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Run stop sign, get free enema!

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  • #61
    K9's have got to be the biggest scam ever. No dog is as good as cops make them out to be. I have hunted behind some world class scent hounds, and they get things wrong all the time.


    • #62
      It seems like Leo, the LEO, just likes sniffing farts.

      Edit: To add, the department and all involved are fucked even more now than they were before.
      Last edited by racrguy; 11-06-2013, 01:25 PM.


      • #63


        • #64
          We need Beetlejuice to tell us how we are all wrong, and they did nothing wrong. This story reads like one of his wild hypothetical situations he makes up to prove his point, except for that this one is pro citizen.
          Originally posted by BradM
          But, just like condoms and women's rights, I don't believe in them.
          Originally posted by Leah
          In other news: Brent's meat melts in your mouth.


          • #65
            Originally posted by bcoop View Post
            We need Beetlejuice to tell us how we are all wrong, and they did nothing wrong. This story reads like one of his wild hypothetical situations he makes up to prove his point, except for that this one is pro citizen.

            Just say his name three times


            • #66
              Originally posted by CJ-95GT View Post
              Lmao at all the tricks willing to get butt molested for money. Also, I'm sure there is more to this story. The perp is probably doing the Sheriff's daughter and he doesn't like it.
              You wouldn't be Bill Gates' personal ass-slave for 14 hours for millions of dollars?

              Originally posted by SSMAN
              ...Welcome to the land of "Fuck it". No body cares, and if they do, no body cares.


              • #67
                Originally posted by VaderTT View Post
                "I'm running every stop sign on the way home!"

                you would do it for fun!


                • #68
                  Wow...There has to be more information than what is shown in the article. There is no way a judge signs off on a warrant because he was "clinching" his cheeks. NO WAY! If so, he shouldn't be a judge.

                  With that said, all the PC in the world would not make me go to those lengths to retrieve some dope. I'll gladly say this is way outside the realm of reasonableness.

                  The only instance I could see this being remotely justified is if the doctors, notice I didn't say the police, thought the guys life was in danger.

                  I would think a CT or MRI would reveal anything in his lower bowels and would suffice any "reasonable" attempt to retrieve the narcotics.

                  Bottom line, all involved parties are f'ed in the a Cotton!
                  2007 Chevy TBSS


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by snacksnack View Post
                    I wouldn't be able to quite smiling as I protested the searches just thinking about all that money I would shortly obtain!
                    Exactly!! I'll take this like a champ, a horrible lawyer could clear him a million after fees.


                    • #70
                      I was discussing this today with the wife. I came to the decision that I wouldn't care what kind of cash I got or the percentage the lawyer charged me as long as the cops involved were homeless, walking, without a job as were every doctor that touched me. Of course I'd go for the hospital and police departments as well as a reminder that they should remember their place and people have rights given by our creator but the main focus? The cops and doctors but mainly the cops themselves.

                      I'd be happy knowing they were homeless and if it caused them to get a divorce, so much the better.
                      I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


                      • #71
                        Originally posted by Forever_frost View Post
                        I was discussing this today with the wife. I came to the decision that I wouldn't care what kind of cash I got or the percentage the lawyer charged me as long as the cops involved were homeless, walking, without a job as were every doctor that touched me. Of course I'd go for the hospital and police departments as well as a reminder that they should remember their place and people have rights given by our creator but the main focus? The cops and doctors but mainly the cops themselves.

                        I'd be happy knowing they were homeless and if it caused them to get a divorce, so much the better.

                        You take your butthole pretty seriously dude.


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by talisman View Post
                          You take your butthole pretty seriously dude.
                          Only if you don't buy me dinner first.
                          I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


                          • #73

                            Some new info a little much to copy/paste - but long story short - apparently the victim (IMO) had a history of shoving drugs in his butt.

                            Still does not excuse the repeated searches...etc...etc. Now we're making a criminal rich.
                            Originally posted by MR EDD
                            U defend him who use's racial slurs like hes drinking water.


                            • #74
                              Take it in the ass for 1.6 mill? Sure why not


                              David Eckert, who was given three enemas as part of a humiliating search after a routine traffic stop last year, has received a $1.6 million settlement from a county and city in New Mexico.

                              Lawyers from the city of Deming and Hidalgo County agreed to the settlement earlier this week.

                              "It was medically unethical and unconstitutional," his lawyer, Shannon Kennedy, told the Associated Press. "He feels relieved that this part is over and believes this litigation might make sure this doesn't happen to anyone else."

                              Eckert was pulled over for failing to yield at a stop sign last January. When Eckert appeared to be "clutching his buttocks," police called in a K-9 to the scene, despite the fact that the dog's license expired in 2011.

                              The dog indicated there were drugs in the car and police obtained a warrant for an anal cavity search, despite finding no other evidence of drugs in the car.

                              The following exams were then performed on Eckert at Gila Regional Medical Center, where Eckert was taken after a first hospital refused to examine him on the grounds that such a search was "unethical."

                              1. Eckert's abdominal area was x-rayed; no narcotics were found.

                              2. Doctors then performed an exam of Eckert's anus with their fingers; no narcotics were found.

                              3. Doctors performed a second exam of Eckert's anus with their fingers; no narcotics were found.

                              4. Doctors penetrated Eckert's anus to insert an enema. Eckert was forced to defecate in front of doctors and police officers. Eckert watched as doctors searched his stool. No narcotics were found.

                              5. Doctors penetrated Eckert's anus to insert an enema a second time. Eckert was forced to defecate in front of doctors and police officers. Eckert watched as doctors searched his stool. No narcotics were found.

                              6. Doctors penetrated Eckert's anus to insert an enema a third time. Eckert was forced to defecate in front of doctors and police officers. Eckert watched as doctors searched his stool. No narcotics were found.

                              7. Doctors then x-rayed Eckert again; no narcotics were found.

                              8. Doctors prepared Eckert for surgery, sedated him, and then performed a colonoscopy where a scope with a camera was inserted into Eckert's anus, rectum, colon, and large intestines. No narcotics were found.

                              Eckert's suit also named Gila Medical Center and the doctors who performed the search there; that portion of the case is still ongoing.
                              Can't beat them, Join their NEW message board !!


                              • #75
                                1.6mm and the potential for more from the med center and docs...

                                Are settlements like this tax free?

