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Injured man pulls the plug. Heart breaking for sure.

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  • Injured man pulls the plug. Heart breaking for sure.

    Might be a repost.....

    Newlywed father-to-be, 32, chooses to go off life support and die ONE DAY after he fell from tree and became paralyzed
    Tim Bowers spent his life outdoors and loved to hunt
    On Saturday he fell 16 feet from a tree stand and three of his vertebrae were crushed
    He was paralyzed from the neck down and dependent on a ventilator
    His brain was not affected
    His family let him make the decision to live or die
    He just got married in August and his wife is pregnant with their baby
    PUBLISHED: 15:02 EST, 5 November 2013 | UPDATED: 17:16 EST, 5 November 2013
    53 shares 720 View
    A newlywed and father-to-be who became paralyzed from the waist down after falling from a tree told his family to switch the life support machine off so he could die - just one day after the accident, it emerged today.

    Tim Bowers, 32, from Indiana loved the outdoors. He fished, camped and helped his father on his northeastern Indiana farm, carving out time for his outdoor passions from a busy life that included a new wife, a baby on the way and a successful auto business.

    But it was in the woods, hunting for deer, where Bowers found time to reflect on his life and faith.

    'It was just a time when he could be alone and think about things,' said his sister, Jenny Shultz, an intensive care nurse.

    That's where the 32-year-old was on Saturday afternoon when those quiet moments turned The longtime hunter fell about 16 feet from an elevated tree stand and suffered a severe spinal injury that Shultz said left him paralyzed from the shoulders down and dependent on a ventilator to breathe.
    His brain wasn't affected.

    Tim with his sister Jenny Schultz who, as an intensive care nurse, meant she understood the severity of her brother's injuries
    Confronted with the devastating prognosis, Bowers' family asked doctors at Fort Wayne's Lutheran Hospital a hard question: Could Bowers be brought out of sedation so he could be told of his condition and decide for himself whether he wanted to live or die? The doctors said yes.
    Tim - who has a step son - previously talked with his wife, Abbey, who he married on August 3, about never wanting to spend his life in a wheelchair, so his family knew which way it was likely to go, though it meant never seeing his unborn child.
    His sister - one of three - has seen this situation happen in her job. But her medical training also meant she understood the severity of her brother's injuries. His C3, C4 and C5 vertebrae were crushed.
    Though his brain was not injured, his body was irreparably broken.
    Surgery could fuse the vertebrae, but that would only allow Bowers to sit up.
    He would never walk or hold his baby. He might live the rest of his life in a rehabilitation hospital, relying on a machine to help him breathe. He'd never return to those outdoor activities that gave him such peace.
    'We just asked him, do you want this? And he shook his head emphatically no,' Jenny Shultz said.
    Shultz said her brother — the youngest of four siblings — wanted to talk but couldn't because the ventilator tube was still in place.

    She told him that if the tube was removed, they weren't sure how long he would live. But when she asked if he wanted the tube reinserted if he was struggling, he shook his head no.
    Doctors asked Bowers the same questions and got the same responses. The tube came out Sunday.
    The last five hours of Tim Bowers' life were spent with family and friends, about 75 of whom gathered in the hospital waiting room. They prayed and sang songs.
    Courts have long upheld the right of patients to refuse life support.
    The American Medical Association says competent adults can craft directives stating they want such systems withdrawn or withheld if they suffer certain injuries or illness that leave them unable to make those decisions.
    But the heart-wrenching decision to remove life support is more often left to surrogates who must speak for those patients.
    Even when a patient has outlined his wishes for end-of-life care, the decision can tear families apart.
    Dr Paul Helft, director of the Charles Warren Fairbanks Center for Medical Ethics in Indianapolis, said cases in which the patient makes the decision usually involve a debilitating illness like Lou Gehrig's disease, a condition that compromises the patient's body but leaves the mind intact.
    Through it all, Shultz said, her brother never wavered in his decision to die.
    'I just remember him saying so many times that he loved us all and that he lived a great life,' she said. 'At one point he was saying, 'I'm ready. I'm ready.''
    She knows that not everyone would make the same call. But she's thankful her brother was able to make his own decision.
    'No outcome was ever going to be the one that we really want, but I felt that he did it on his terms in the end,' she said.
    Medical ethicists say it's rare for patients to decide on the spot to be removed from life support, especially so soon after an injury.
    But standard medical ethics practice is to grant more autonomy to patients, and courts have upheld their rights to decide on end-of-life care.
    Often, patients change their minds after they've had time to meet with spiritual advisers and family, said Art Caplan, director of the medical ethics program at New York University's Langone Medical Center in New York City.
    Dr Paul Helft, director of the Charles Warren Fairbanks Center for Medical Ethics in Indianapolis, said cases in which the patient makes the decision usually involve a debilitating illness like Lou Gehrig's disease, a condition that compromises the patient's body but leaves the mind intact.
    Helft said patients have been legally and ethically permitted to make their own decision on life support for several decades now, due in part to court cases and the evolution of the practice of medicine, which places more emphasis on patients' rights.
    'We give patients autonomy to make all kinds of decisions about themselves,' he said. 'We've recognized that it's important that patients have the right to self-determination.'

