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Harris County Toll Road Authority Nazi's

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  • Harris County Toll Road Authority Nazi's

    So today I get a bill from the Harris County Toll Road Authority in Houston. They say that a popup trailer I used to own "drove" on the tollway that is toll tag only on 11/24, so I owe $10.50 in tolls plus a $33.00 fine. I called and explained to them I sold the trailer in 2011 (to Badass88GT on this board by the way), and by the way how does a trailer access a tollway. All I get it smart ass answers that whatever they took a picture of is who the toll goes to.

    Anyone dealt with these people (who seem even worse than the North Texas ones?) . I even offered to pay the poll, but not the fines, but there answer is no, I can't prove I wasn't driving .

    Any advice would be appreciated.

  • #2
    Inform them that you sold it and to note that in their records, then pay the fine and move on. At least thats how I have done the NTTA.


    • #3
      Ask them for a picture of the front license plate.


      • #4
        They suck hardcore. My toll tag didn't register there, and they wanted a few hundred bucks from me because of it. I had an attorney friend and a nasty letter, and never heard back from them. They wouldn't budge a bit for me.
        "If I asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses." - Henry Ford


        • #5
          Harris County Toll Road Authority Nazi's

          Pm badass88gt and tell him to quit being a stump fucker


          • #6
            Send in the form when you sell a "vehicle".


            • #7
              I always remove plates (even before they told you to) and record the change on the DMV website for cars, but I never dreamed they would say a trailer was accessing the tollway. The trailer plates had not been registered since 2008 by the way.


              • #8
                always... Always keep your plates when you sell anything that has a registration with the state.

                Similar experience when I sold my Mom's car.... buyer hopped up on the toll way and until
                I got the license plate info recorded as sold, I was responsible for the bills.

                Miraculously, in my case, the buyer stood up tall and paid for the tolls.


