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Homeowner kills Deputy in No-Knock

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  • bcoop
    Originally posted by hustleman View Post
    A convicted felon may not possess a firearm regardless of nonviolent or violent crime for the above stated term.
    You're a cop, right? Seems you need to know Texas penal code...

    Sec. 46.04. UNLAWFUL POSSESSION OF FIREARM. (a) A person who has been convicted of a felony commits an offense if he possesses a firearm:

    (1) after conviction and before the fifth anniversary of the person's release from confinement following conviction of the felony or the person's release from supervision under community supervision, parole, or mandatory supervision, whichever date is later; or

    (2) after the period described by Subdivision (1), at any location other than the premises at which the person lives.

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  • VaderTT
    Originally posted by hustleman View Post
    A convicted felon may not possess a firearm regardless of nonviolent or violent crime for the above stated term.
    Tell us how you really feel.

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  • hustleman
    A convicted felon may not possess a firearm regardless of nonviolent or violent crime for the above stated term.

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  • bcoop
    Originally posted by Baron View Post
    hmm, never really thought about that. I have a few friends with CHL's who need to consider that the weed in the glove box can get them in some really hot water.
    Hopefully they are smart enough to know not to carry both at the same time. If not, they deserve whatever comes their way.

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  • VaderTT
    Originally posted by bcoop View Post
    Yeah, drugs and guns = fucked. Doesn't matter if the guns are on the up and up or not.
    Yeah, they found those "illegal" guns they were looking for all because he had plants.

    Originally posted by Baron View Post
    hmm, never really thought about that. I have a few friends with CHL's who need to consider that the weed in the glove box can get them in some really hot water.
    Seriously! Not sure on the quantity of tweed jackets, but I think it has to be felony amount as well.

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  • Baron Von Crowder
    Originally posted by bcoop View Post
    Yeah, drugs and guns = fucked. Doesn't matter if the guns are on the up and up or not.
    hmm, never really thought about that. I have a few friends with CHL's who need to consider that the weed in the glove box can get them in some really hot water.

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  • bcoop
    Originally posted by VaderTT View Post
    Having the plants also automatically nullifies the legality of the guns. An acquaintance of mine in DFW was caught with pot and he was also charged with illegal possession of firearms (felony) for his "legal" 10-22 and g19 and ended up getting federal time.
    Yeah, drugs and guns = fucked. Doesn't matter if the guns are on the up and up or not.

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  • VaderTT
    Having the plants also automatically nullifies the legality of the guns. An acquaintance of mine in DFW was caught with pot and he was also charged with illegal possession of firearms (felony) for his "legal" 10-22 and g19 and ended up getting federal time.

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    I like the action! Plus it saves me from having to pick up all those pesky shell's that fly all over the place!

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  • Jose
    Originally posted by JETFAST View Post
    Exercise proper judgement, and you go home. Like a copper thief. He goes out while everyone sleeps, to steal copper, knowing damn well he can get fried or shot. Like an dumb ass kid walking in the middle of the street texting on his phone. They know the consequences for their actions, yet they feel self worth and entitlement, and do it any way. Lack of common fucking sense is what gets people killed. cop~or not, common sense isn't very common these days.
    Amen brother!

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  • Jose
    Originally posted by Sgt Beavis View Post
    Really piss poor judgement on the part of the police department. Also, just one more reason why the drug war needs to end and pot be made perfectly legal.
    Pot is only one facet of the drug war.

    Originally posted by JETFAST View Post
    I'm going to pull the triger till it goes click,click,click.... cop or not. Kickdo a mf'er on suspicion, get killed for suspicion. same~same.
    You must have a revolver bro Most guns (but not all) won't allow you to pull the trigger more than once without having to racking the slide. Nothing annoys me more than when I see that shit happening in a movie.

    Originally posted by bcoop View Post
    You knew it was only a matter of time before cops started getting shot on no knock warrants. I know Matt was a big fan of them, but you would think most officers would want very little to do with a no knock warrant. I don't condone shooting a cop, but I can certainly see how a homeowner is going to defend his property. I can't really get behind any reasons for a no knock unless a crime is in progress, like kidnapping, rape, etc.
    Frankly I'm surprised it doesn't happen more often.

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    Exercise proper judgement, and you go home. Like a copper thief. He goes out while everyone sleeps, to steal copper, knowing damn well he can get fried or shot. Like an dumb ass kid walking in the middle of the street texting on his phone. They know the consequences for their actions, yet they feel self worth and entitlement, and do it any way. Lack of common fucking sense is what gets people killed. cop~or not, common sense isn't very common these days.

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  • stevo
    Although Sowders was killed early last Thursday morning, we delayed reporting the story because the sheriff's department refused for several days to release search warrant information that would have verified it was indeed a drug-related search warrant.
    Yeah, that doesn't sound suspicious at all...


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  • inline 6
    Originally posted by JETFAST View Post
    I'm going to pull the triger till it goes click,click,click.... cop or not. Kickdo a mf'er on suspicion, get killed for suspicion. same~same.
    look out guys....

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  • bcoop
    Originally posted by Nash B. View Post
    I believe in Texas you can have them in your home if it's been 5 years since conviction.
    I think the felony also has to be a non violent offense. Someone more familiar with the law can clarify.

    You knew it was only a matter of time before cops started getting shot on no knock warrants. I know Matt was a big fan of them, but you would think most officers would want very little to do with a no knock warrant. I don't condone shooting a cop, but I can certainly see how a homeowner is going to defend his property. I can't really get behind any reasons for a no knock unless a crime is in progress, like kidnapping, rape, etc.

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