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Going to war with solicitors that can't follow directions

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  • Going to war with solicitors that can't follow directions

    So after a year of calls and emails and complaints it would seem I've finally got the piece of shit Arlington Citizen Journal to stop throwing it's refuse of a paper on my lawn after threatening them with Saul Garza. A few months ago some dipshit cunt from Mary Kay descided that rubber banding a rock around her flier and throwing it in my yard next to my mailbox was a great way to entice new customers. She got signed up for a moving quote or three. I've got a variation of this sign with almost the exact wording prominently on my front glass screen door(mine includes religious ideals):

    Yet it still gets constantly ignored with fliers and business cards. I'm thinking of creating a Yelp account to call out these shit eating fudge packers that can't follow simple fucking instructions. Today I had one taped to the damn door right next to the sign. Do you really think I'm going to call you when you can't follow the simplest fucking instructions? Is giving a one star review prominently on the internet the last refuge of those of us that are sick and tired of be advertised to every waking day of our lives and would at least like our house to be safe from it? Fuck these shitheads.

  • #2
    Burn their building down.


    • #3
      get your lazy ass to work and you wont be home all day to be bothered!

      god bless.
      It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men -Frederick Douglass


      • #4
        Tali, you give these people the benefit of the doubt. How do you know they can read?


        • #5
          Must be an Arlington thing, I've had a similar sign up for years, never have any more fliers on my doorstep or knocks on the door.

          It was funny one evening, the door was open so the sign could not be easily seen. Some kids were selling school candy, he knocked, then saw the sign and when I opened the door, he apologized right away! I told him it was cool, and we bought some M&M's from him.


          • #6
            Originally posted by ELVIS View Post
            get your lazy ass to work and you wont be home all day to be bothered!

            god bless.

            You want to be on my "List" Paul? Do you?


            • #7
              When they throw that shit on my lawn/driveway, I kick it out onto the street. Off my property, not my fucking problem any more.
              I think his point is that the fish got low balled, fucked in the catfish asshole and you paid half price. The worst part was the fish explaining to his fish friends why his asshole smelled like redneck


              • #8
                Originally posted by Blame Canada View Post
                When they throw that shit on my lawn/driveway, I kick it out onto the street. Off my property, not my fucking problem any more.

                I don't want my neighbors to have to look at trash in the street, it isn't their fault.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by talisman View Post
                  I don't want my neighbors to have to look at trash in the street, it isn't their fault.
                  I end up picking it up and throwing it in the trash can. I'm just trying to look like a badass behind my keyboard.
                  I think his point is that the fish got low balled, fucked in the catfish asshole and you paid half price. The worst part was the fish explaining to his fish friends why his asshole smelled like redneck


                  • #10
                    BB gun + ass of solicitor = problem solved.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Blame Canada View Post
                      I end up picking it up and throwing it in the trash can. I'm just trying to look like a badass behind my keyboard.
                      haha! i truly lol'd.

                      god bless.
                      It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men -Frederick Douglass


                      • #12
                        I need a sign that says solicitors willbbe shot at.

                        I recondition headlights on most cars for $50.00. If interested shoot me a pm.


                        • #13
                          What really amuses me is that you think a even ONE of the people handing out the flyers can read english

                          post it in spanish and you would have better luck.
                          2016 250 Mini dozer

                          No matter how fast light travels it finds the darkness has always got there first, and is waiting for it.


                          • #14


                            • #15
                              Just use chalk and draw the outline of a body on the ground close to the door. Glue down some solicitation pamphlets where the guy's hands would be. Then make a sign on a stick and place next to it that says, "NEXT!"

