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2013 In Closing.

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  • #61
    New car. New dame. New-found respect for life. Thinking clearer. Weighing (a bit) less. Pretty damn good last half of the year. I don't much remember the first half too well.
    How do we forget ourselves? How do we forget our minds?


    • #62
      2013 was a great year for me. I can only hope 2014 could be equally as good.

      I wish nothing but the best to everyone here.


      • #63
        Originally posted by lo3oz View Post
        Not bad.

        Bought my first house
        Bought my first 'new' vehicle
        Took a promotion
        Moved halfway across the US

        looking forward to '14
        I'm pretty sure your move counts for "all the way across" this little country.

        2013 has largely been a continuation of 2012. As always, I hoped for more, came into the new year with high hopes, and not much happened. I started a business in late 2012 that saw some initial success, but has been largely stagnant since that point. The stagnation was good, because it forced my hand in deciding if I continued and dedicated my resources to it, or pull back and return to the journey I started over 4 years ago. So I pulled back, decided to go back to school and just finished my first semester of law school.

        That, in and of itself, has been very cathartic. That was my plan when we moved to Denver, but financial needs took precedence over education, so I stepped away from school, for what I thought would be an indefinite timeframe. The time and requirements for a legal education are insane, which, at 36, has caused me to question the "why" of this decision at great length. I haven't really come up with an answer, so I'm going to continue on.

        Financially, this year has been an absolute beating, but we survived. I've done odd contracts here and there, fence jobs that were primarily commercial, some design work, but that all halted when I went back to school. My wife graduated with her masters this past summer and began talks with several companies, but that process has been very arduous and time consuming, without much visible progress. We're hopeful that one of the companies will make some movement in January. The only nervousness here is that I'll essentially be a stay-at-home dad (Kimura!!), attending law school.

        Family and kids are all healthy. My kids are intelligent, sarcastic, and have very bright futures ahead of them. My parents are still alive and kicking. My sister just moved from Plano to FL. My last remaining grandparent is still alive and kicking in AZ and just turned 80. I've made some great friends at school, and we're all hopeful we'll be able to continue this journey (won't see grades for nearly another month).

        So all in all, it's been alright, just ready for a return to DFWmustangs baller status.

        And sorry to hear about the marriage Paul, didn't know it ended.
        ...Waiting for the private collection pics, whenever you're ready.


        • #64
          Originally posted by Sean88gt View Post
          I'm pretty sure your move counts for "all the way across" this little country.
          You're right... i still consider myself a Texan and relate everything to/from Texas.. so it's halfway from 'home'.. but yes it was indeed an entirely cross country move. I was 1 hour from the coast there, and am just 3-4 from the coast here.


          • #65
            Like most, this year has had a fair share of both ups and downs.

            I have seen the company I work for, shift and begin heading down a very rocky path. New upper management with absolutely no relevant experience is changing everything. Many people are planning to jump ship, the stress has tripled, and the pay is flat at best.

            But with every bad, comes a good. I have a few things planned that will drastically change my family's life as 2014 begins. Hopefully everything will go well, but that remains to be seen.

            My father got sick. Some specialists said cancer, others said fungal infection. Four biopsies, two MRIs, and 3 months later we are still no closer to an answer. He tries to carry on like nothing is wrong, but I can see it in his eyes. He is in pain, and no one can help.

            Had a very close friend tell me that he was diagnosed with terminal cancer. It is beyond repair, and he is unable to go through chemo since he had a kidney transplant last year. He will be lucky to make it past new years.

            All in all, I should not complain. I am alive, married to my best friend, and have an amazing little boy that just turned 4.


            • #66
              2013 has been a very shitty year for me.. I'm really hoping for a rock solid 2014


              • #67
                After 8 years I finally adopted a 32 year old overgrown child officially.

                I chose time with my kiddos over choo$$choo$$ money and left the career I was in that I went to school for...doh. They're only little once.

                I haven't gone back to school like I said I would after I finished my previous round. I honestly have no idea what I want to do.

                All in all it's been decent, but I hope 2014 is better.


                • #68
                  Extreme lows, awesome highs, and some changes that will hopefully push things better in 2014.

