For the last year I've been traveling alot for my new job and my wife and I have talked about selling our home summer 2014 in Denton. Within the last 2 months an energy company has come in and built 2 gas/fracking wells next to my subdivision & within a block of my home. We're worried now because the thought of selling our home this summer is now a pipe dream with these 2 wells sitting on top of us. Unless, of course, we're willing to take a significant loss.
Anyone in DFW seen their home values plummet from a situation like this?
Anyone try selling their homes, unsuccessfully, due to a nearby gas well?
Any information is greatly appreciated!
Anyone in DFW seen their home values plummet from a situation like this?
Anyone try selling their homes, unsuccessfully, due to a nearby gas well?
Any information is greatly appreciated!