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Christmas lights....enough already!!! :)

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  • Christmas lights....enough already!!! :)

    Okay so how long are we going to see Christmas lights, not only still up, but turned on? I understand people are buzy/lazy and don't have them down yet. But at least unplug them!

    I think maybe this year an anonymous letter is due.....
    "Congratulations!! You get the spirit award for leaving your Christmas lights on longer than anyone else on this side of the metro area!"

  • #2
    quit being a whiney bitch! christmas lights are awesome, the holidays went by too fast.


    • #3
      Originally posted by dsrtuckteezy View Post
      quit being a whiney bitch! christmas lights are awesome, the holidays went by too fast.

      That is why they are Christmas lights. Not Hallowen lights or New Years lights, but Christmas lights.


      • #4
        haha, roll through a trailer park, they think different.


        • #5
          Originally posted by dsrtuckteezy View Post
          haha, roll through a trailer park, they think different.
          Well they use the clips to hold the roof on. So they get a free pass.


          • #6
            <---Guilty BUT, mine are contained INSIDE our single-wide.
            I no longer shift gears - I switch beers. Cheers!


            • #7
              so what crawled up your ass today.


              • #8
                The holiday days lined up poorly this year. Kids are still out of school. This is an atypical holiday schedule.


                • #9
                  Usually neighbors keep them on till chinese new year or different new year celebrations. They take them off the 15th almost every year exactly around 10am.


                  • #10
                    Most of my customers want them taken down after New Years. I am going to have a busy weekend.
                    "Yeeeeehhhhhaaaaawwwww that's my jam"


                    • #11
                      Strychnine left his shit up for like 9 months one year.


                      • #12
                        If I don't have mine down on New Year's Day, I'll kill the timers so they don't come on. I try and go from the weekend after Thanksgiving to NYE.


                        • #13
                          People on the corner 2 streets over have had to theirs up since 09' they quit working and they put up new ones right on top of the old ones.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by inline 6 View Post
                            People on the corner 2 streets over have had to theirs up since 09' they quit working and they put up new ones right on top of the old ones.
                            you live in midlothian fool, what do you expect??!

                            <--- went to school in midlo and live in ovilla


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by dsrtuckteezy View Post
                              you live in midlothian fool, what do you expect??!

                              <--- went to school in midlo and live in ovilla
                              Yes but this neighborhood is no trailer park. They are the only house like this.