  • #2
    Damn that would be a hard decision to make. It would be hard not to at least see your kid once but I also could imagine living in that hell 24hrs a day. Definitely hope I'm never in that position.


    • #3
      Certainly sad. First kiddo on the way and sadly can't start that new life due to an accident that could happen to a lot of people, hunting or not.

      Reminds me to appreciate my health.
      Originally posted by MR EDD
      U defend him who use's racial slurs like hes drinking water.


      • #4
        I heard the story yesterday and just can't seem to get it out of my head. What if.....?????? Figured it might have been posted here already. But after thinking about it today I decided to post the link. Hope it is something nobody is faced with, ever. But you just never know when something can/will happen.


        • #5
          I'm confused. Was he paralyze from the neck down or the waist down?


          • #6
            Sucks for sure. People who hunt with me laugh at all my safety equipment. Only takes a second.


            • #7
              Originally posted by David View Post
              I'm confused. Was he paralyze from the neck down or the waist down?
              Neck, including his lungs, which was the main issue.

              Although I doubt that I would want to live in that that type of situation, I cannot be sure that I would be so fast to confirm it when actually faced with the decision. I cannot imagine what went through his mind between making the decision and "waiting" to pass.


              • #8
                I can't say how I would react in such a terrible situation, but I would like to think I would make the same decision. I have no desire to live off of machines.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by 1carcrazyguy View Post
                  I heard the story yesterday and just can't seem to get it out of my head. What if.....?????? Figured it might have been posted here already. But after thinking about it today I decided to post the link. Hope it is something nobody is faced with, ever. But you just never know when something can/will happen.
                  I'll be honest, I participated in the decision (with about 6 other family members) to remove my grandfather from life support. He had been clear for decades that he would not want to live in a vegetative state, so really it was more of an affirmation of his wishes than anything, but I still second guessed the decision for several years after.


                  • #10
                    I think I'd take a little more time to come to that decision, personally.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by jluv View Post
                      I think I'd take a little more time to come to that decision, personally.
                      This. Plus I know there is no way I could do that knowing I would never see my child. It really seems like a selfish decision with the kid involved; that kid would not care if daddy was paralyzed or not. Christopher Reeve seemed to live a pretty fulfilling life after his accident.
                      I don't like Republicans, but I really FUCKING hate Democrats.

                      Sex with an Asian woman is great, but 30 minutes later you're horny again.


                      • #12
                        not being able to breathe on your own would be very difficult. The guy did what was best for him. Rip


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by LANTIRN View Post
                          This. Plus I know there is no way I could do that knowing I would never see my child. It really seems like a selfish decision with the kid involved; that kid would not care if daddy was paralyzed or not. Christopher Reeve seemed to live a pretty fulfilling life after his accident.
                          I gave this some thought too. The kid would not remember him if he then went after seeing the kid for a little bit. Also, I think it would make the decision that much harder.

                          The reality is, him staying alive would be a lot more stress on the family over the long run. All-in-all, although a quick decision I *think* it was the right decision for his family. They can mourn, get affairs squared away and drive on the best they can. I'd hate to be remembered on life support, wasting away and having family there all the time and I can not even really talk to them very much/well.

                          I'm not arguing - because really it's hard to be sure. Just from the armchair it did not seem like a bad plan. To me the biggest "if" is seeing his kid just 1 time - but I'm not sure if that would've made anything better - probably worst.
                          Originally posted by MR EDD
                          U defend him who use's racial slurs like hes drinking water.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by ceyko View Post
                            I gave this some thought too. The kid would not remember him if he then went after seeing the kid for a little bit. Also, I think it would make the decision that much harder.

                            The reality is, him staying alive would be a lot more stress on the family over the long run. All-in-all, although a quick decision I *think* it was the right decision for his family. They can mourn, get affairs squared away and drive on the best they can. I'd hate to be remembered on life support, wasting away and having family there all the time and I can not even really talk to them very much/well.

                            I'm not arguing - because really it's hard to be sure. Just from the armchair it did not seem like a bad plan. To me the biggest "if" is seeing his kid just 1 time - but I'm not sure if that would've made anything better - probably worst.
                            Well it is his life and his decision, I completely agree with that and that he had to do what hs felt best. But damn that sounded rushed; I can't imagine not thinking about that long and hard, like several months/years long. To each their own, though.
                            I don't like Republicans, but I really FUCKING hate Democrats.

                            Sex with an Asian woman is great, but 30 minutes later you're horny again.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by LANTIRN View Post
                              This. Plus I know there is no way I could do that knowing I would never see my child. It really seems like a selfish decision with the kid involved; that kid would not care if daddy was paralyzed or not. Christopher Reeve seemed to live a pretty fulfilling life after his accident.
                              I don't think it is wise to judge someones decisions based on the experience of another. Christopher Reeve happened to be a multi millionaire on top of everything else. Also, there was some hope he could recover to a certain extent. Not sure if that was the case here. IMO this is one of those things you just shouldn't judge people on. You have no idea what they are going through. We might like to say we would act differently but you never really do know until you're in that spot.

