Originally posted by Lason
I can't remeber all the people that initially migrated from the Corral:
Jose, Chris, AL P, Christian, GC2, Duff, Forrest, Tphan, Casper, bsharer, Juiced98LX, Matt/Silverback/Doublefisted Dragon (or whatever he goes by now, lol), AdamLX, Denny... shit, who else?
Point is, there's not many of that list left, but look at what it has turned into. Jose's got a legacy here. We moved partially (mostly) because of the bullshit of him losing the site.
We're here, bro... waiting for YOU!
Wanna just go back to the old email list? LOL @ 200 new messages a day!!!
Hell, I'm still on Bryan's blowthru email list and I get some sweet deals on viagra.