Like Baron we don't get anything. I mean we get Christmas day off and it's paid, I guess that counts. At my last job we had raffles with the cheapest prizes being $100 gift cards and the most expensive being a trip to Hawaii and spending money, close to $3500.
I kind of miss that place. Corrupt as hell but it was fun.
A locally based extended warranty company, which is now owned by a very large corporation with a whole bunch of lawyers and will remain nameless. Most of the corrupt individuals are long gone but it was rampant when I was there.
We get ours in July i believe, but since i renegotiated my contract when i took this promotion, they said that covered my bonus and i was ineligible for one this year. grr.
Sounds like a bunch of cheapass cocksuckers. I had a company try that shit with me on an annual review. I had gotten promoted mid year and they said that because of that I wouldn't get a raise. By the time those cheap pricks relented and gave me one a month later I was halfway out the door and ended up leaving shortly thereafter. When I came back to work for them 2 years later they had to pay me 33% higher than before.
Sounds like a bunch of cheapass cocksuckers. I had a company try that shit with me on an annual review. I had gotten promoted mid year and they said that because of that I wouldn't get a raise. By the time those cheap pricks relented and gave me one a month later I was halfway out the door and ended up leaving shortly thereafter. When I came back to work for them 2 years later they had to pay me 33% higher than before.
I took a "raise" but lost ~10k annually because of OT and stuff, but in the next year or two i'll easily eclipse where i was up in Oregon. No complaints though, i'm making plenty of money for the lifestyle i'm accustomed to. You saw where i grew up in Hurst, I don't need much.
I've been given a lot of freedoms and like i said this position is very high visibility so i've already been mingling with the VP and group President of my division, and have been getting lots of high profile assignments lately. It'll pan out.
I will find out about my bonus on Monday. The smallest one I've gotten at HP was $2000 before taxes. The biggest was $9000.
This year, that ain't gonna cut it. I had a major role in 15 accounts and had over $25million in pull through revenue credited to my work. I've got $16million in direct revenue. I opened a huge can of whoop ass this year. I've also been directly involved in product development with two products brought to market and currently working on a third. Anything below $20k is unacceptable since I don't get commissions (even though I've been demanding it). Frankly I should be getting even more than that. I'm tired of bustin' my ass and making serious coin for the company but not getting paid for it. Monday will be the deciding factor as to whether I jump ship or not..
My company doesn't guarantee a bonus, but every year they've been taking the contribution match made to employees' 401k and doubling it. Not a great "right now" bonus but better than a sharp stick in the eye.
When the government pays, the government controls.