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Unidentified sign language interpreter next to Obama was signing made up crap

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  • #46
    $85 to stand next to Obama for several minutes? Not worth it.


    • #47
      Originally posted by Big A View Post
      That does nothing for the live audience.
      They should have been watching Obama's teleprompter then.


      • #48
        Originally posted by talisman View Post
        He is standing right next to the man "speaking" for him. They should have had something in place to check him out beforehand.

        Edit: good lord at that article.
        I disagree with you on this. It was an event in a foreign country, put on by that country. Didn't W speak too? Should he also be held responsible? I imagine a number of people spoke, should the "people" for each one have checked out the interpreter?

        It certainly raises security concerns, but I just don't think there is any way to use it as a blast against the US or his administration.


        • #49
          Originally posted by Chili View Post
          I disagree with you on this. It was an event in a foreign country, put on by that country. Didn't W speak too? Should he also be held responsible? I imagine a number of people spoke, should the "people" for each one have checked out the interpreter?

          It certainly raises security concerns, but I just don't think there is any way to use it as a blast against the US or his administration.
          Alongside the fact that the first wave of individuals to enter the stadium bypassed security....
          Originally posted by Sean88gt
          You can take white off the list. White on anything is the best, including vehicles, women, and the Presidency.
          Originally posted by Baron Von Crowder
          You can not imagine how difficult it is to hold a half gallon of moo juice and polish the one-eyed gopher when your doin' seventy-five in an eighteen-wheeler.


          • #50
            Originally posted by Gtracer View Post
            The company that provided him is named SA Interpreters whom has mysteriously vanished post celebration. He was paid $85 to do the memorial and apparently skipped out on his mental evaluation that was scheduled the same day.

            The company that provided him had an address listed, several news agencies have gone there looking for answers but the company that occupies that address has never heard of SA Interpreters...

            Is it really that easy?
            Was it Jack Ruby LLC located on 123 Grassy Knoll Ln?

            This whole thing reeks of bullshitery, there is no way in hell that the SS would allow any anyone not thoroughly investigated or undocumented near one of the most hated American presidents in history.

            Originally posted by SSMAN
            ...Welcome to the land of "Fuck it". No body cares, and if they do, no body cares.


            • #51
              Originally posted by Chili View Post
              I disagree with you on this. It was an event in a foreign country, put on by that country. Didn't W speak too? Should he also be held responsible? I imagine a number of people spoke, should the "people" for each one have checked out the interpreter?

              It certainly raises security concerns, but I just don't think there is any way to use it as a blast against the US or his administration.

              Anyone representing what the President says should be vetted by appropriate competent people on his staff; not even getting into the Secret Service letting this nut see dragons and shit standing there right next to him without thoroughly checking him out. You disagree? You think we should just take the "word" of a third world country that everyone standing around the President, and representing what he says, is all good and fine? Come on.


              • #52
                Originally posted by talisman View Post
                Anyone representing what the President says should be vetted by appropriate competent people on his staff; not even getting into the Secret Service letting this nut see dragons and shit standing there right next to him without thoroughly checking him out. You disagree? You think we should just take the "word" of a third world country that everyone standing around the President, and representing what he says, is all good and fine? Come on.
                Especially the South African shithole.

                Originally posted by SSMAN
                ...Welcome to the land of "Fuck it". No body cares, and if they do, no body cares.


                • #53
                  Originally posted by stephen4785 View Post
                  $85 to stand next to Obama for several minutes? Not worth it.
                  That's CH000000000000$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ CH000000000000$$$$$$$$$ greenbacks in SA.


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by talisman View Post
                    Anyone representing what the President says should be vetted by appropriate competent people on his staff; not even getting into the Secret Service letting this nut see dragons and shit standing there right next to him without thoroughly checking him out. You disagree? You think we should just take the "word" of a third world country that everyone standing around the President, and representing what he says, is all good and fine? Come on.
                    These folks just walked into a Whitehouse party...
                    Tareq and Michaele Salahi have established themselves as high-profile fixtures in the Beltway social scene, but there appears to be another side to this couple that includes a warning to consumers by the Commonwealth of Virginia to beware of their charity solicitations, and at least one socialite questioning the use of their 'charity' funds.


