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some info/advice maybe

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  • some info/advice maybe

    Long story short,Im in process of selling my house im not living in. Neighbor ask me to cut a tree that hes been bitching about for years. Well,that was shading my house and i was fine with it. He asked again the other day when moving shed and i didnt want it messed with since it fits the landscape. I made mistake of saying he could cut a small one that was gonna grow over his driveway. Well the idiot took it upon himself to cut a ring all the way around the trunk to kill it. I had told him absolutely not and it still got fucked with. Now im stuck with a tree still standing that has a ring around it and im needing to put on the market ASAP. The tree is totally in my yard and he was not to touch it. Im sure thats illegal but what can i really do about it? He did admit he did it.

    BTW this is only one of many issues my white trash neighbors. From stealing from my house/storage shed,kid painting my fence(with my own spray paint!),dumping oil on fence and son that has hit my truck no less than 3 times in a year. I need something to maybe put theyre dumbasses in check.

  • #2
    Stupid tax. You've had issues with him before, but trusted him anyway?

    Sorry, man. You're SOL.


    • #3
      uhh tax? Never trusted the douches


      • #4
        Go ahead and cut it down. But make sure it falls in his yard, and leave it there.


        • #5
          Originally posted by orphan Shelby View Post
          uhh tax? Never trusted the douches
          You trusted him to only cut a little of the tree, shoulda told him to stay the hell away.

          Sucks that you got screwed, but you asked for it.


          • #6
            Thnx guys...


            • #7
              Anytime I do something of this nature, I write it off as a stupid tax because it usually costs me money.
              I wasn't beating you down. If you were to pursue anything, it will only cost you more in money and stress.

              Sorry, man.


              • #8
                Cut it down but like mentioned make sure it's it's in his yard


                • #9
                  Have you tried hitting him?

                  Originally posted by SSMAN
                  ...Welcome to the land of "Fuck it". No body cares, and if they do, no body cares.


                  • #10
                    All of this has come my mind believe me. Anything I do will prob end up with another windowbroken out til house is sold. I know its illegal and hoping someone here has had some experience like this.


                    • #11
                      Yep, my experience has told me that there are two roads to take; fight fire with fire and spend more money knowing that you'll have the satisfaction of fucking his days to shit OR cut your losses to a minimum and walk away.


                      • #12
                        Burn his house down after you sell. It's the only logical thing to do.


                        • #13
                          I'd follow them to a restaurant and do this:


                          • #14
                            What's his wife look like? Daughters? Ages?


                            • #15
                              Or you can take it upon yourself to return the favor to all of his trees.

