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  • #61
    We usually get them the day before Christmas Eve. Our company as a whole hasn't bonused since 2009, so we haven't had anything significant since then. I did receive $4000 in spiffs, but that's not really a bonus, IMO. We have a new bonus incentive plan though, and the collective pot will double each year for the next 3 years. It's very attainable and very lucrative for those who pull their weight.
    Originally posted by BradM
    But, just like condoms and women's rights, I don't believe in them.
    Originally posted by Leah
    In other news: Brent's meat melts in your mouth.


    • #62
      We get our's in March, Jan 31 last day of the fiscal year, then bonuses.


      • #63
        When your bonus gets paid.
        Paid to stay home with baby.
        History of your bonus.
        Other work perks.
        Dollar amounts of typical bonus.
        Originally posted by davbrucas
        I want to like Slow99 since people I know say he's a good guy, but just about everything he posts is condescending and passive aggressive.

        Most people I talk to have nothing but good things to say about you, but you sure come across as a condescending prick. Do you have an inferiority complex you've attempted to overcome through overachievement? Or were you fondled as a child?

        You and slow99 should date. You both have passive aggressiveness down pat.


        • #64
          Originally posted by VaderTT View Post
          Canada also.
          Can't they split their wife's time too? At least my Canadian coworkers can. They get a year off total, and the husband can use a portion of it. So instead of teh wife taking a whole year, the they can take six months together. Or one can take 9 months, the other 3 months, etc.



          • #65
            BTW, our bonuses at work are not guaranteed and 100% discretionary (as opposed to formula based). That kind of sucks because you can kick some ass and still not hit your max. I accomplished more and worked harder last year than the previous, but last year I only got 5% and the year before I got about 14%.


            • #66
              Originally posted by Chili View Post
              BTW, our bonuses at work are not guaranteed and 100% discretionary (as opposed to formula based). That kind of sucks because you can kick some ass and still not hit your max. I accomplished more and worked harder last year than the previous, but last year I only got 5% and the year before I got about 14%.

              Better than $0!!!!1111. /unbonused folks


              • #67
                Bonuses and 401k matching, a thing of the past for me. Sucks.


                • #68
                  We were for profit and would get a nice bonus every April. This past year we were absorbed to non-profit corporate and they nixed that. We now get a quarterly bonus about a third of what we used to get. Also went from $97 a month phone allowance to $25. There was very little to no benefit for me when we went non-profit!!!


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by MattB View Post
                    Better than $0!!!!1111. /unbonused folks
                    Yes and no. It's part of my total compensation package, so no different than my regular salary, except that as I said, it's not guaranteed. And from the company perspective, it is better than giving a straight raise, as it won't compound over the years.


                    • #70
                      Monthly, but it has been decreasing.. Oh well, lucky to even get one.


                      • #71
                        Got mine a week ago. One weeks pay. I won't complain.


                        • #72
                          I like mine, but it's only like 3 months pay, and I don't get it until Mar 15.

                          I did accomplish a significant accomplishment this year working with another group with pre-sales on what will be a > $1B contract. It will be record setting. Pretty cool.
                          sigpic18 F150 Supercrew - daily
                          17 F150 Supercrew - totaled Dec 12, 2018
                          13 DIB Premium GT, M6, Track Pack, Glass Roof, Nav, Recaros - Sold
                          86 SVO - Sold
                          '03 F150 Supercrew - Sold
                          01 TJ - new toy - Sold
                          65 F100 (460 + C6) - Sold


                          • #73
                            Originally posted by MattB View Post
                            The only bonus/Christmas bonus I ever got was when I worked at Countrywide. We had to go see a certain person, stand in line, and wait our turn as for each person that picked-up their 5 $10 Blockbuster giftcards neatly hole-punched in the corner with a red ribbon tying them together, they had to get their name marked-off and sign as "received" on this huge clusterfuck of a 10-page stapled spreadsheet with everyone's name on it.
                            We had to do something similar except the lady came around to us so we could sign for our $20 Visa card.

                            Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
                            '08 C6 Corvette
                            '91 StormTrooper BBC Coupe
                            Run what ya brung, hope ya brought enuff!!


                            • #74
                              We paid our employee bonuses on the 20th, so they had extra cash for Christmas. All of our employees get bonuses and $200 gift card to Target. They work hard for the company and we take care of them.


                              • #75
                                Got a $15 off coupon for either a turkey or a ham.
                                "Self-government won't work without self-discipline." - Paul Harvey

