We are closed next thursday and friday. People will trickle out mid afternoon weds as they get their work down.
For Christmas we are only closed christmas day and the same for new years day. Christmas eve we will probably start letting people go around 1-2pm. New years eve we will be here until our usual 5:30.
We are fairly flexible for people taking off around the holidays and the christmas week is a skeleton crew. I live at this place so I will be the last to leave along with the owner and a few other folks for most of the early days I listed above.
We are just too busy to close most of the week on christmas and our clients are generally construction based so they don't close either.
Thurs and Friday for thanksgiving, then i'll take Mon Tue Weds off the following week bc my dad will be in town working on the house with me. Then the week of xmas thru new years we're off, starting back on the 2 or 3 of Jan.
I'm off Thanksgiving day (not black Friday), and Christmas Day. Department policy states that we can' take vacation time during the last two weeks of a quarter.
if you're scheduling for employees, baller move is to give them Monday off also, so that if they're traveling, they can drive home on Monday vs. sitting in traffic on Sunday with the rest of the world