Since you guys have nothing better to do tonight...go donate to the Arthritis Foundation and get a free shirt! Great stocking stuffers! 
Due to the icy conditions, we were forced to cancel this year's Jingle Bell Run/Walk in Fort Worth. We are in desperate need of funds to ensure we can provide the programs patients need to manage their pain while we continue to search for a cure. PLEASE take a moment to Jingle in Your Jammies (and get the 2013 tee pictured below) with us by making a donation. Your support is appreciated more than you'll ever know by all those who live in pain every minute of every day!
Aly's story-(short version-trust me)
At 5, she began having neck pains. After x-rays and exam the Dr. felt she must have just tumbled on it wrong.
6 months later, she began to have pain in her knees and ankles. After x-rays and exam, the Dr. felt it was growing pains.
6 months later, her left wrist was swollen. After x-rays and exam, sent to ortho for 'unusal results'. Four of her bones in her wrist had been dissolved and two more were about half-way gone. She had about 20% mobility in it.

Ortho sent to Rheumatologist-Rheumatologist sent us back to ortho telling us she was going to have to be in the hospital for up to 6 weeks with IV antibiotics going into her heart.

Ortho does biopsy on her wrist to gather more information.

Then on to bone scans, lab work and every other test known to man.

Then on to me giving her injections twice a week of Enbrel. Obliterated her immune system and she ended up missing a ton of school.
Good news, though-she went into remission in April! Although she's been up and down, she's much better off than she was and has a very good future! They were hoping for 50% mobility, but she has fully regained her ability to move her wrist.

With the funds you guys help us raise last year, we were invited to attend the Great Wolf Lodge conference where she met other kids 'like her' and learned much about her diagnosis and ways to cope.

Without you guys, she would never have had that experience. I watched her confidence soar and owning this horrible disease. I can't ever thank you enough.
PLEASE help us do this again! You are not only directly helping us, but you are furthering the fight on finding a cure!

Thanks from Chili, Leah and Aly.

Due to the icy conditions, we were forced to cancel this year's Jingle Bell Run/Walk in Fort Worth. We are in desperate need of funds to ensure we can provide the programs patients need to manage their pain while we continue to search for a cure. PLEASE take a moment to Jingle in Your Jammies (and get the 2013 tee pictured below) with us by making a donation. Your support is appreciated more than you'll ever know by all those who live in pain every minute of every day!
Aly's story-(short version-trust me)
At 5, she began having neck pains. After x-rays and exam the Dr. felt she must have just tumbled on it wrong.
6 months later, she began to have pain in her knees and ankles. After x-rays and exam, the Dr. felt it was growing pains.
6 months later, her left wrist was swollen. After x-rays and exam, sent to ortho for 'unusal results'. Four of her bones in her wrist had been dissolved and two more were about half-way gone. She had about 20% mobility in it.

Ortho sent to Rheumatologist-Rheumatologist sent us back to ortho telling us she was going to have to be in the hospital for up to 6 weeks with IV antibiotics going into her heart.

Ortho does biopsy on her wrist to gather more information.

Then on to bone scans, lab work and every other test known to man.

Then on to me giving her injections twice a week of Enbrel. Obliterated her immune system and she ended up missing a ton of school.
Good news, though-she went into remission in April! Although she's been up and down, she's much better off than she was and has a very good future! They were hoping for 50% mobility, but she has fully regained her ability to move her wrist.

With the funds you guys help us raise last year, we were invited to attend the Great Wolf Lodge conference where she met other kids 'like her' and learned much about her diagnosis and ways to cope.

Without you guys, she would never have had that experience. I watched her confidence soar and owning this horrible disease. I can't ever thank you enough.
PLEASE help us do this again! You are not only directly helping us, but you are furthering the fight on finding a cure!

Thanks from Chili, Leah and Aly.
