We had to put our son's dog down on Sunday. He had major tummy issues and made things worse by getting in the garbage on Saturday and eating plastic. Needless to say, Cleaning up diarrhea on Sunday morning all over the kitchen was no fun (have been doing this every month for the past 6 years.) His belly was swollen and he wasn't eating. My husband took a huge paycut so money is tight...... We couldn't afford to have emergency surgery on him. So we made the decision (altough a completely selfish one) to have him put down.
For 6 years, if his food changed, if he ate something he shouldn't have, or for any other unknown reason...Bear would have explosive diarrhea. It was terrible. The time before this one was much worse. It didn't matter if he was in his kennel, right next to me, or just in the house....he would not tell us he had to go out if this was happening....we would just wake up to the disaster.
My son is devestated, as am I. These two were becoming inseperable. They would go hang out in the trees behind our house and explore everything together. I knew that Bear would watch over Cole. I am a terrible momma and have broken my little boy's heart. It is a terrible thing, but all in all it is for the best. I just hope and pray that my little one will forgive me for making this decision.
To top it all off, the guy who bred Bear has unfriended us and refuses to speak to us because I had this done. I guess I should have offered the dog to him and let him deal with the mess....ugh. I hate making decisions.
cliff notes....dog, diarrhea, in house, sick, put down, boy devestated, friend won't talk to us, I suck at being a mom.....
For 6 years, if his food changed, if he ate something he shouldn't have, or for any other unknown reason...Bear would have explosive diarrhea. It was terrible. The time before this one was much worse. It didn't matter if he was in his kennel, right next to me, or just in the house....he would not tell us he had to go out if this was happening....we would just wake up to the disaster.
My son is devestated, as am I. These two were becoming inseperable. They would go hang out in the trees behind our house and explore everything together. I knew that Bear would watch over Cole. I am a terrible momma and have broken my little boy's heart. It is a terrible thing, but all in all it is for the best. I just hope and pray that my little one will forgive me for making this decision.
To top it all off, the guy who bred Bear has unfriended us and refuses to speak to us because I had this done. I guess I should have offered the dog to him and let him deal with the mess....ugh. I hate making decisions.
cliff notes....dog, diarrhea, in house, sick, put down, boy devestated, friend won't talk to us, I suck at being a mom.....