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Phillip Seymour Hoffman dead

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  • #31
    Rehab is for quitters.....well, he quit.


    • #32
      "White chocolate!"


      • #33


        • #34
          Apparently, he took the Denver offense with him.


          • #35
            People that don't understand the attraction to opiates usually have not tried them. A percentage of people that do try them don't care for them much, or it make them nauseous so they never do them again.

            Or, they just take them responsibly after a surgery or as a pain management aid and eventually get off of them.

            But, mix addictive tendencies with the most physically addicting drug out there, and it's a long and painful life of addiction to opiates. So if doing them, then why not do the most powerful one out there and use the best delivery means possible? Snorting heroin is a fucking waste of dope.

            Usually people that OD have been clean for a bit, then return to using and forget that the dosage they were at when they quit is now deadly. And that shit will kill you instantly.

            Hoffman had been struggling for years and could have very well been despondent. They found several glassine baggies laying around, heck he might have been doing shot after shot for fun, or out of misery. Who really knows.

            Rich people usually don't go all the way down the tubes and lose all their shit, because they have no financial consequences from their using. At least not any that seem to phase them. So, usually their consequence is simply death.
            Or, if they are lucky, they'll be caught up in the legal system and get some help.

            One other thing, the dope that comes through the New York area is generally of the Asian (aka China White) dope and can be much more unpredictable in it's purity than the shitty tar heroin that it all over the south and western US.

            My experience with the dope from the northeast is it's about 10 times stronger than anything down here. I found myself face down with foam coming out of my nose and mouth in a hotel room because of it. Luckily I was face down.

            I understand what he was possibly going through. I am glad it wasn't me. I have 5 months clean and I am getting my life back on track from my own struggles with heroin. It is a beast and gets its hooks into you physically in a way that makes getting off of it almost impossible without being locked up somewhere for a while.


            • #36
              Originally posted by DON SVO View Post
              I've never understood the attraction to heroin. It seems like opiates are the drug most likely to win an Oscar for "Caused more celebrity deaths due to instant death"
              do you understand the attraction to other drugs?


              • #37
                Originally posted by Cooter View Post
                do you understand the attraction to other drugs?
                I've seen party pictures of his own attraction to alcohol.....


                • #38
                  DE OPPRESSO LIBER


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by 93LXHORSE View Post
                    I've seen party pictures of his own attraction to alcohol.....
                    Alcohol's not a drug. I used to suck dick for coke. Now that's an addiction. You ever sucked some dick for alcohol?
                    Originally posted by Broncojohnny
                    HOORAY ME and FUCK YOU!


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by 93LXHORSE View Post
                      I have 5 months clean and I am getting my life back on track from my own struggles with heroin. It is a beast and gets its hooks into you physically in a way that makes getting off of it almost impossible without being locked up somewhere for a while.
                      Good for you man, keep it up!
                      I know how hard it was for me kicking pain pills. It was the worst 3 weeks of my life. I can't imagine what kind of hell it was kicking heroin.
                      "Yeeeeehhhhhaaaaawwwww that's my jam"


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by 93LXHORSE View Post
                        People that don't understand the attraction to opiates usually have not tried them. A percentage of people that do try them don't care for them much, or it make them nauseous so they never do them again.

                        Or, they just take them responsibly after a surgery or as a pain management aid and eventually get off of them.

                        But, mix addictive tendencies with the most physically addicting drug out there, and it's a long and painful life of addiction to opiates. So if doing them, then why not do the most powerful one out there and use the best delivery means possible? Snorting heroin is a fucking waste of dope.

                        Usually people that OD have been clean for a bit, then return to using and forget that the dosage they were at when they quit is now deadly. And that shit will kill you instantly.

                        Hoffman had been struggling for years and could have very well been despondent. They found several glassine baggies laying around, heck he might have been doing shot after shot for fun, or out of misery. Who really knows.

                        Rich people usually don't go all the way down the tubes and lose all their shit, because they have no financial consequences from their using. At least not any that seem to phase them. So, usually their consequence is simply death.
                        Or, if they are lucky, they'll be caught up in the legal system and get some help.

                        One other thing, the dope that comes through the New York area is generally of the Asian (aka China White) dope and can be much more unpredictable in it's purity than the shitty tar heroin that it all over the south and western US.

                        My experience with the dope from the northeast is it's about 10 times stronger than anything down here. I found myself face down with foam coming out of my nose and mouth in a hotel room because of it. Luckily I was face down.

                        I understand what he was possibly going through. I am glad it wasn't me. I have 5 months clean and I am getting my life back on track from my own struggles with heroin. It is a beast and gets its hooks into you physically in a way that makes getting off of it almost impossible without being locked up somewhere for a while.
                        Very well written. Congratulations on your 5 months.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Cooter View Post
                          do you understand the attraction to other drugs?
                          To some, yes. Opiates (heroin especially) are downers. I don't understand wanting to take a drug that's going to do just what I consider the opposite of a good time. I've taken plenty of hydrocodone and Vicodin. I've had a fair amount of morphine. I've never once wanted to take them outside of their medicinal usage.

                          Originally posted by 93LXHORSE View Post
                          I've seen party pictures of his own attraction to alcohol.....
                          What does that have to do with Hoffman's addiction to opiates?
                          Originally posted by PGreenCobra
                          I can't get over the fact that you get to go live the rest of your life, knowing that someone made a Halloween costume out of you. LMAO!!
                          Originally posted by Trip McNeely
                          Originally posted by dsrtuckteezy
                          dont downshift!!
                          Go do a whooly in front of a Peterbilt.


                          • #43
                            some people like uppers, some people like downers...

                            The guy liked what he liked and caught a hot shot. RIP to him


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Cooter View Post
                              some people like uppers, some people like downers...

                              The guy liked what he liked and caught a hot shot. RIP to him
                              My point exactly... If I ever decided to do any form of hardcore drug, it would be an upper. It baffles me why someone decides, "holy shit, I really want to inject something that'll depress the shit out of me!". I'll likely never understand and, from how addictive opiates seem, I'd like to keep it that way.
                              Originally posted by PGreenCobra
                              I can't get over the fact that you get to go live the rest of your life, knowing that someone made a Halloween costume out of you. LMAO!!
                              Originally posted by Trip McNeely
                              Originally posted by dsrtuckteezy
                              dont downshift!!
                              Go do a whooly in front of a Peterbilt.


                              • #45
                                that's good...

                                not everybody is wired the same. I'm pretty high strung, and my intoxicants of choice have always tended to be sedatives

                                other people are wired differently and prefer uppers

                                there have been plenty of careers/lives wasted on meth, coke, etc.

                                just as there have been plenty wasted on alcohol, benzos, opiates, etc.

