Posting here for more traffic.
I need a few PSP games. We have a program called Santa cops where we take donated toys and clothes and then wrap them and give to the parents of impoverished families so they have toys to give on Xmas... We have two kids who had asked for a portable gaming system. Those are bought by an officer and other was donated. I need games for it. GameStop doesn't sell PSP games anymore.
If anyone has some old PSP working games and willing to donate (I'll also buy), let me know please. Thanks for ur help in advance.
Every year we set up at walmart in our city at both entrances. We have a Xmas tree with little paper ordaments hanging off them. We explain what it is to curious people. Those papers have toys that kiddos have put on there wish list for Santa. People take that paper and go buy it and bring us the receipt and toy. We wrap later. Here is from today's Santa cops at walmart (I am truly humbled at my Dept's outreach to those less fortunate. Gives u the feeling that ur doing right in the world. I am equally moved by peoples willingness to help. Very cool)
I need a few PSP games. We have a program called Santa cops where we take donated toys and clothes and then wrap them and give to the parents of impoverished families so they have toys to give on Xmas... We have two kids who had asked for a portable gaming system. Those are bought by an officer and other was donated. I need games for it. GameStop doesn't sell PSP games anymore.
If anyone has some old PSP working games and willing to donate (I'll also buy), let me know please. Thanks for ur help in advance.
Every year we set up at walmart in our city at both entrances. We have a Xmas tree with little paper ordaments hanging off them. We explain what it is to curious people. Those papers have toys that kiddos have put on there wish list for Santa. People take that paper and go buy it and bring us the receipt and toy. We wrap later. Here is from today's Santa cops at walmart (I am truly humbled at my Dept's outreach to those less fortunate. Gives u the feeling that ur doing right in the world. I am equally moved by peoples willingness to help. Very cool)
