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Gunman holed up inside Latonia home starts fire, surrenders to police

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  • #16
    Originally posted by stevo View Post
    BRB, going to log onto someone's facebook, post suicidal statements, and watch the hilarity unfold.

    Do it on forever frost, so we can see him take action on some of these posts for once!


    • #17
      Originally posted by David View Post
      Do it on forever frost, so we can see him take action on some of these posts for once!
      I start fightin' a war, I guarantee, you'll see somethin' new.
      I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


      • #18
        Originally posted by David View Post
        So if I decide that you've said something that has me worried, you surrender your right to privacy, your right of freedom of speech, all of your rights because some third party made an accusation?
        I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


        • #19
          Originally posted by Forever_frost
          This message is hidden because Forever_frost is on your ignore list.
          just sayin'.


          • #20
            Originally posted by JP135 View Post
            just sayin'.
            That hurts. Genuinely hurts. I may need more counseling.
            I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


            • #21
              We get calls like this all the time. Most of the time from family members or close friends. We attempt to check their welfare. If we locate the "suicidal" person we try to establish some type of dialogue and assess whether they truly are a danger to themselves or others.

              Officers can "arrest" for an emergency detention. The person is taken to a facility for a psych assessment.

              Just like most news stories I'm sure there is a lot of information missing. Most of the time family members will tell you they've attempted suicide before or they've talked about before. I don't see the escalation of the Police response based on that single DB post alone.

              But what do I know...
              2007 Chevy TBSS


              • #22
                Some of you just can't be satisfied. He got the attention he wanted and needed. Kids in the house - police response is perfectly fine with me. Kids in clear and present danger, I am all for a little entry and intervention.

                When you say stupid shit, don't be surprised when the response is similarly stupid.

                Do we need swat to dynamic entry your ass cause you are threatening suicide and won't come out? No. But threaten or pose a threat to others and I am fine with it.

                If you want to send yourself to whatever afterlife you belief in, go ahead. Don't go crying for help on the interwebz. If you do, you are asking for intervention and you might get it (and you might need it),do not expect someone to not come to your side. Folks check out all the time and I am okay with long as it is not done in manner that is gonna hurt anyone else or cause undo hardship on those left behind (i.e: don't make a mess to make a point).

                Have suicidal thoughts and DON'T want to follow through with it, get help. A lot of people have been there and are still here with us today. I know what Hoppes no. 9 tastes like but realized, shit aint that bad.
                Fuck you. We're going to Costco.


                • #23
                  I always post FTP but in this case I think they acted correctly. Kids in a house with an unstable person merited police action.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by kbscobravert View Post
                    Some of you just can't be satisfied. He got the attention he wanted and needed. Kids in the house - police response is perfectly fine with me. Kids in clear and present danger, I am all for a little entry and intervention.

                    When you say stupid shit, don't be surprised when the response is similarly stupid.

                    Do we need swat to dynamic entry your ass cause you are threatening suicide and won't come out? No. But threaten or pose a threat to others and I am fine with it.

                    If you want to send yourself to whatever afterlife you belief in, go ahead. Don't go crying for help on the interwebz. If you do, you are asking for intervention and you might get it (and you might need it),do not expect someone to not come to your side. Folks check out all the time and I am okay with long as it is not done in manner that is gonna hurt anyone else or cause undo hardship on those left behind (i.e: don't make a mess to make a point).

                    Have suicidal thoughts and DON'T want to follow through with it, get help. A lot of people have been there and are still here with us today. I know what Hoppes no. 9 tastes like but realized, shit aint that bad.

                    Well said.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Forever_frost View Post
                      So if I decide that you've said something that has me worried, you surrender your right to privacy, your right of freedom of speech, all of your rights because some third party made an accusation?

                      I'd be happy someone was generally concerned about my well being. Plus, I'd also take the time to talk to the police instead of holding my kids hostage and burning the house down in response to help the guy was obviously crying out for.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Forever_frost View Post
                        I start fightin' a war, I guarantee, you'll see somethin' new.



                        • #27
                          Originally posted by David View Post

                          He's just quoting the movie Serenity. Oddly ironic title.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by kbscobravert View Post
                            Forever frost just can't be satisfied.

                            I know, right?


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Tyrone Biggums View Post
                              I know, right?
                              Come on now. My post was not a direct reference to him alone. At least that is not how I intended it. Trust me, I wrote it a few times and deleted each before finally hitting the "no take backs" button.
                              Fuck you. We're going to Costco.


                              • #30
                                I agree with Keith. If it's just a dude by himself making cryptic posts on Facebook, maybe just send a couple-three uniforms over there to check on him, and maybe slide him a counselor's business cards. All most of these guys need is someone to talk to. The kids in the house raise the stakes.
                                ZOMBIE REAGAN FOR PRESIDENT 2016!!! heh

