the cop punching. The cop should have never dragged him down by his throat that's for sure. As for the cops entering the house, god only knows what caused that. All of a sudden the black dude took off and there was cops on his heels. I would like to know what happened there before I pass to much judgement. Either way its a bad situation that shouldn't have happened.


        • #19
          im ok with the take down but the punches to what appears to be a restrained person isnt good in my opinion.


          • #20
            Originally posted by blownaltered View Post
            As for the cops entering the house, god only knows what caused that. All of a sudden the black dude took off and there was cops on his heels. I would like to know what happened there before I pass to much judgement.
            Yeah, I'd like some more on that end of the deal. Something happened that changed that whole end of the situation. Prior to that moment, they were all pretty calm and the dude ws just jacking his jaws.

            Looks pretty jacked up though. Sounds like some folks caught a case behind it.


            • #21
              The amount of tyranny you will live under is the exact amount you are willing to accept. This country is beyond repair, buckle up folks, it's only going to get worse.


              • #22
                fuck that. fuck them.

