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Parents of 6-7 year olds inside please

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  • #16
    High grade meth before practice


    • #17
      All of my "experience" in coaching girls, involved soccer. Stick to fun games that help teach the fundamentals. Instead of just running them, I would have relay teams dribbling the ball between cones. Any kind of positive praise goes a LONG way with girls, and anything negative has the extreme opposite effect. Try not to let your competitiveness come across too much. It was tough for me at first, because I felt like if the team didn't do well, it was a reflection on me. It wasn't. How the girls and parents feel about you is the true reflection.


      • #18
        Yeah, they pretty much have the attention span of a gnat. You have to make it fun to learn, which is a very hard thing to do at times. Set up drills and praise them when they do it right and give encouragement when not done right. Then go home and drink beer.


        • #19
          Fuck you. We're going to Costco.


          • #20
            My son will be 6 next month, and I coached his T-Ball team last spring and I will again this year. We started and ended every practice with RUNNING. All of them. If you simply start practice that way they will lose some of that energy right off the bat and settle into a rhythm. I also used it as "punishment", when kids weren't paying attention in drills, they had to run to the soccer goal and back, about 100yards total. I found none of the parents to be averse to my decisions and they all looked forward to practice cause their kids would be worn out and calm when they got home.

            Even if you use it as a punishment, don't make it seem like it shouldn't be fun for them. When I made the kids run for punishment I'd also tell them if they could be faster than the last time, they could get an extra swing during hitting practice or something like that. The more they run, the better team they will be and the more focus you will be able to maintain from them.
            Originally posted by stevo
            Not a good idea to go Tim 'The Toolman' Taylor on the power phallus.


