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Woman tased by FHP Trooper Daniel Cole, may not live much longer

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  • #16
    Taser is not deadly/lethal force. Yes people have died from its use, but they are typically on drugs or in the middle of an episode of excited delirium - neither of which can be immediately diagnosed by the officer on the scene and neither is 100% predictable as a likely cause of death if tased.

    Sounds like hit her head when she fell, resulting in a brain injury. Could she have just as easily hit her head if the 200# lb officer gave chase on foot and tackled the 94# suspect? Yep.

    Its a shame, but I fail to see a 1:1 cause and effect relationship between being tased and dying of a head injury.

    However, getting herself arrested was a direct result of her behavior. Getting tased after deciding to flee on foot is also a direct result of her own behavior.

    As stated previously, play stupid games...

    I'm not ignoring the past incidents. Just going by what the department and (presumably) the courts decided - here in Texas after a fatal shooting, the case is referred to a grand jury to allow the GJ to decide if there is evidence to justify a criminal case being filed on the officer.


    • #17
      A taser is designed to cause your body to seize up, rendering you incapable of fighting back or, well doing anything. If you tase someone at a run, you know you are actively causing their body to lock up, preventing them from bracing for the coming impact with the concrete. Or put in another way, if I tase someone and this happens, I'm going to jail.
      I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


      • #18
        Originally posted by Forever_frost View Post
        A taser is designed to cause your body to seize up, rendering you incapable of fighting back or, well doing anything. If you tase someone at a run, you know you are actively causing their body to lock up, preventing them from bracing for the coming impact with the concrete. Or put in another way, if I tase someone and this happens, I'm going to jail.
        if only you knew what you were talking about...


        • #19
          Originally posted by Unicorn Jeff View Post
          Play stupid games win stupid prizes. You're handcuffed and decide to run? AND you're fucking 19? No sympathy here. Tazers arnt 100% safe either.
          x2. It's her own fault she was tazed
          Street car.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Forever_frost View Post
            A taser is designed to cause your body to seize up, rendering you incapable of fighting back or, well doing anything. If you tase someone at a run, you know you are actively causing their body to lock up, preventing them from bracing for the coming impact with the concrete. Or put in another way, if I tase someone and this happens, I'm going to jail.
            Frost, you're a smart guy. I know you've got your issues, and I truly wish it wasn't that way.

            But damn if you're not the single most sanctimonious bastard I've ever met.

            Tell ya what, Take half the time you waste trolling the interwebs to find content that supports your paranoid fantasies and feeds your personal neurosis. Spend that time and invent a tool for the evil police that is 100% effective in every situation, causes no damage, pain or harm whatsoever to anything or anybody.

            If you successful, I'll kiss your ass on the courthouse steps at high noon on a Monday.


            • #21
              Don't fucking run from police when you're in custody. Dumb ass.

              She says, "My daughter is going to die because of Officer Cole."
              No, you're daughter is going to die because she tried to run from police. It's a terrible accident, but don't try to ruin someone else's life because of the poor choices of your daughter. I hope the grand jury no bills this officer. It seems to me like he may need to be looked in to, but in this instance, it needs to be made an example that you are responsible for your actions.
              Last edited by CJ; 11-08-2013, 10:35 AM.
              "When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic." -Benjamin Franklin
              "A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury." -Alexander Fraser Tytler

