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Fast lane slugs beware

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  • #31
    only had 1 cop ever try to enforce it, it was against me lol middle of the night highway to myself cop pulls up beside me while in the left hand lane. Made sure I was sober and sent me on my way.

    About time, everytime I go anywhere now unless it the dead of night some ahole with a lifted truck doing 60 on the left lane. Just because you can't see us doesn't mean a line of cars is not behind you.


    • #32
      It would be nice if they enforced this law instead of sitting around camping for speeders.
      Originally posted by MR EDD
      U defend him who use's racial slurs like hes drinking water.


      • #33
        They can't get speeders, if they got slow asses is the fast lane. We teach the slow people to get off the left lane so we can get the big fish.


        • #34
          Originally posted by bcoop View Post
          Texans have their self important heads too far up their self important asses to even notice someone is behind them. And when you politely honk or flash your lights to make them aware, they flip you off, slam on the brakes, pull up next to an 18 wheeler and slow down to 55 so you have nowhere to go, etc.
          That's what the median is for. The rocks and cans and gravel and crap you'll kick up and spray onto the asshole's car when you go by is just a bonus


          • #35
            Hopefully we'll see far more of this (or worse) in the near future... without the faggotry in narration...


            • #36
              Thank you Jesus! I drive 1000+ miles a week all over N. Texas and Oklahoma, so this is one of my biggest annoyances!
              2009 Mercedes C63 AMG


              • #37
                Originally posted by Roscoe View Post
                Hopefully we'll see far more of this (or worse) in the near future... without the faggotry in narration...

                Lol... did not see that coming. Too damn funny


                • #38
                  Driving 82 to Gainesville recently I've noticed this. There's a goddamned sign every mile that states "left lane is for passing only", but I guess people are just ignorant/can't read/don't give a fuck. I've also seen police cruisers doing this, but they're above the law......


                  • #39
                    There's a lot of troof in this thread.

                    I had the cruise set at 82 last night and came up on multiple people doing 15 or more below the limit in the left lane.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by chuckacosta View Post
                      You guys need to drive in El Paso. This fucking city is THE WORST out of anywhere that I have driven for left lane parkers. When I first moved back here 5 years ago I would absolutely blow a fucking fuse. Now I just go around them without even thinking about it. It's become instinct because the problem is so bad!
                      Originally posted by fastwhite99gt View Post
                      This man speaks the truth!!!!! I hate the damn Mexicans here that don't have a clue about Texas Drivers Ed!!! And none of them ever want to speed, I guess they are too afraid of getting stopped and being asked for papers or something!!
                      Much of the junk driven around El Paso and San Antonio and Laredo obviously can't handle going the speed limits.

