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190mph bike chase and who was it?

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  • #16
    Dropping teeth on front makes anybody feel good about themselves if using a stock speedometer. Lol at police car going 170 to keep up.
    pinto gt with wood trim


    • #17
      Originally posted by quikag View Post
      But....once a helicopter is involved in the chase, where do you go? DFW airport for airspace restrictions? Downtown to a bunch of high-rise buildings and ditch the car/bike in a parking garage? etc?
      Not speaking from personal experience of course but covered parking in a busy apartment complex works. As long as the news isn't following you with a long range lens that gets a plate shot and good description of the vehicle that is.


      • #18
        I just heard about this and my first thought was how do you not get away I you are doing 189mph. I have a friend . That didn't have any trouble finding his way out of a situation like this not even going that fast

        At 189mph you are making some major distance between you and the guy following you
        1969 GTO Judge Clone 6.0 liter LQ4 Turbo 4L60e on LS1tech

        1960 Chevy Sedan Delivery LS swap


        • #19
          Originally posted by Sean88gt View Post
          I thought the various police involved had no chase policies? How many people were put in danger by the chase?
          I know it was somewhat already covered, State Troopers don't have no chase policies and I don't even think Dallas County Sheriffs do either, although I may be wrong on that. I know Dallas Police do and maybe Fort Worth? Also another thing to consider, DART police, hospital police, school ect can all still stop people basically anywhere in Dallas and some of those also might have no chase policies. This guy obviously thought everyone had no chase policies since he commented about it to the news/trooper.


          • #20
            A local guy got away from a helichoppa on his gixxer 600. The only reason he got away, though, was due to him stopping in a tunnel while the rest of the pack (10-15 others, lol) kept on going.
            Originally posted by Buzzo
            Some dudes jump out of airplanes, I fuck hookers without condoms.



            • #21
              His family members reply...."they should find him a job racing motorcycles. He would win".


              • #22
                Originally posted by 1carcrazyguy View Post
                His family members reply...."they should find him a job racing motorcycles. He would win".
                Yea I heard that lol. Yea, he would win because he drove fast on a highway.... We could all win!


                • #23
                  Originally posted by jakesford View Post
                  Why would you keep going on the freeway? Run it out, get a big lead, exit and hide out on side streets...
                  Head to the airport and find a parking garage, no fly zone for he bird


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by lo3oz View Post
                    On a 1k 190 INDICATED is not unheard of, but in all actuality was probably 160-170

                    my 600rr indicated almost 167 when pegged, but that bike is only capable of 155 or so
                    Yea when radar got me at 189mph my speedo was pegged at 200, factory speedos are pretty liberal


                    • #25
                      I remember the good old days when 145 was enough on LBJ. They didn't send a helicopter, though.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Vertnut View Post
                        I remember the good old days when 145 was enough on LBJ. They didn't send a helicopter, though.
                        145 is still moving. What does happen though is once you have been that fast on a sport bike it doesn't feel near as fast in a car


                        • #27
                          Speeding ticket or felony evading ? Yeah, he made the right choice... I'll give him credit though for not crashing. Most of these idiots splatter themselves for all to see...


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by SMKR View Post
                            145 is still moving. What does happen though is once you have been that fast on a sport bike it doesn't feel near as fast in a car
                            That's been over 30 years ago, and it was damn fast for back then for a hot-rodded CBX.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by dcs13 View Post
                              Speeding ticket or felony evading ? Yeah, he made the right choice... I'll give him credit though for not crashing. Most of these idiots splatter themselves for all to see...
                              He thought there was a law that police can't chase him lol.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by dcs13 View Post
                                Speeding ticket or felony evading ? Yeah, he made the right choice... I'll give him credit though for not crashing. Most of these idiots splatter themselves for all to see...
                                Anyone remember that sport bike rider than ran a year or two ago that had his gf on the back and he was taking the flyover on the high five, had a tank slapper on top and she went over the barrier. That still gives me chills thinking about it.