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by talisman View Post
                      Anyone representing what the President says should be vetted by appropriate competent people on his staff; not even getting into the Secret Service letting this nut see dragons and shit standing there right next to him without thoroughly checking him out. You disagree? You think we should just take the "word" of a third world country that everyone standing around the President, and representing what he says, is all good and fine? Come on.
                      I don't disagree with that either, but that is also not what I was addressing. You're shifting topics. You did not mention security concerns, only that by way of that guy signing improperly, the administration being disrespectful and you being embarrassed to identify yourself as an American.

                      Hell, I am the one that mentioned the security concerns! Don't put words into my mouth, there are enough there already!! lol


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by Chili View Post
                        I don't disagree with that either, but that is also not what I was addressing. You're shifting topics. You did not mention security concerns, only that by way of that guy signing improperly, the administration being disrespectful and you being embarrassed to identify yourself American.

                        Hell, I am the one that mentioned the security concerns!
                        Um, well no, not really.

                        Originally posted by stevo View Post
                        It makes you wonder if he was some sort of walking biological weapon- maybe a walking case of ebola, SARS or some shit.

                        "If I asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses." - Henry Ford


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by Baron View Post
                          Um, well no, not really.
                          I meant in the exchange between Eric and I, not that I was the only or first person to bring it up in this thread.

                          Funny in an idiotic way, and embarrassing more than anything else. However, having a deaf person in my family, it really is fucking bullshit. It's basically signing the middle finger at a disabled portion of the populace. The disrespect this Administration shows to not only Americans, but the world, is unfathomably disgusting. I've never seen anything like it in my life. If I travel abroad, I will identify myself as a Texan, not an American.
                          The US / Obama administration had nothing to do with hiring the interpreter??

                          I mean, I'm not disagreeing with anything else you say, but don't see the two things as related.
                          He is standing right next to the man "speaking" for him. They should have had something in place to check him out beforehand.

                          Edit: good lord at that article.
                          I disagree with you on this. It was an event in a foreign country, put on by that country. Didn't W speak too? Should he also be held responsible? I imagine a number of people spoke, should the "people" for each one have checked out the interpreter?

                          It certainly raises security concerns, but I just don't think there is any way to use it as a blast against the US or his administration.


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by Chili View Post
                            I meant in the exchange between Eric and I, not that I was the only or first person to bring it up in this thread.
                            dont try to shift topics here Craig.
                            "If I asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses." - Henry Ford


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by stevo View Post
                              Was it Jack Ruby LLC located on 123 Grassy Knoll Ln?

                              This whole thing reeks of bullshitery, there is no way in hell that the SS would allow any anyone not thoroughly investigated or undocumented near one of the most hated American presidents in history.

                              Can you imagine the BS that people would come up with if that were the case...haha, a mean joke that last forever

                              There are statements being made that people are not sure how he obtained the security pass, though someone probably F-ed up and is just saying that to CYA
                              Originally posted by Sean88gt
                              You can take white off the list. White on anything is the best, including vehicles, women, and the Presidency.
                              Originally posted by Baron Von Crowder
                              You can not imagine how difficult it is to hold a half gallon of moo juice and polish the one-eyed gopher when your doin' seventy-five in an eighteen-wheeler.


                              • #60
                                Jesus, you'd think I was being an Obama apologist.

                                My only point was that I don't see how the South African government hiring an inept sign language interpreter equals Obama slapping the face of disabled people.

                                He is an embarrassment, we definitely agree on that. I just didn't get how he could be blamed for this one.

                                BTW, if anyone should be embarrassed from the US, it should be the Secret Service.

