110 years ago the Wright Brothers took flight under power.

And then to show nature how badass we are...

Seriously. Let that sink in. Look at the spans of time between innovations throughout history:
3500 BC - The wheel
3000 BC - Bronze
500 BC - Cast iron
500 BC - Crossbow
300 BC - Water wheel
100 BC - Arch bridge
200 - Crankshaft
500 - Horse collar
600 - Pendentive dome
900 - Gunpowder
1189 - Mariner's compass
1286 - Eyeglasses
1439 - Printing press
1712 - Steam engine
1876 - Telephone
1903 - Powered flight for 120 feet
1969 - 828,743 miles to the moon and back (364,646,920 times further), leaving the planet and traveling through space, with two men walking on the surface of another celestial body
We. Are. Fucking. Awesome.

And then to show nature how badass we are...

Seriously. Let that sink in. Look at the spans of time between innovations throughout history:
3500 BC - The wheel
3000 BC - Bronze
500 BC - Cast iron
500 BC - Crossbow
300 BC - Water wheel
100 BC - Arch bridge
200 - Crankshaft
500 - Horse collar
600 - Pendentive dome
900 - Gunpowder
1189 - Mariner's compass
1286 - Eyeglasses
1439 - Printing press
1712 - Steam engine
1876 - Telephone
1903 - Powered flight for 120 feet
1969 - 828,743 miles to the moon and back (364,646,920 times further), leaving the planet and traveling through space, with two men walking on the surface of another celestial body
We. Are. Fucking. Awesome.
