Funny how the gays/fags/dykes and sexually confused want to shove their beliefs down your throat and you had better swallow. Have you ever seen a gay pride parade in San Francisco? Hetrosexual couples would be thrown in jail and the keys thrown away if they acted that way in public.
You don't have to go to San Fran to see that type of spectical, they act that way at the Dallas gay pride parade, and the Halloween parade and probably any other BS parade they have.
Funny how the gays/fags/dykes and sexually confused want to shove their beliefs down your throat and you had better swallow. Have you ever seen a gay pride parade in San Francisco? Hetrosexual couples would be thrown in jail and the keys thrown away if they acted that way in public.
Everyone is afraid to speak out against the California left leaning hollywood scum bags whom enbrace this bs. This Country is becoming a joke, the only people with rights are the liberals, free loaders, and Democrats.
He did nothing wrong, so fire him, like he really f'ing cares. The station will be the ones hurting, let em go suck a ----, since it seems like they favor it.
Oh yeah. I was on vacation in Colorado, had no internet access and got the bright idea to go to six flags in Denver. It happened to be gay pride day... Nothing like seeing two guys straddling a foot massager or a lesbian with her face in her lovers crotch in line, or guys in speedos slapping each others asses.
I haven't had much respect for the gay pack mentality since then. Most gay individuals that I have met are nice people.
Oh, you guys are going to boycott watching the show, huh? Congrats on doing what almost everyone else is doing unintentionally you pack of hatchet wounds.
Oh, you guys are going to boycott watching the show, huh? Congrats on doing what almost everyone else is doing unintentionally you pack of hatchet wounds.
I've never watched the show anyways, but if the people who normally watch it no longer watch it, A&E will lose viewership and therefor will be eventually be losing sponsorship earnings. The family doesn't need the money and will not be hurt by the reduction of sponsorship, A&E will be greatly hurt by it.
Originally posted by SSMAN
...Welcome to the land of "Fuck it". No body cares, and if they do, no body cares.
The overnight ratings are in for Duck Dynasty. One week ago, DD topped all of cable’s ratings with 8.885 million viewers. Last night, they free fell down the list to 2.521 million viewers.
That is a drop of 6.364 million viewers, or 71.6%.
I want to like Slow99 since people I know say he's a good guy, but just about everything he posts is condescending and passive aggressive.
Most people I talk to have nothing but good things to say about you, but you sure come across as a condescending prick. Do you have an inferiority complex you've attempted to overcome through overachievement? Or were you fondled as a child?
You and slow99 should date. You both have passive aggressiveness down pat.
The overnight ratings are in for Duck Dynasty. One week ago, DD topped all of cable’s ratings with 8.885 million viewers. Last night, they free fell down the list to 2.521 million viewers.
That is a drop of 6.364 million viewers, or 71.6%.