One of my friend's kids was diagnosed with a rare cancer and looks like he is about out of time. The parents noticed he was always leaning his head to one side so they took him in to the doctor to get checked out and they heard the news no parents want to hear. The doctors gave their kid less than a 10% chance to live with treatment so instead of making him go through the painful treatment that would probably not save him they decided to bring him home to spend as much time with family. They gave Otto about 2 months to live and a little over a month his body is shutting down. Shortly they will have to do what no parent wants to do, bury a kid. Being so close to Christmas does not make it any easier.
Below is a link to their journal about the process. Be sure to grab some Kleenex.
Most people have no idea about the family but almost everything has heard what the mom did in the past. After 9/11 a bunch of Aggies thought it would be a good idea to have the fans at the football game wear red, white, or blue depending on what deck they were sitting. She was the key player getting this organized.
Below is a link to their journal about the process. Be sure to grab some Kleenex.
Most people have no idea about the family but almost everything has heard what the mom did in the past. After 9/11 a bunch of Aggies thought it would be a good idea to have the fans at the football game wear red, white, or blue depending on what deck they were sitting. She was the key player getting this organized.
