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2013 In Closing.

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  • #76
    I beat the tax man and get to claim the exemption that makes this job worth it. Our baby girl grew through her first 12 months as expected and no major issues. We had a couple nice vacations. I accumulated a shit-ton of airline miles.

    Realy can't find any cons to list for 2013.

    Next year may bring a change in direction career-wise and it may happen quick. More time at home, equal if not the same money for way less hours. If it doesn't happen, I will press on with contacting in Afghanistan until I can find the appropriate exit plan.
    Fuck you. We're going to Costco.


    • #77
      Originally posted by Geor! View Post
      New car. New dame. New-found respect for life. Thinking clearer. Weighing (a bit) less. Pretty damn good last half of the year. I don't much remember the first half too well.
      Good for you, Geor! I hope everyone here has a really good year.

      No real complaints here, other than a government that's really out of control. There's up years and down years, and it all seems to average out. This year will bring a couple of really big changes, but I'm ready. I just keep on livin'...l-i-v-i-n. ;-)


      • #78
        I can't complain. Much better than 2012. My 20th year at my job and I was told to go which was a big shock. What I thought was a disconnected prick of a new boss that thought I was stagnant was actually giving me some tough love and helped push me in another direction. I landed a new job in the company which came with a raise, bonus, less hours, and MUCH less stress. My old boss has been very supportive of the move and gave me a lot of great advice and continues to support me as he sees me moving up. My new management is fantastic and my EOY review confirms it that they really value me and very happy with what I have brought to the table. The confidence boost has been immensely satisfying.
        I am pretty healthy though I am heavier than I should be, but I am confident I can tackle getting it back down. Though all my blood tests show everything is doing great (cholesterol <200, blood sugar not even pre-diabetic, good bp, etc) we did find I have a genetic predisposition to blood clots and in Sept I was rushed to the ER after having found I had several PE's in my lungs. It was a very close call. Its a weird feeling knowing you could literally die at any moment if one of the clots had broke loose and went to my heart or brain. That or left me debilitated. I spent a week there until I was fully on blood thinners which I must remain on. So I celebrate the good health that I have.
        This year as a family we are committed to spending less on stuff for Christmas and more on experiences doing fun things together as a family. The kids are growing too fast.


        • #79
          Been a pretty great year. Married my high school sweetheart, some 40 years later. Living in two places has it's challenges, but it's worth it. Got to spend time in Louisiana with some good friends & generally just hang around & map out 2014. Got a couple of cool projects lined up & some travel. Ought to be another good one, but 2013 will be hard to top...


          • #80
            2013 is one of the best years of my life. I'd of never thought that the way things were going early this year.


            • #81
              2013 was a good year but not the best. Highlights below:


              Sold my old house for a good profit, got married, finished construction on new house, got more tools and a racing kart, finished my masters of science in engineering management


              Spent way too much time at work and school, lots of illnesses/injury in the family, the penile reduction surgery wasn't able to take out quite enough for me to live a normal life.

              I will dominate 2014 like never before.


              • #82
                Originally posted by Ruffdaddy View Post
                2013 was a good year but not the best. Highlights below:


                Sold my old house for a good profit, got married, finished construction on new house, got more tools and a racing kart, finished my masters of science in engineering management


                Spent way too much time at work and school, lots of illnesses/injury in the family, the penile reduction surgery wasn't able to take out quite enough for me to live a normal life.

                I will dominate 2014 like never before.
                You should have just found a different boyfriend with a smaller pecker.

                Originally posted by SSMAN
                ...Welcome to the land of "Fuck it". No body cares, and if they do, no body cares.


                • #83
                  Originally posted by stevo View Post
                  You should have just found a different boyfriend with a smaller pecker.
                  Originally posted by Silverback
                  Look all you want, she can't find anyone else who treats her as bad as I do, and I keep her self esteem so low, she wouldn't think twice about going anywhere else.


                  • #84
                    lol Boomerang zinger.


                    • #85
                      Lmao that was great


                      • #86
                        Finished my MPA, lost my dog unfortunately, got hitched, Navy beat Army, got a new house, and about to start looking for a senior management position. 2013 has certainly been a productive year hopefully I can relax more in 2014.