                  The year started with Kim having invitro and getting pregnant with twins. Roughly 8 weeks in, day after we had the sonogram for heart beats, she lost both babies. After 6 years of trying for a child we took a step back and worked on us. Planned a vacation and bought a 2013 mustang gt. Sold a bunch of cars I inherited from my father, and then we got a phone call. Kim's cousin asked us if we would be open to adoption. Another cousin of theirs had a child and CPS was about to take her away. Three months later we have a little girl and are working towards full adoption sometime next year.
                  Kim is half way through her masters degree and has a 4.0. I made the decision to be healthy and try to beat diabetes, so last week I had gastric surgery to help me with weight loss and regulation of my weight. I have very high hopes for next year personally. I still like my job but I don't believe that I am compensated as well as I should be. Unfortunately there isn't much room to move up in my department. I may consider a job move next year. That will depend upon what Kim does with her new degree.

                  All in all things have been busy and solid. Friends and Family have provided so much support this year that I hope to repay some of that next year.

                  I recondition headlights on most cars for $50.00. If interested shoot me a pm.


                  • #69
                    This year has been rough. Gained some new friends, lost a few and been extremely busy being antisocial. Luckily I'm healthy along with my family after another cancer scare roller coaster. I have a feeling 2014 will make up for the misery of the past few years.
                    2019 ram toys currently


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by R1psycho View Post
                      Luckily I'm healthy along with my family after another cancer scare roller coaster.
                      Glad to hear it.

                      I've noticed fucking cancer popping up way more frequently between my loved ones and places like this site. One of our friends just started her first round of chemo today and is in for a long fight ... fuck cancer in its ass. If I could rid the earth of one thing, that'd be it.
                      Originally posted by davbrucas
                      I want to like Slow99 since people I know say he's a good guy, but just about everything he posts is condescending and passive aggressive.

                      Most people I talk to have nothing but good things to say about you, but you sure come across as a condescending prick. Do you have an inferiority complex you've attempted to overcome through overachievement? Or were you fondled as a child?

                      You and slow99 should date. You both have passive aggressiveness down pat.


                      • #71
                        Originally posted by slow99 View Post
                        Glad to hear it.

                        I've noticed fucking cancer popping up way more frequently between my loved ones and places like this site. One of our friends just started her first round of chemo today and is in for a long fight ... fuck cancer in its ass. If I could rid the earth of one thing, that'd be it.

                        Amen. My grandfather is battling it right now along with an aunt. My mom had a kidney removed earlier this year that had a large mass and so far it has been stopped in its tracks....knock on wood. Cancer runs in the family so I'm grown used to dealing with it and trying to be there for anyone who gets it. I have an employee who is currently in the hospital with advanced stage 4 that has spread from the bladder throughout his entire body. All they can do is make him comfortable. I talk to him every few days to try to take his mind off of it and I have to say that he is handling it a ton better then I would be. I hate seeing friends and family waste away slowly.
                        2019 ram toys currently


                        • #72
                          With the GMO foods, manufacturing process and so forth associated with food, I'd say cancer rates will continue to skyrocket.


                          • #73
                            I steamrolled out of 2012 having enjoyed my most lucrative year ever. 2013 hasn't been quite as good around 2K. I'll have to make some adjustments going forward to see an increase in 2014.

                            I got rid of a daily driver and am considering my options in terms of a project or a new car.

                            My wife and I decided that 1340 sf wasn't big enough for 2 adults, 4 children, and 3 dogs. Our 3100 sf house is being built and should be completed by March/April.

                            After a decade long bout of artists block, I finally was struck with ideas that are innovative and challenging. I'm looking forward to devoting time in the new year to seeing them become reality.

                            I reached my weight loss goal in the spring. Now it's just the daily battle of keeping it off.

                            All in all, it's been a decent year. Hopefully I can ride this wave a little longer before the shit hits again.


                            • #74
                              Originally posted by Sean88gt View Post
                              With the GMO foods, manufacturing process and so forth associated with food, I'd say cancer rates will continue to skyrocket.
                              Makes me glad that I'm on low dose naltrexone. It's pretty much a reset button for the immune system and all immune system related illness.

                              Good read if you are interested.


                              • #75
                                2013 was better than 2012 and defiantly better than 2011. Hope next year is better than the previous three. They seem to be getting progressively better, so there is that.

